Code coverage report for spec/subexpressions.js

Statements: 13.33% (14 / 105)      Branches: 0% (0 / 4)      Functions: 2.56% (1 / 39)      Lines: 13.33% (14 / 105)      Ignored: none     

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/*global CompilerContext, shouldCompileTo */
describe('subexpressions', function() {
  it("arg-less helper", function() {
    var string   = "{{foo (bar)}}!";
    var context  = {};
    var helpers  = {
      foo: function(val) {
        return val+val;
      bar: function() {
        return "LOL";
    shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "LOLLOL!");
  it("helper w args", function() {
    var string   = '{{blog (equal a b)}}';
    var context  = { bar: "LOL" };
    var helpers  = {
      blog: function(val) {
        return "val is " + val;
      equal: function(x, y) {
        return x === y;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "val is true");
  it("mixed paths and helpers", function() {
    var string   = '{{blog baz.bat (equal a b)}}';
    var context  = { bar: "LOL", baz: {bat: 'foo!', bar: 'bar!'} };
    var helpers  = {
      blog: function(val, that, theOther) {
        return "val is " + val + ', ' + that + ' and ' + theOther;
      equal: function(x, y) {
        return x === y;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "val is foo!, true and bar!");
  it("supports much nesting", function() {
    var string   = '{{blog (equal (equal true true) true)}}';
    var context  = { bar: "LOL" };
    var helpers  = {
      blog: function(val) {
        return "val is " + val;
      equal: function(x, y) {
        return x === y;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "val is true");
  it('GH-800 : Complex subexpressions', function() {
    var context  = {a: 'a', b:'b', c:{c:'c'}, d:'d', e: {e: 'e'}};
    var helpers  = {
      dash: function(a, b) {
        return a + "-" + b;
      concat: function(a, b) {
        return a + b;
    shouldCompileTo('{{dash "abc" (concat a b)}}', [context, helpers], 'abc-ab');
    shouldCompileTo('{{dash d (concat a b)}}', [context, helpers], 'd-ab');
    shouldCompileTo('{{dash c.c (concat a b)}}', [context, helpers], 'c-ab');
    shouldCompileTo('{{dash (concat a b) c.c}}', [context, helpers], 'ab-c');
    shouldCompileTo('{{dash (concat a e.e) c.c}}', [context, helpers], 'ae-c');
  it("provides each nested helper invocation its own options hash", function() {
    var string = '{{equal (equal true true) true}}';
    var lastOptions = null;
    var helpers  = {
      equal: function(x, y, options) {
        if (!options || options === lastOptions) {
          throw new Error("options hash was reused");
        lastOptions = options;
        return x === y;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], "true");
  it("with hashes", function() {
    var string   = '{{blog (equal (equal true true) true fun="yes")}}';
    var context  = { bar: "LOL" };
    var helpers  = {
      blog: function(val) {
        return "val is " + val;
      equal: function(x, y) {
        return x === y;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "val is true");
  it("as hashes", function() {
    var string   = '{{blog fun=(equal (blog fun=1) "val is 1")}}';
    var helpers  = {
      blog: function(options) {
        return "val is " +;
      equal: function(x, y) {
        return x === y;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], "val is true");
  it("multiple subexpressions in a hash", function() {
    var string = '{{input aria-label=(t "Name") placeholder=(t "Example User")}}';
    var helpers = {
      input: function(options) {
        var hash        = options.hash;
        var ariaLabel   = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(hash['aria-label']);
        var placeholder = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(hash.placeholder);
        return new Handlebars.SafeString('<input aria-label="' + ariaLabel + '" placeholder="' + placeholder + '" />');
      t: function(defaultString) {
        return new Handlebars.SafeString(defaultString);
    shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], '<input aria-label="Name" placeholder="Example User" />');
  it("in string params mode,", function() {
    var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{snog (blorg foo x=y) yeah a=b}}', {stringParams: true});
    var helpers = {
      snog: function(a, b, options) {
        equals(a, 'foo');
        equals(options.types.length, 2, "string params for outer helper processed correctly");
        equals(options.types[0], 'sexpr', "string params for outer helper processed correctly");
        equals(options.types[1], 'ID', "string params for outer helper processed correctly");
        return a + b;
      blorg: function(a, options) {
        equals(options.types.length, 1, "string params for inner helper processed correctly");
        equals(options.types[0], 'ID', "string params for inner helper processed correctly");
        return a;
    var result = template({
      foo: {},
      yeah: {}
    }, {helpers: helpers});
    equals(result, "fooyeah");
  it("as hashes in string params mode", function() {
    var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{blog fun=(bork)}}', {stringParams: true});
    var helpers  = {
      blog: function(options) {
        equals(, 'sexpr');
        return "val is " +;
      bork: function() {
        return "BORK";
    var result = template({}, {helpers: helpers});
    equals(result, "val is BORK");
  it("subexpression functions on the context", function() {
    var string   = "{{foo (bar)}}!";
    var context  = {
      bar: function() {
        return "LOL";
    var helpers  = {
      foo: function(val) {
        return val+val;
    shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "LOLLOL!");
  it("subexpressions can't just be property lookups", function() {
    var string   = "{{foo (bar)}}!";
    var context  = {
      bar: "LOL"
    var helpers  = {
      foo: function(val) {
        return val+val;
    shouldThrow(function() {
      shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], "LOLLOL!");