module OpenAssets module Transaction class TransactionBuilder include OpenAssets::Util # The minimum allowed output value. attr_accessor :amount # The estimated transaction fee rate (satoshis/KB). attr_accessor :efr def initialize(amount = 600, efr = 10000) @amount = amount @efr = efr end # Creates a transaction for issuing an asset. # @param [TransferParameters] issue_spec The parameters of the issuance. # @param [bytes] metadata The metadata to be embedded in the transaction. # @param [Integer] fees The fees to include in the transaction. # @return[Bitcoin:Protocol:Tx] An unsigned transaction for issuing asset. def issue_asset(issue_spec, metadata, fees) if fees == :auto # Calculate fees (assume that one vin and four vouts are wrote) fees = calc_fee(1, 4) end inputs, total_amount = TransactionBuilder.collect_uncolored_outputs(issue_spec.unspent_outputs, 2 * @amount + fees) tx = inputs.each { |spendable| script_sig = spendable.output.script.to_binary tx_in = Bitcoin::Protocol::TxIn.from_hex_hash(spendable.out_point.hash, spendable.out_point.index) tx_in.script_sig = script_sig tx.add_in(tx_in) } issue_address = oa_address_to_address(issue_spec.to_script) from_address = oa_address_to_address(issue_spec.change_script) validate_address([issue_address, from_address]) asset_quantities =[] issue_spec.split_output_amount.each{|amount| asset_quantities << amount tx.add_out(create_colored_output(issue_address)) } tx.add_out(create_marker_output(asset_quantities, metadata)) tx.add_out(create_uncolored_output(from_address, total_amount - @amount - fees)) tx end # Creates a transaction for sending an asset. # @param[String] asset_id The ID of the asset being sent. # @param[OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters] asset_transfer_spec The parameters of the asset being transferred. # @param[String] btc_change_script The script where to send bitcoin change, if any. # @param[Integer] fees The fees to include in the transaction. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting unsigned transaction. def transfer_asset(asset_id, asset_transfer_spec, btc_change_script, fees) btc_transfer_spec = asset_transfer_spec.unspent_outputs, nil, oa_address_to_address(btc_change_script), 0) transfer([[asset_id, asset_transfer_spec]], [btc_transfer_spec], fees) end # Creates a transaction for sending assets to many. # @param[Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters]] asset_transfer_spec The parameters of the asset being transferred. # @param[String] btc_change_script The script where to send bitcoin change, if any. # @param[Integer] fees The fees to include in the transaction. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting unsigned transaction. def transfer_assets(transfer_specs, btc_change_script, fees) btc_transfer_spec = transfer_specs[0][1].unspent_outputs, nil, oa_address_to_address(btc_change_script), 0) transfer(transfer_specs, [btc_transfer_spec], fees) end # Creates a transaction for sending bitcoins. # @param[OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters] btc_transfer_spec The parameters of the bitcoins being transferred. # @param[Integer] fees The fees to include in the transaction. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting unsigned transaction. def transfer_btc(btc_transfer_spec, fees) transfer_btcs([btc_transfer_spec], fees) end # Creates a transaction for sending bitcoins to many. # @param[Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters]] btc_transfer_specs The parameters of the bitcoins being transferred. # @param[Integer] fees The fees to include in the transaction. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting unsigned transaction. def transfer_btcs(btc_transfer_specs, fees) transfer([], btc_transfer_specs, fees) end # Create a transaction for burn asset def burn_asset(unspents, asset_id, fee) tx = targets ={|o|o.output.asset_id == asset_id} if fee == :auto # Calculate fees and otsuri (assume that one vout exists) fee = calc_fee(targets.size, 1) end raise'There is no asset.') if targets.length == 0 total_amount = targets.inject(0){|sum, o|o.output.value + sum} otsuri = total_amount - fee if otsuri < @amount uncolored_outputs, uncolored_amount = TransactionBuilder.collect_uncolored_outputs(unspents, @amount - otsuri) targets = targets + uncolored_outputs otsuri += uncolored_amount end targets.each{|o| script_sig = o.output.script.to_binary tx_in = Bitcoin::Protocol::TxIn.from_hex_hash(o.out_point.hash, o.out_point.index) tx_in.script_sig = script_sig tx.add_in(tx_in) } tx.add_out(create_uncolored_output(targets[0].output.address, otsuri)) tx end # collect uncolored outputs in unspent outputs(contains colored output). # @param [Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::SpendableOutput]] unspent_outputs The Array of available outputs. # @param [Integer] amount The amount to collect. # @return [Array] inputs, total_amount def self.collect_uncolored_outputs(unspent_outputs, amount) total_amount = 0 results = [] unspent_outputs.each do |output| if output.output.asset_id.nil? results << output total_amount += output.output.value end return results, total_amount if total_amount >= amount end raise InsufficientFundsError end # Returns a list of colored outputs for the specified quantity. # @param[Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::SpendableOutput]] unspent_outputs # @param[String] asset_id The ID of the asset to collect. # @param[Integer] asset_quantity The asset quantity to collect. # @return[Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::SpendableOutput], int] A list of outputs, and the total asset quantity collected. def self.collect_colored_outputs(unspent_outputs, asset_id, asset_quantity) total_amount = 0 result = [] unspent_outputs.each do |output| if output.output.asset_id == asset_id result << output total_amount += output.output.asset_quantity end return result, total_amount if total_amount >= asset_quantity end raise InsufficientAssetQuantityError end private # create colored output. # @param [String] address The Bitcoin address. # @return [Bitcoin::Protocol::TxOut] colored output def create_colored_output(address), end # create marker output. # @param [Array] asset_quantities asset_quantity array. # @param [String] metadata # @return [Bitcoin::Protocol::TxOut] the marker output. def create_marker_output(asset_quantities, metadata = '') script =, metadata).build_script, script.to_payload) end # create an uncolored output. # @param [String] address: The Bitcoin address. # @param [Integer] value: The satoshi value of the output. # @return [Bitcoin::Protocol::TxOut] an uncolored output. def create_uncolored_output(address, value) raise DustOutputError if value < @amount, end # create a transaction # @param[Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters]] asset_transfer_specs The parameters of the assets being transferred. # @param[Array[OpenAssets::Transaction::TransferParameters]] btc_transfer_specs The parameters of the bitcoins being transferred. # @param[Integer] fees The fees to include in the transaction. # @return[Bitcoin::Protocol:Tx] The resulting unsigned transaction. def transfer(asset_transfer_specs, btc_transfer_specs, fees) inputs = [] # vin field outputs = [] # vout field asset_quantities = [] # Only when assets are transferred asset_based_specs = {} asset_transfer_specs.each{|asset_id, transfer_spec| asset_based_specs[asset_id] = [] unless asset_based_specs.has_key?(asset_id) asset_based_specs[asset_id] << transfer_spec } asset_based_specs.each{|asset_id, transfer_specs| transfer_amount = transfer_specs.inject(0){|sum, s| sum + s.amount} colored_outputs, total_amount = TransactionBuilder.collect_colored_outputs(transfer_specs[0].unspent_outputs, asset_id, transfer_amount) inputs = inputs + colored_outputs transfer_specs.each{|spec| # add asset transfer output spec.split_output_amount.each {|amount| outputs << create_colored_output(oa_address_to_address(spec.to_script)) asset_quantities << amount } } # add the rest of the asset to the origin address if total_amount > transfer_amount outputs << create_colored_output(oa_address_to_address(transfer_specs[0].change_script)) asset_quantities << (total_amount - transfer_amount) end } # End of asset settings ## For bitcoins transfer # Assume that there is one address from utxo = btc_transfer_specs[0].unspent_outputs.dup # Calculate rest of bitcoins in asset settings # btc_excess = inputs(colored) total satoshi - outputs(transfer) total satoshi btc_excess = inputs.inject(0) { |sum, i| sum + i.output.value } - outputs.inject(0){|sum, o| sum + o.value} # Calculate total amount of bitcoins to send btc_transfer_total_amount = btc_transfer_specs.inject(0) {|sum, b| sum + b.amount} if fees == :auto fixed_fees = 0 else fixed_fees = fees end if btc_excess < btc_transfer_total_amount + fixed_fees # When there does not exist enough bitcoins to send in the inputs # assign new address (utxo) to the inputs (does not include output coins) # CREATING INPUT (if needed) uncolored_outputs, uncolored_amount = TransactionBuilder.collect_uncolored_outputs(utxo, btc_transfer_total_amount + fixed_fees - btc_excess) utxo = utxo - uncolored_outputs inputs << uncolored_outputs btc_excess += uncolored_amount end if fees == :auto # Calculate fees and otsuri (the numbers of vins and vouts are known) # +1 in the second term means "otsuri" vout, # and outputs size means the number of vout witn asset_id fees = calc_fee(inputs.size, outputs.size + btc_transfer_specs.size + 1) end otsuri = btc_excess - btc_transfer_total_amount - fees if otsuri > 0 && otsuri < @amount # When there exists otsuri, but it is smaller than @amount (default is 600 satoshis) # assign new address (utxo) to the input (does not include @amount - otsuri) # CREATING INPUT (if needed) uncolored_outputs, uncolored_amount = TransactionBuilder.collect_uncolored_outputs(utxo, @amount - otsuri) inputs << uncolored_outputs otsuri += uncolored_amount end if otsuri > 0 # When there exists otsuri, write it to outputs # CREATING OUTPUT outputs << create_uncolored_output(btc_transfer_specs[0].change_script, otsuri) end btc_transfer_specs.each{|btc_transfer_spec| if btc_transfer_spec.amount > 0 # Write output for bitcoin transfer by specifics of the argument # CREATING OUTPUT btc_transfer_spec.split_output_amount.each {|amount| outputs << create_uncolored_output(btc_transfer_spec.to_script, amount) } end } # add marker output to outputs first. unless asset_quantities.empty? outputs.unshift(create_marker_output(asset_quantities)) end # create a bitcoin transaction (assembling inputs and output into one transaction) tx = # for all inputs (vin fields), add sigs to the same transaction inputs.flatten.each{|i| script_sig = i.output.script.to_binary tx_in = Bitcoin::Protocol::TxIn.from_hex_hash(i.out_point.hash, i.out_point.index) tx_in.script_sig = script_sig tx.add_in(tx_in) } outputs.each{|o|tx.add_out(o)} tx end # Calculate a transaction fee # @param [Integer] inputs_num: The number of vin fields. # @param [Integer] outputs_num: The number of vout fields. # @return [Integer] A transaction fee. def calc_fee(inputs_num, outputs_num) # See tx_size = 148 * inputs_num + 34 * outputs_num + 10 # See Bitcoin::tx.calculate_minimum_fee fee = (1 + tx_size / 1_000) * @efr fee end end end end