# TODO: SEGFAULT ATM assert('String#=~', '') assert('String#[]', '') do # args is RegExp # TODO SEGFAULT ATM true end assert('String#gsub with Regexp', '') do re = Regexp.compile('def') assert_equal "abc!!g", 'abcdefg'.gsub(re, '!!') re = Regexp.compile('b') assert_equal "a<>ca<>c", 'abcabc'.gsub(re, '<<\&>>') re = Regexp.compile('x+(b+)') assert_equal "X<>X<>", 'xxbbxbb'.gsub(re, 'X<<\1>>') assert_equal "2,5", '2.5'.gsub('.', ',') end assert('String#gsub! with Regexp', '') do result1 = "String-String" re = Regexp.compile('in.') result1.gsub!(re, "!!") result2 = "String-String" re = Regexp.compile('in.') result2.gsub!(re, '<<\&>>') result1 == "Str!!-Str!!" and result2 == "Str<>-Str<>" end assert('String#gsub', '') do 'abcabc'.gsub('b', 'B') == 'aBcaBc' && 'abcabc'.gsub('b') { |w| w.capitalize } == 'aBcaBc' end assert('String#gsub!', '') do a = 'abcabc' a.gsub!('b', 'B') b = 'abcabc' b.gsub!('b') { |w| w.capitalize } a == 'aBcaBc' && b == 'aBcaBc' end assert('String#gsub regression #13') do assert_equal "abc", "abc".gsub(/^\s*/, "") assert_equal "xaxxcx", "abc".gsub(/b?/, "x") end assert('String#index') do assert_equal 0, 'abc'.index(/a/) assert_equal nil, 'abc'.index(/d/) assert_equal 3, 'abcabc'.index(/a/, 1) assert_equal 4, 'abcabc'.index(/b/, -4) end # TODO Broken ATM assert('String#match', '') do assert('String#rindex', '') do 'abc'.rindex('a') == 0 and 'abc'.rindex('d') == nil and 'abcabc'.rindex('a', 1) == 0 and 'abcabc'.rindex('a', 4) == 3 end assert('String#scan', '') do re = Regexp.compile('..') result1 = "foobar".scan(re) re = Regexp.compile('ba.') result2 = "foobarbazfoobarbazz".scan(re) re = Regexp.compile('(.)') result3 = "foobar".scan(re) re = Regexp.compile('(ba)(.)') result4 = "foobarbazfoobarbaz".scan(re) result1 == ["fo", "ob", "ar"] and result2 == ["bar", "baz", "bar", "baz"] and result3 == [["f"], ["o"], ["o"], ["b"], ["a"], ["r"]] and result4 == [["ba", "r"], ["ba", "z"], ["ba", "r"], ["ba", "z"]] end assert('String#slice', '') do # length of args is 1 a = 'abc'.slice(0) b = 'abc'.slice(-1) c = 'abc'.slice(10) d = 'abc'.slice(-10) # length of args is 2 a1 = 'abc'.slice(0, -1) b1 = 'abc'.slice(10, 0) c1 = 'abc'.slice(-10, 0) d1 = 'abc'.slice(0, 0) e1 = 'abc'.slice(1, 2) # slice of shared string e11 = e1.slice(0) # args is RegExp # TODO SEGFAULT ATM # args is String a3 = 'abc'.slice('bc') b3 = 'abc'.slice('XX') a == 'a' and b == 'c' and c == nil and d == nil and a1 == nil and b1 == nil and c1 == nil and d1 == '' and e1 == 'bc' and e11 == 'b' and a3 == 'bc' and b3 == nil end assert('String#slice!') do x1 = 'abc' x2 = x1.clone x3 = x1.clone y1 = x1.slice!(0) y2 = x2.slice!(1) y3 = x3.slice!(-1) u1 = 'abc' u2 = u1.clone u3 = u1.clone v1 = u1.slice!(0, 0) v2 = u2.slice!(0, 1) v3 = u3.slice!(0, -1) x1 == 'bc' and x2 == 'ac' and x3 == 'ab' and y1 == 'a' and y2 == 'b' and y3 == 'c' and u1 == 'abc' and u2 == 'bc' and u3 == 'abc' and v1 == '' and v2 == 'a' and v3 == nil end assert('String#split', '') do ''.split(//) == [] and ''.split(/x/) == [] and 'abc'.split(//) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] and 'abc'.split(/,/) == ['abc'] and 'a1b23c45'.split(/\d/) == ['a', 'b', '', 'c'] and 'a1b23c45'.split(/\d/, 0) == ['a', 'b', '', 'c'] and 'a1b23c45'.split(/\d/, 1) == ['a1b23c45'] and 'a1b23c45'.split(/\d/, 4) == ['a', 'b', '', 'c45'] and 'a1b23c45'.split(/\d/, -4) == ['a', 'b', '', 'c', '', ''] and 'abc'.split(//, 2) == ['a', 'bc'] and 'a bc'.split(/\s*/) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] and ' abc abc abc'.split(/ /) == ['', 'abc', '', 'abc', 'abc'] and '1, 2.34,56, 7'.split(/,\s*/) == ['1', '2.34', '56', '7'] end # TODO ATM broken assert('String#sub', '') do assert('String#sub with Regexp', '') do re = Regexp.compile('def') result1 = 'abcdefg'.sub(re, '!!') re = Regexp.compile('b') result2 = 'abcabc'.sub(re, '<<\&>>') re = Regexp.compile('x+(b+)') result3 = 'xbbxbb'.sub(re, 'X<<\1>>') re = Regexp.compile('foo') result4 = 'bar'.sub(re, 'zee') result1 == "abc!!g" and result2 == "a<>cabc" and result3 == "X<>xbb" and result4 == 'bar' end # TODO ATM broken assert('String#sub!', '') do assert('String#sub! with Regexp', '') do result1 = "String-String" re = Regexp.compile('in.') result1.sub!(re, "!!") result2 = "String-String" re = Regexp.compile('in.') result2.sub!(re, '<<\&>>') result3 = 'bar' re = Regexp.compile('foo') result3.sub!(re, 'zee') result1 == "Str!!-String" and result2 == "Str<>-String" and result3 == 'bar' end assert('String#sub', '') do 'abcabc'.sub('b', 'B') == 'aBcabc' && 'abcabc'.sub('b') { |w| w.capitalize } == 'aBcabc' end assert('String#sub!', '') do a = 'abcabc' a.sub!('b', 'B') b = 'abcabc' b.sub!('b') { |w| w.capitalize } a == 'aBcabc' && b == 'aBcabc' end