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E| E||E| initialize|E|singleton class||=E|whereamiE|*Show code surrounding the current context.E|ContextE| Usage: whereami [-qn] [LINES] Describe the current location. If you use `binding.pry` inside a method then whereami will print out the source for that method. If a number is passed, then LINES lines before and after the current line will be shown instead of the method itself. The `-q` flag can be used to suppress error messages in the case that there's no code to show. This is used by pry in the default before_session hook to show you when you arrive at a `binding.pry`. The `-n` flag can be used to hide line numbers so that code can be copy/pasted effectively. When pry was started on an Object and there is no associated method, whereami will instead output a brief description of the current object. |E|setupE|__FILE__E|__LINE__|E|options||E|*Don't display anything in case of an error||E|Do not display line numbers||E|0Show the complete source for the current method.||E|9Show the complete source for the current class or module.||E|.Show the complete source for the current file.|%E|code|mE|Cannot find method code.E|Cannot find class code.|*E|code?E|rescue in code?|-E|bad_option_combination?||0E|locationE| @ line E| |4E|processE|4Only one of -m, -c, -f, and LINES may be specified.E| E|From:E|: |:E|nothing_to_do?|<E|use_line_numbers?|>E|marker|@E| top_level?|BE|handle_internal_bindingE|At the top level.E|Inside E|.|GE| small_method?|IE| default_code|KE| code_window|ME| method_code|OE| target_class|QE| class_code|E|block in class_code|UE| valid_method?|WE| expand_path|YE| window_sizeE|@|E|PryE|CommandE| ClassCommandE|WhereamiE| @method_codeE|singletonclassE| attr_accessorE|@method_size_cutoffE|@fileE|@lineE|MethodE|@methodE|targetE|evalE| from_bindingE|optE|onE|@codeE| CommandErrorE|CodeE|optsE|present?E|raiseE| from_fileE|argsE|any?E| MethodSourceE|SourceNotFoundErrorE|#$!E|!E|countE|>E|name_with_ownerE|outE|internal_binding?E|set_file_and_dir_localsE|boldE|with_line_numbersE| with_markerE| highlightedE|<