module MRuby::CLI class App < Thor class_option(:build_config, { desc: 'The build configuration file to load.', default: './build_config.rb', aliases: '-c', group: 'rake', type: :string }) class_option(:build_dir, { desc: 'The directory where things will be built', default: './build', aliases: '-o', group: 'rake', type: :string }) desc "minirake [ARGS...]", "Execute MRuby's minirake" def minirake(*args) Rake[args: args] end desc "rake [COMMAND]", "Runs a rake command" def rake(command=nil) Rake[{ args: [ '--rakefile', Source.path.join('Rakefile').to_s ] + Array(command), env: { 'MRUBY_CONFIG' => options[:build_config], 'MRUBY_BUILD_DIR' => options[:build_dir] } }] end desc "build", "Builds all MRuby build targets from" def build rake('all') end desc "test", "Build and execute tests" def test rake('test') end def help Description.print(shell) super end end end