require 'celluloid/io/waker' require 'celluloid/io/reactor' require 'celluloid/io/mailbox' require 'celluloid/io/actor' module Celluloid # Actors which can run alongside other I/O operations module IO def self.included(klass) klass.send :include, ::Celluloid klass.send :extend, IO::ClassMethods end # Class methods added to classes which include Celluloid::IO module ClassMethods # Create a new actor def new(*args, &block) proxy = proxy.send(:initialize, *args, &block) proxy end # Create a new actor and link to the current one def new_link(*args, &block) current_actor = Thread.current[:actor] raise NotActorError, "can't link outside actor context" unless current_actor proxy = proxy proxy.send(:initialize, *args, &block) proxy end end # # Instance methods # # Wait for the given IO object to become readable def wait_readable(io, &block) # Law of demeter be damned! current_actor.mailbox.reactor.wait_readable(io, &block) end # Wait for the given IO object to become writeable def wait_writeable(io, &block) current_actor.mailbox.reactor.wait_writeable(io, &block) end end end