/* * Copyright (c) 2016, M.Naruoka (fenrir) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef __GLONASS_H__ #define __GLONASS_H__ /** @file * @brief GLONASS ICD definitions */ #include <ctime> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <cmath> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include "GPS.h" #include "algorithm/integral.h" #include "util/bit_counter.h" template <class FloatT = double> class GLONASS_SpaceNode { public: typedef FloatT float_t; static const float_t light_speed; static const float_t L1_frequency_base; static const float_t L1_frequency_gap; static const float_t L2_frequency_base; static const float_t L2_frequency_gap; public: typedef GLONASS_SpaceNode<float_t> self_t; typedef unsigned char u8_t; typedef signed char s8_t; typedef unsigned short u16_t; typedef signed short s16_t; typedef unsigned int u32_t; typedef signed int s32_t; typedef int int_t; typedef unsigned int uint_t; static float_t L1_frequency(const int_t &freq_ch) { return L1_frequency_base + L1_frequency_gap * freq_ch; } static float_t L2_frequency(const int_t &freq_ch) { return L2_frequency_base + L2_frequency_gap * freq_ch; } typedef typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::DataParser DataParser; template <class InputT, int EffectiveBits = sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT, int PaddingBits_MSB = (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - EffectiveBits> struct BroadcastedMessage : public DataParser { #define convert_u(bits, offset_bits, length, name) \ static u ## bits ## _t name(const InputT *buf){ \ return \ DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \ buf, offset_bits, length); \ } \ static void name ## _set(InputT *dest, const u ## bits ## _t &src){ \ DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \ dest, src, offset_bits, length, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \ } #define convert_s(bits, offset_bits, length, name) \ static s ## bits ## _t name(const InputT *buf){ \ u ## bits ## _t temp( \ DataParser::template bits2num<u ## bits ## _t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>( \ buf, offset_bits, length)); \ /* MSB is sign bit (Not equal to two's complement?) */ \ static const u ## bits ## _t mask((u ## bits ## _t)1 << (length - 1)); \ return (temp & mask) ? ((s ## bits ## _t)-1 * (temp & (mask - 1))) : temp; \ } \ static void name ## _set(InputT *dest, const s ## bits ## _t &src){ \ static const u ## bits ## _t mask((u ## bits ## _t)1 << (length - 1)); \ u ## bits ## _t src2((src < 0) ? ((-src) | mask) : src); \ DataParser::template num2bits<u ## bits ## _t, InputT>( \ dest, src2, offset_bits, length, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB); \ } convert_u( 8, 0, 1, idle); static void idle_set(InputT *dest){idle_set(dest, 0);} convert_u( 8, 1, 4, m); convert_u( 8, 77, 8, KX); static void KX_set(InputT *dest){ #if 0 // mask generation with Ruby mask_bits = 32 mask_str = "0x%0#{mask_bits / 4}X" [ [9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84], [9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83, 84], [10..12, 16..19, 23..26, 31..34, 38..41, 46..49, 54..57, 62..65, 69..72, 77..80, 85], [13..19, 27..34, 42..49, 58..65, 73..80], [20..34, 50..65, 81..85], [35..65], [66..85], ].collect{|pat| pat.collect{|idx| idx.to_a rescue idx}.flatten \ .collect{|i| 85 - i}.sort.chunk{|i| i / mask_bits} \ .collect{|quot, i_s| mask = eval("0b#{i_s.inject("0" * mask_bits){|res, i| res[i % mask_bits] = '1'; res}}") #mask = [mask_be].pack("N").unpack("L")[0] # endianess correction [quot, mask] # endianess correction }.inject([mask_str % [0]] * (77.0 / mask_bits).ceil){|res, (i, mask)| res[i] = (mask_str % [mask]); res } }.transpose #endif u8_t hamming(0); static const struct { uint_t idx, len; u32_t mask[8]; } prop[] = { { 0, 32, {0x55555AAAu, 0x66666CCCu, 0x87878F0Fu, 0x07F80FF0u, 0xF8000FFFu, 0x00000FFFu, 0xFFFFF000u, ~0u}}, {32, 32, {0xAAAAB555u, 0xCCCCD999u, 0x0F0F1E1Eu, 0x0FF01FE0u, 0xF0001FFFu, 0xFFFFE000u, 0, ~0u}}, {64, 13, {0x6AD80000u >> 19, 0xB3680000u >> 19, 0x3C700000u >> 19, 0x3F800000u >> 19, 0xC0000000u >> 19, 0, 0, ~0u}}, }; for(std::size_t j(0); j < sizeof(prop) / sizeof(prop[0]); ++j){ u8_t check_bit(1); u32_t v(DataParser::template bits2num<u32_t, EffectiveBits, PaddingBits_MSB>(dest, prop[j].idx, prop[j].len)); for(int i(0); i < 8; ++i, check_bit <<= 1){ if(BitCounter<u32_t>::count(v & prop[j].mask[i]) % 2 == 0){continue;} hamming ^= check_bit; } } if(BitCounter<u8_t>::count(hamming & 0x7F) % 2 == 1){ hamming ^= 0x80; } KX_set(dest, hamming); } struct String1 { convert_u( 8, 7, 2, P1); convert_u(16, 9, 12, t_k); convert_s(32, 21, 24, xn_dot); convert_s( 8, 45, 5, xn_ddot); convert_s(32, 50, 27, xn); }; struct String2 { convert_u( 8, 5, 3, B_n); convert_u( 8, 8, 1, P2); convert_u( 8, 9, 7, t_b); convert_s(32, 21, 24, yn_dot); convert_s( 8, 45, 5, yn_ddot); convert_s(32, 50, 27, yn); }; struct String3 { convert_u( 8, 5, 1, P3); convert_s(16, 6, 11, gamma_n); convert_u( 8, 18, 2, p); convert_u( 8, 20, 1, l_n); convert_s(32, 21, 24, zn_dot); convert_s( 8, 45, 5, zn_ddot); convert_s(32, 50, 27, zn); }; struct String4 { convert_s(32, 5, 22, tau_n); convert_u( 8, 27, 5, delta_tau_n); convert_u( 8, 32, 5, E_n); convert_u( 8, 51, 1, P4); convert_u( 8, 52, 4, F_T); convert_u(16, 59, 11, N_T); convert_u( 8, 70, 5, n); convert_u( 8, 75, 2, M); }; struct String5_Almanac { convert_u(16, 5, 11, NA); convert_s(32, 16, 32, tau_c); convert_u( 8, 49, 5, N_4); convert_s(32, 54, 22, tau_GPS); convert_u( 8, 76, 1, l_n); }; struct String6_Almanac { // String 6; same as 8, 10, 12, 14 convert_u( 8, 5, 1, C_n); convert_u( 8, 6, 2, M_n); convert_u( 8, 8, 5, nA); convert_s(16, 13, 10, tauA_n); convert_s(32, 23, 21, lambdaA_n); convert_s(32, 44, 18, delta_iA_n); convert_u(16, 62, 15, epsilonA_n); }; struct String7_Almanac { // String 7; same as 9, 11, 13, 15 convert_s(16, 5, 16, omegaA_n); convert_u(32, 21, 21, tA_lambda_n); convert_s(32, 42, 22, delta_TA_n); convert_s( 8, 64, 7, delta_TA_dot_n); convert_u( 8, 71, 5, HA_n); convert_u( 8, 76, 1, l_n); }; struct Frame5_String14 { convert_s(16, 5, 11, B1); convert_s(16, 16, 10, B2); convert_u( 8, 26, 2, KP); }; #undef convert_s #undef convert_u }; struct TimeProperties { float_t tau_c; ///< GLONASS time scale correction to UTC(SU) time [s] float_t tau_GPS; ///< fractional part of time difference from GLONASS time to GPS time [s], integer part should be derived from another source struct date_t { int_t year; // 20XX int_t day_of_year; // Jan. 1st = 0 static const int_t days_m[12]; /** * @return (std::tm) */ std::tm c_tm() const { std::tm res = {0}; res.tm_year = year - 1900; res.tm_yday = res.tm_mday = day_of_year; // tm_yday ranges [0, 365] do{ if(res.tm_mday < days_m[0]){break;} // tm_mon ranges [0, 11], Check January res.tm_mday -= days_m[0]; ++res.tm_mon; if((year % 400 == 0) || ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0))){ // is leap year? if(res.tm_mday < (days_m[1] + 1)){break;} // Check February in leap year res.tm_mday -= (days_m[1] + 1); ++res.tm_mon; } for(; res.tm_mon < (int)(sizeof(days_m) / sizeof(days_m[0])); ++res.tm_mon){ if(res.tm_mday < days_m[res.tm_mon]){break;} res.tm_mday -= days_m[res.tm_mon]; } }while(false); ++res.tm_mday; // tm_mday ranges [1, 31] { /* day of week according to (modified) Sakamoto's methods * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determination_of_the_day_of_the_week#Sakamoto's_methods */ int_t y(year - 1); // year/1/1 res.tm_wday = (y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 + day_of_year + 1) % 7; } return res; } static date_t from_c_tm(const std::tm &date){ static const struct days_t { int_t sum_m[sizeof(days_m) / sizeof(days_m[0])]; days_t(){ sum_m[0] = 0; for(unsigned int i(1); i < sizeof(days_m) / sizeof(days_m[0]); ++i){ sum_m[i] = sum_m[i - 1] + days_m[i - 1]; } } } days; date_t res = {date.tm_year + 1900, days.sum_m[date.tm_mon] + date.tm_mday - 1}; if((date.tm_mon >= 2) && ((res.year % 400 == 0) || ((res.year % 4 == 0) && (res.year % 100 != 0)))){ ++res.day_of_year; // leap year } return res; } static float_t julian_day(const std::tm &date){ // (5.48) of "Preliminary Orbit Determination" by Curtis, Howard D // @see original Boulet(1991) int y(date.tm_year + 1900), m(date.tm_mon + 1); return 1721013.5 // expect all argument of (int) to be >= 0 + 367 * y - (int)(7 * (y + (int)((m + 9) / 12)) / 4) + (int)(275 * m / 9) + date.tm_mday; } static float_t Greenwich_sidereal_time_deg( const std::tm &date, const float_t &ut_hr = 0){ // @see "Preliminary Orbit Determination" by Curtis, Howard D float_t T0((julian_day(date) - 2451545) / 36525); // (5.49) float_t theta_G0_deg( // (5.50) 100.4606184 + 36000.77004 * T0 + 0.000387933 * std::pow(T0, 2) - 2.583E-8 * std::pow(T0, 3)); return theta_G0_deg + 360.98564724 * ut_hr / 24; // (5.51) } } date; bool l_n; // health flag; 0 - healthy, 1 - malfunction struct raw_t { s32_t tau_c; s32_t tau_GPS; u8_t N_4; u16_t NA; bool l_n; #define fetch_item(name) name = BroadcastedMessage< \ InputT, (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB> \ :: String5_Almanac :: name (src) template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT> void update_string5(const InputT *src){ fetch_item(tau_c); fetch_item(tau_GPS); fetch_item(N_4); fetch_item(NA); fetch_item(l_n); } #undef fetch_item template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class BufferT> void dump(BufferT *dst){ typedef BroadcastedMessage< BufferT, (int)sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB> deparse_t; #define dump_item(name) deparse_t::String5_Almanac:: name ## _set(dst, name) dump_item(tau_c); dump_item(tau_GPS); dump_item(N_4); dump_item(NA); dump_item(l_n); #undef dump_item deparse_t::m_set(dst, 5); deparse_t::idle_set(dst); deparse_t::KX_set(dst); } enum { SF_tau_c, SF_tau_GPS, SF_NUM, }; static const float_t sf[SF_NUM]; static date_t raw2date(const u8_t &N_4_, const u16_t &NA_) { // @see A.3.1.3 (ver.5.1) date_t res; res.year = 1996 + 4 * (N_4_ - 1); if(NA_ <= 366){ res.day_of_year = NA_ - 1; }else if(NA_ <= 731){ res.year += 1; res.day_of_year = NA_ - 367; }else if(NA_ <= 1096){ res.year += 2; res.day_of_year = NA_ - 732; }else if(NA_ <= 1461){ res.year += 3; res.day_of_year = NA_ - 1097; } return res; } static void date2raw(const date_t &src, u8_t *N_4_, u16_t *NA_){ std::div_t divmod(std::div(src.year - 1996, 4)); if(N_4_){*N_4_ = divmod.quot + 1;} if(NA_){ *NA_ = src.day_of_year + 1; switch(divmod.rem){ case 1: *NA_ += 366; break; case 2: *NA_ += 731; break; case 3: *NA_ += 1096; break; } } } operator TimeProperties() const { TimeProperties res; #define CONVERT(TARGET) \ {res.TARGET = sf[SF_ ## TARGET] * TARGET;} CONVERT(tau_c); CONVERT(tau_GPS); res.date = raw2date(N_4, NA); res.l_n = (l_n > 0); #undef CONVERT return res; } raw_t &operator=(const TimeProperties &t){ #define CONVERT(TARGET) \ {TARGET = (s32_t)std::floor(t.TARGET / sf[SF_ ## TARGET] + 0.5);} CONVERT(tau_c); CONVERT(tau_GPS); date2raw(t.date, &N_4, &NA); l_n = (t.l_n ? 1 : 0); #undef CONVERT return *this; } }; bool is_equivalent(const TimeProperties &t) const { do{ #define CHECK(TARGET) if(TARGET != t.TARGET){break;} CHECK(l_n); CHECK(date.year); CHECK(date.day_of_year); #undef CHECK #define CHECK(TARGET) \ if(std::abs(TARGET - t.TARGET) > raw_t::sf[raw_t::SF_ ## TARGET]){break;} CHECK(tau_c); CHECK(tau_GPS); #undef CHECK return true; }while(false); return false; } }; class SatelliteProperties { public: struct Ephemeris { uint_t svid; int_t freq_ch; uint_t t_k; ///< time referenced to the beginning of the frame from current day [s] uint_t t_b; ///< base time of ephemeris parameters in UTC(SU) + 3hr [s] uint_t M; ///< satellite type; 0 - GLONASS, 1 - GLONASS-M float_t gamma_n; ///< gamma_n(t_c = t_b) = d/dt (t_c - t_n) [dimensionless] float_t tau_n; ///< tau_n(t_c = t_b) = t_c (GLONASS time) - t_n(n-th satellite time) [s] float_t xn, yn, zn; // [m] float_t xn_dot, yn_dot, zn_dot; // [m/s] float_t xn_ddot, yn_ddot, zn_ddot; // [m/s^2] uint_t B_n; // health flag uint_t p; // satellite operation mode uint_t N_T; // current date counting up from leap year Jan. 1st [days] float_t F_T; // user range accuracy at t_b [m] uint_t n; // time difference between L1 and L2 float_t delta_tau_n; uint_t E_n; // [days] uint_t P1; // [s] time interval of two adjacent t_b; 0 - 0, 1 - 30, 2 - 45, 3 - 60 mins bool P2; //bool P3; // flag for almanac; 1 - five, 0 - four bool P4; // flag for ephemeris; 1 - uploaded by the control segment bool l_n; // health flag; 0 - healthy, 1 - malfunction float_t L1_frequency() const { return GLONASS_SpaceNode::L1_frequency(freq_ch); } float_t L2_frequency() const { return GLONASS_SpaceNode::L2_frequency(freq_ch); } struct constellation_t { // TODO make it to be a subclass of System_XYZ<float_t, PZ90> float_t position[3]; float_t velocity[3]; float_t pos_abs2() const { float_t res(0); for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){ res += (position[i] * position[i]); } return res; } constellation_t operator+(const constellation_t &another) const { // for RK4 constellation_t res(*this); for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){ res.position[i] += another.position[i]; res.velocity[i] += another.velocity[i]; } return res; } constellation_t operator*(const float_t &sf) const { // for RK4 constellation_t res(*this); for(int i(0); i < 3; ++i){ res.position[i] *= sf; res.velocity[i] *= sf; } return res; } constellation_t operator/(const float_t &sf) const { // for RK4 return operator*(((float_t)1)/sf); } // TODO constant definitions should be moved to PZ-90(.02, .11) static const float_t omega_E; constellation_t abs_corrdinate(const float_t &sidereal_time_in_rad){ // @see Appendix.A PZ-90 to O-X0Y0Z0 float_t crad(std::cos(sidereal_time_in_rad)), srad(std::sin(sidereal_time_in_rad)); float_t x0(position[0] * crad - position[1] * srad), y0(position[0] * srad + position[1] * crad); constellation_t res = { {x0, y0, position[2]}, { velocity[0] * crad - velocity[1] * srad - omega_E * y0, velocity[0] * srad + velocity[1] * crad + omega_E * x0, velocity[2] } }; return res; } constellation_t rel_corrdinate(const float_t &sidereal_time_in_rad){ // @see Appendix.A O-X0Y0Z0 to PZ-90 float_t crad(std::cos(sidereal_time_in_rad)), srad(std::sin(sidereal_time_in_rad)); float_t x( position[0] * crad + position[1] * srad), y(-position[0] * srad + position[1] * crad); constellation_t res = { {x, y, position[2]}, { velocity[0] * crad + velocity[1] * srad + omega_E * y, -velocity[0] * srad + velocity[1] * crad - omega_E * x, velocity[2] } }; return res; } operator typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties ::constellation_t() const { #if 1 // @see https://gssc.esa.int/navipedia/index.php/Reference_Frames_in_GNSS // PZ90.11 -> WGS84 (starting from 3:00 pm on December 31, 2013) typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties::constellation_t res = { typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::xyz_t( position[0] + 0.003, position[1] + 0.001, position[2] + 0.001), typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::xyz_t( velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]), }; return res; #else // @see https://www.gsi.go.jp/common/000070971.pdf // @see (originally) Federal Air Navigation Authority (FANA), Aeronautical Information Circular // of the Russian Federation, 12 February 2009, Russia. // PZ90.02 -> WGS84 typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties::constellation_t res = { typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::xyz_t( position[0] - 0.36, position[1] + 0.08, position[2] + 0.18), typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::xyz_t( velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]), }; return res; #endif } }; struct eccentric_anomaly_t { float_t E_k; float_t snu_k, cnu_k; eccentric_anomaly_t(const float_t &g_k, const float_t &e_k){ static const float_t delta_limit(1E-12); for(int loop(0); loop < 10; loop++){ float_t E_k2(g_k + e_k * std::sin(E_k)); if(std::abs(E_k2 - E_k) < delta_limit){break;} E_k = E_k2; } float_t sE_k(std::sin(E_k)), cE_k(std::cos(E_k)), denom(-e_k * cE_k + 1); snu_k = std::sqrt(-std::pow(e_k, 2) + 1) * sE_k / denom; cnu_k = (cE_k - e_k) / denom; } }; struct lunar_solar_perturbations_t { struct arg_t { float_t xi, eta, zeta, r; } m, s; struct constatnt_t { float_t a_m, a_s, // [m] e_m, e_s, i_m; }; struct var_t { float_t epsilon, g_m, Omega_m, Gamma_m, g_s, omega_s; }; static lunar_solar_perturbations_t setup( const constatnt_t &C, const var_t &var){ lunar_solar_perturbations_t res; static const float_t sf_ci_m(-std::cos(C.i_m) + 1), si_m(std::sin(C.i_m)), cepsilon(std::cos(var.epsilon)), sepsilon(std::sin(var.epsilon)); { // ICD ver.4 and 5.1 Eq.(3) lunar (m) corresponding to Appendix.J.1 in CDMA ICD // (ICD4) float_t Omega_m(Omega_om + Omega_1m * T); float_t sOmega_m(std::sin(var.Omega_m)), cOmega_m(std::cos(var.Omega_m)); float_t xi_ast(-std::pow(cOmega_m, 2) * sf_ci_m + 1); float_t eta_ast(sOmega_m * si_m); float_t zeta_ast(cOmega_m * si_m); float_t xi_11(sOmega_m * cOmega_m * sf_ci_m); float_t xi_12(-std::pow(sOmega_m, 2) * sf_ci_m + 1); float_t eta_11(xi_ast * cepsilon - zeta_ast * sepsilon); float_t eta_12(xi_11 * cepsilon + eta_ast * sepsilon); float_t zeta_11(xi_ast * sepsilon + zeta_ast * cepsilon); float_t zeta_12(zeta_11 * sepsilon - eta_ast * cepsilon); // (ICD4) float_t Gamma_m(Gamma_o + Gamma_1 * T); float_t sGamma(std::sin(var.Gamma_m)), cGamma(std::cos(var.Gamma_m)); // (ICD4) eccentric_anomaly_t E_m(g_om + g_1m * T, C.e_m); eccentric_anomaly_t E_m(var.g_m, C.e_m); float_t srad(E_m.snu_k * cGamma + E_m.cnu_k * sGamma), crad(E_m.cnu_k * cGamma - E_m.snu_k * sGamma); res.m.xi = srad * xi_11 + crad * xi_12; res.m.eta = srad * eta_11 + crad * eta_12; res.m.zeta = srad * zeta_11 + crad * zeta_12; res.m.r = C.a_m * (-C.e_m * std::cos(E_m.E_k) + 1); } { // ICD ver.4 and 5.1 Eq.(3) solar (s) corresponding to Appendix.S in CDMA ICD // (ICD4) float_t omega_s(dms2rad(281, 13, (15.00 + (6189.03 * T)))); float_t co(std::cos(var.omega_s)), so(std::sin(var.omega_s)); // (ICD4) eccentric_anomaly_t E_s(g_os + g_1s * T, C.e_s); eccentric_anomaly_t E_s(var.g_s, C.e_s); float_t srad(E_s.snu_k * co + E_s.cnu_k * so), // = sin(nu_s + omega_s) crad(E_s.cnu_k * co - E_s.snu_k * so); // = cos(nu_s + omega_s) res.s.xi = crad; res.s.eta = srad * cepsilon; res.s.zeta = srad * sepsilon; res.s.r = C.a_s * (-C.e_s * std::cos(E_s.E_k) + 1); } return res; } /** * @param days Sum of days from the epoch at 00 hours Moscow Time (MT) on 1st January 1975 * to the epoch at 00 hours MT of current date within which the instant t_e is. * @param t_e reference time of ephemeris parameters (in Julian centuries of 36525 ephemeris days); */ static lunar_solar_perturbations_t base1975( const float_t &days, const float_t &t_e) { #define dms2rad(deg, min, sec) \ (M_PI / 180 * ((float_t)sec / 3600 + (float_t)min / 60 + deg)) static const constatnt_t C = { 3.84385243E8, // a_m // [m] 1.49598E11, // a_s // [m] 0.054900489, // e_m 0.016719, // e_s dms2rad(5, 8, 43.4), // i_m // 0.08980398 rad }; static const float_t epsilon(dms2rad(23, 26, 33)), g_om(dms2rad(-63, 53, 43.41)), g_1m(dms2rad(477198, 50, 56.79)), Omega_om(dms2rad(259, 10, 59.79)), Omega_1m(dms2rad(-1934, 8, 31.23)), Gamma_o(dms2rad(-334, 19, 46.40)), Gamma_1(dms2rad(4069, 2, 2.52)), g_os(dms2rad(358, 28, 33.04)), g_1s(dms2rad(0, 0, 129596579.10)); float_t T((27392.375 + days + t_e / 86400) / 36525); // 27392.375 equals to interval days between 1900/1/1 0:0:0(GMT) to 1975/1/1 0:0:0(MT) var_t var = { epsilon, // epsilon g_om + g_1m * T, // g_m Omega_om + Omega_1m * T, // Omega_m Gamma_o + Gamma_1 * T, // Gamma_m g_os + g_1s * T, // g_s dms2rad(281, 13, (15.00 + (6189.03 * T))), // omega_s }; return setup(C, var); #undef dms2rad } static lunar_solar_perturbations_t base2000( const float_t &jd0, const float_t &t_b) { static const constatnt_t C = { 3.84385243E8, // a_m // [m] 1.49598E11, // a_s // [m] 0.054900489, // e_m 0.016719, // e_s 0.0898041080, // i_m }; float_t T((jd0 + ((t_b - 10800) / 86400) - 2451545.0) / 36525); // 2451545.0 equals to Julian date for 2000/1/1 0:0:0(UTC) float_t T2(std::pow(T, 2)); var_t var = { 0.4090926006 - 0.0002270711 * T, // epsilon 2.3555557435 + 8328.6914257190 * T + 0.0001545547 * T2, // g_m (q_m) 2.1824391966 - 33.7570459536 * T + 0.0000362262 * T2, // Omega_m 1.4547885346 + 71.0176852437 * T - 0.0001801481 * T2, // Gamma_m 6.2400601269 + 628.3019551714 * T - 0.0000026820 * T2, // g_s (q_s) -7.6281824375 + 0.0300101976 * T + 0.0000079741 * T2, // omega_s }; return setup(C, var); } }; struct differential_t { float_t J_x_a, J_y_a, J_z_a; differential_t() : J_x_a(0), J_y_a(0), J_z_a(0) {} differential_t(const float_t &J_x, const float_t &J_y, const float_t &J_z) : J_x_a(J_x), J_y_a(J_y), J_z_a(J_z) {} /** * @param sidereal_time_in_rad TODO calculate from t_b and UTC */ differential_t(const Ephemeris &eph, const float_t &sidereal_time_in_rad){ float_t crad(std::cos(sidereal_time_in_rad)), srad(std::sin(sidereal_time_in_rad)); J_x_a = eph.xn_ddot * crad - eph.yn_ddot * srad; J_y_a = eph.xn_ddot * srad + eph.yn_ddot * crad; J_z_a = eph.zn_ddot; } constellation_t operator()(const float_t &t, const constellation_t &x) const { // @see APPENDIX 3 EXAMPLES OF ALGORITHMS FOR CALCULATION OF COORDINATES AND VELOCITY float_t r2(x.pos_abs2()), r(std::sqrt(r2)); static const float_t a_e(6378136), mu(398600.44E9), C_20(1082625.75E-9); // values are obtained from ver.5.1; TODO move to PZ-90 float_t mu_bar(mu / r2), x_a_bar(x.position[0] / r), y_a_bar(x.position[1] / r), z_a_bar(x.position[2] / r), sf_z_a_bar(z_a_bar * z_a_bar * -5 + 1), rho2(a_e * a_e / r2); constellation_t res = { {x.velocity[0], x.velocity[1], x.velocity[2]}, { // @see ver.5.1 Eq.(1) ((-C_20 * rho2 * sf_z_a_bar * 3 / 2) - 1) * mu_bar * x_a_bar + J_x_a, ((-C_20 * rho2 * sf_z_a_bar * 3 / 2) - 1) * mu_bar * y_a_bar + J_y_a, ((-C_20 * rho2 * (sf_z_a_bar + 2) * 3 / 2) - 1) * mu_bar * z_a_bar + J_z_a, } }; #if 0 // If integration is performed in PZ-90, then these additional term is required, // This is derived form simplified algorithm in CDMA ICD, (neither ver 5.1 nor ver.4 ICDs use it) static const float_t omega_E(7.2921151467E-5), omega_E2(omega_E * omega_E); res.velocity[0] += omega_E2 * x.position[0] + omega_E * 2 * x.velocity[1]; res.velocity[1] += omega_E2 * x.position[1] - omega_E * 2 * x.velocity[0]; #endif return res; } }; struct differential2_t { lunar_solar_perturbations_t J_src; static void equation2( const float_t &mu, const typename lunar_solar_perturbations_t::arg_t &arg, const float_t (&position)[3], float_t (&J)[3]){ // Eq.(2) float_t mu_bar(mu / std::pow(arg.r, 2)), x_a_bar(position[0] / arg.r), y_a_bar(position[1] / arg.r), z_a_bar(position[2] / arg.r), delta_x(arg.xi - x_a_bar), delta_y(arg.eta - y_a_bar), delta_z(arg.zeta - z_a_bar), Delta3(std::pow( std::pow(delta_x, 2) + std::pow(delta_y, 2) + std::pow(delta_z, 2), 1.5)); J[0] = mu_bar * (delta_x / Delta3 - arg.xi); J[1] = mu_bar * (delta_y / Delta3 - arg.eta); J[2] = mu_bar * (delta_z / Delta3 - arg.zeta); } void calculate_Jm(const float_t (&position)[3], float_t (&J)[3]) const { equation2(4902.835E9, J_src.m, position, J); // for lunar (m); mu in [m/s] } void calculate_Js(const float_t (&position)[3], float_t (&J)[3]) const { equation2(0.1325263E21, J_src.s, position, J); // for solar (s); mu in [m/s] } constellation_t operator()(const float_t &t, const constellation_t &x) const { // @see APPENDIX 3 EXAMPLES OF ALGORITHMS FOR CALCULATION OF COORDINATES AND VELOCITY float_t J_am[3], J_as[3]; calculate_Jm(x.position, J_am); calculate_Js(x.position, J_as); return differential_t(J_am[0] + J_as[0], J_am[1] + J_as[1], J_am[2] + J_as[2])(t, x); } }; u8_t F_T_index() const; u8_t P1_index() const { if(P1 > 45 * 60){ return 3; }else if(P1 > 30 * 60){ return 2; }else if(P1 > 0){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } struct raw_t { u8_t svid; // String1 u8_t P1; u16_t t_k; s32_t xn_dot; ///< SF: 2^-20 [km/s] s8_t xn_ddot; ///< SF: 2^-30 [km/s^2] s32_t xn; ///< SF: 2^-11 [km] // String2 u8_t B_n; u8_t P2; u8_t t_b; ///< SF: 15 s32_t yn_dot; s8_t yn_ddot; s32_t yn; // String3 u8_t P3; s16_t gamma_n; ///< SF: 2^-40 u8_t p; u8_t l_n; s32_t zn_dot; s8_t zn_ddot; s32_t zn; // String4 s32_t tau_n; ///< SF: 2^-30 u8_t delta_tau_n; ///< SF: 2^-30 u8_t E_n; u8_t P4; u8_t F_T; u16_t N_T; ///< [days] u8_t n; u8_t M; #define fetch_item(num, name) name = BroadcastedMessage< \ InputT, (int)sizeof(InputT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB> \ :: String ## num :: name (src) template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT> void update_string1(const InputT *src){ fetch_item(1, P1); fetch_item(1, t_k); fetch_item(1, xn_dot); fetch_item(1, xn_ddot); fetch_item(1, xn); } template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT> void update_string2(const InputT *src){ // String2 fetch_item(2, B_n); fetch_item(2, P2); fetch_item(2, t_b); fetch_item(2, yn_dot); fetch_item(2, yn_ddot); fetch_item(2, yn); } template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT> void update_string3(const InputT *src){ fetch_item(3, P3); fetch_item(3, gamma_n); fetch_item(3, p); fetch_item(3, l_n); fetch_item(3, zn_dot); fetch_item(3, zn_ddot); fetch_item(3, zn); } template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class InputT> void update_string4(const InputT *src){ fetch_item(4, tau_n); fetch_item(4, delta_tau_n); fetch_item(4, E_n); fetch_item(4, P4); fetch_item(4, F_T); fetch_item(4, N_T); fetch_item(4, n); fetch_item(4, M); } #undef fetch_item template <int PaddingBits_MSB, int PaddingBits_LSB, class BufferT> void dump(BufferT *dst, const unsigned int &str){ typedef BroadcastedMessage< BufferT, (int)sizeof(BufferT) * CHAR_BIT - PaddingBits_MSB - PaddingBits_LSB, PaddingBits_MSB> deparse_t; #define dump_item(num, name) deparse_t::String ## num :: name ## _set(dst, name) switch(str){ case 1: dump_item(1, P1); dump_item(1, t_k); dump_item(1, xn_dot); dump_item(1, xn_ddot); dump_item(1, xn); break; case 2: { dump_item(2, B_n); dump_item(2, P2); dump_item(2, t_b); dump_item(2, yn_dot); dump_item(2, yn_ddot); dump_item(2, yn); break; } case 3: dump_item(3, P3); dump_item(3, gamma_n); dump_item(3, p); dump_item(3, l_n); dump_item(3, zn_dot); dump_item(3, zn_ddot); dump_item(3, zn); break; case 4: dump_item(4, tau_n); dump_item(4, delta_tau_n); dump_item(4, E_n); dump_item(4, P4); dump_item(4, F_T); dump_item(4, N_T); dump_item(4, n); dump_item(4, M); break; default: return; } #undef dump_item deparse_t::m_set(dst, str); deparse_t::idle_set(dst); deparse_t::KX_set(dst); } enum { SF_xn, SF_yn = SF_xn, SF_zn = SF_xn, SF_xn_dot, SF_yn_dot = SF_xn_dot, SF_zn_dot = SF_xn_dot, SF_xn_ddot, SF_yn_ddot = SF_xn_ddot, SF_zn_ddot = SF_xn_ddot, SF_t_b, SF_gamma_n, SF_tau_n, SF_delta_tau_n, SF_NUM, }; static const float_t sf[SF_NUM]; static const float_t F_T_table[15]; ///< @see Table 4.4 static const float_t F_T_value(const u8_t &F_T_){ return GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::URA_meter( F_T_, F_T_table); } static const uint_t P1_value(const u8_t &P1_){ switch(P1_){ case 1: return 30 * 60; case 2: return 45 * 60; case 3: return 60 * 60; case 0: default: return 0; } } operator Ephemeris() const { Ephemeris res; #define CONVERT(TARGET) \ {res.TARGET = sf[SF_ ## TARGET] * TARGET;} res.svid = svid; res.t_k = (((t_k >> 7) & 0x1F) * 3600) // hour + (((t_k >> 1) & 0x3F) * 60) // min + ((t_k & 0x1) ? 30 : 0); // sec CONVERT(t_b); res.M = M; CONVERT(gamma_n); CONVERT(tau_n); CONVERT(xn); CONVERT(xn_dot); CONVERT(xn_ddot); CONVERT(yn); CONVERT(yn_dot); CONVERT(yn_ddot); CONVERT(zn); CONVERT(zn_dot); CONVERT(zn_ddot); res.B_n = B_n; res.p = p; res.N_T = N_T; res.F_T = F_T_value(F_T); res.n = n; CONVERT(delta_tau_n); res.E_n = E_n; res.P1 = P1_value(P1); res.P2 = (P2 > 0); //res.P3 = (P3 > 0); res.P4 = (P4 > 0); res.l_n = (l_n > 0); #undef CONVERT return res; } raw_t &operator=(const Ephemeris &eph){ #define CONVERT(TARGET) \ {TARGET = (s32_t)std::floor(eph.TARGET / sf[SF_ ## TARGET] + 0.5);} svid = eph.svid; { // t_k std::div_t minutes(div(eph.t_k, 60)); std::div_t hrs(div(minutes.quot, 60)); t_k = (((hrs.quot << 6) + minutes.quot) << 1) + (minutes.rem > 0 ? 1 : 0); } CONVERT(t_b); M = eph.M; CONVERT(gamma_n); CONVERT(tau_n); CONVERT(xn); CONVERT(xn_dot); CONVERT(xn_ddot); CONVERT(yn); CONVERT(yn_dot); CONVERT(yn_ddot); CONVERT(zn); CONVERT(zn_dot); CONVERT(zn_ddot); B_n = eph.B_n; p = eph.p; N_T = eph.N_T; F_T = eph.F_T_index(); n = eph.n; CONVERT(delta_tau_n); E_n = eph.E_n; if(eph.P1 > 45 * 60){ P1 = 3; }else if(eph.P1 > 30 * 60){ P1 = 2; }else if(eph.P1 > 0){ P1 = 1; }else{ P1 = 0; } P2 = (eph.P2 ? 1 : 0); //P3 = (eph.P3 ? 1 : 0); P4 = (eph.P4 ? 1 : 0); l_n = (eph.l_n ? 1 : 0); #undef CONVERT return *this; } }; bool is_equivalent(const Ephemeris &eph) const { do{ #define CHECK(TARGET) if(TARGET != eph.TARGET){break;} //CHECK(t_k); // t_k is just a reference time CHECK(t_b); CHECK(M); CHECK(B_n); CHECK(p); CHECK(N_T); CHECK(F_T_index()); CHECK(n); CHECK(E_n); CHECK(P1); CHECK(P2); //CHECK(P3); CHECK(P4); CHECK(l_n); #undef CHECK #define CHECK(TARGET) \ if(std::abs(TARGET - eph.TARGET) > raw_t::sf[raw_t::SF_ ## TARGET]){break;} CHECK(gamma_n); CHECK(tau_n); CHECK(xn); CHECK(xn_dot); CHECK(xn_ddot); CHECK(yn); CHECK(yn_dot); CHECK(yn_ddot); CHECK(zn); CHECK(zn_dot); CHECK(zn_ddot); CHECK(delta_tau_n); #undef CHECK return true; }while(false); return false; } }; /** * * Relationship of time systems * 1) t_GL = t_UTC + 3hr (defined in ICD 3.3.3 GLONASS Time) * 2) t_UTC + 3hr = t_rcv + tau_c + tau_n - gamma_n * (t_rcv - t_b) (defined in ICD 3.3.3 GLONASS Time, also in RINEX spec.) * where tau_c: system wise, (-tau_c = GLUT in RINEX) * ta_n, gamm_n: per satellite * t_b along to UTC + 3hr (a.k.a, t_GL) * 3) t_GPS - t_GL = delta_T + tau_GPS (defined in ICD 4.5 Non-immediate info.) */ struct Ephemeris_with_Time : public Ephemeris, TimeProperties { typename TimeProperties::date_t t_b_date; typedef typename Ephemeris::constellation_t constellation_t; constellation_t xa_t_b; float_t sidereal_t_b_rad; typename Ephemeris::differential_t eq_of_motion; static const float_t time_step_max_per_one_integration; void calculate_additional() { u8_t N_4; u16_t NA; TimeProperties::raw_t::date2raw(TimeProperties::date, &N_4, &NA); // TODO detect large difference between NA and N_T caused by rolling over. t_b_date = TimeProperties::raw_t::raw2date(N_4, this->N_T); sidereal_t_b_rad = TimeProperties::date_t::Greenwich_sidereal_time_deg( t_b_date.c_tm(), (float_t)(this->t_b) / (60 * 60) - 3) / 180 * M_PI; constellation_t x_t_b = { {this->xn, this->yn, this->zn}, {this->xn_dot, this->yn_dot, this->zn_dot}, }; xa_t_b = x_t_b.abs_corrdinate(sidereal_t_b_rad); // PZ-90 => O-XYZ eq_of_motion = typename Ephemeris::differential_t((*this), sidereal_t_b_rad); } Ephemeris_with_Time(const Ephemeris &eph, const TimeProperties &t_prop) : Ephemeris(eph), TimeProperties(t_prop) { calculate_additional(); } Ephemeris_with_Time(const Ephemeris &eph, const std::tm &t_utc) : Ephemeris(eph) { this->tau_c = this->tau_GPS = 0; std::tm t_mt(t_utc); // calculate Moscow time t_mt.tm_hour += 3; std::mktime(&t_mt); // renormalization this->date = TimeProperties::date_t::from_c_tm(t_mt); u16_t N_T; TimeProperties::raw_t::date2raw(this->date, NULL, &N_T); this->N_T = N_T; this->t_b = (t_mt.tm_hour * 60 + t_mt.tm_min) * 60 + t_mt.tm_sec; calculate_additional(); } std::tm c_tm_utc() const { std::tm t(t_b_date.c_tm()); // set date on Moscow time (t.tm_sec = (int)(this->t_b)) -= 3 * 60 * 60; // add second on UTC std::mktime(&t); // renormalization return t; } struct raw_t : public Ephemeris::raw_t, TimeProperties::raw_t { operator Ephemeris_with_Time() const { return Ephemeris_with_Time((Ephemeris)(*this), (TimeProperties)(*this)); } raw_t &operator=(const Ephemeris_with_Time &eph){ (typename Ephemeris::raw_t &)(*this) = eph; (typename TimeProperties::raw_t &)(*this) = eph; return *this; } }; bool is_equivalent(const Ephemeris_with_Time &eph) const { return Ephemeris::is_equivalent(eph) && TimeProperties::is_equivalent(eph); } float_t calculate_clock_error(const float_t &delta_t) const { return -TimeProperties::tau_c - Ephemeris::tau_n + Ephemeris::gamma_n * delta_t; } /** * @param t_depature_onboard signal depature time in onboard time scale, * which is along to glonass time scale (UTC + 3 hr) but is shifted in gradually changing length. */ float_t clock_error(const float_t &t_depature_onboard) const { return calculate_clock_error(t_depature_onboard - Ephemeris::t_b); } const float_t &clock_error_dot() const { return Ephemeris::gamma_n; } /** * Calculate absolute constellation(t) based on constellation(t_0). * t_0 is a time around t_b, and is used to calculate * @param t_step time interval from t_0 to t * @param times number of integration steps (assume times >=0) * @param xa_t_0 constellation(t_0) * @param t_0_from_t_b time interval from t_b to t_0 (= t_0 - t_b) */ constellation_t constellation_abs( const float_t &t_step, int times, const constellation_t &xa_t_0, const float_t &t_0_from_t_b) const { constellation_t res(xa_t_0); float_t delta_t_itg(t_0_from_t_b); // accumulative time of integration for(; times > 0; --times, delta_t_itg += t_step){ res = nextByRK4(eq_of_motion, delta_t_itg, res, t_step); } return res; } /** * Calculate absolute constellation(t) based on constellation(t_0). * t_0 is a time around t_b, and is used to calculate * an intermediate result specified with the 2nd argument. * This method is useful to calculate constellation effectively * by using a cache. * @param delta_t time interval from t_0 to t * @param xa_t_0 constellation(t_0) * @param t_0_from_t_b time interval from t_b to t_0 (= t_0 - t_b) */ constellation_t constellation_abs( const float_t &delta_t, const constellation_t &xa_t_0, const float_t &t_0_from_t_b) const { float_t t_step_max(delta_t >= 0 ? time_step_max_per_one_integration : -time_step_max_per_one_integration); int n(std::floor(delta_t / t_step_max)); float_t delta_t_steps(t_step_max * n), delta_t_remain(delta_t - delta_t_steps); // To perform time integration from t_0 to (t_0 + delta_t), // n-times integration with t_step_max, // then, one-time integration with delta_t_remain are conducted. return constellation_abs( delta_t_remain, 1, constellation_abs(t_step_max, n, xa_t_0, t_0_from_t_b), t_0_from_t_b + delta_t_steps); } /** * Calculate constellation(t) based on constellation(t_b). * @param delta_t time interval from t_0 to t * @param pseudo_range measured pusedo_range to correct delta_t, default is 0. */ constellation_t calculate_constellation( const float_t &delta_t, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const { constellation_t res( constellation_abs(delta_t, xa_t_b, float_t(0))); return res.rel_corrdinate( sidereal_t_b_rad + (constellation_t::omega_E * (delta_t + dt_transit))); // transform from abs to PZ-90.02 } /** * @param t_depature_glonass signal depature time in glonass time scale, * which is the corrected onboard time by removing clock error. */ constellation_t constellation( const float_t &t_depature_glonass, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const { return calculate_constellation( t_depature_glonass - Ephemeris::t_b, dt_transit); // measure in UTC + 3hr scale } }; struct Ephemeris_with_GPS_Time : public Ephemeris_with_Time { GPS_Time<float_t> t_b_gps; Ephemeris_with_GPS_Time() : Ephemeris_with_Time(Ephemeris(), GPS_Time<float_t>(0, 0).c_tm()), t_b_gps(0, 0) {} /** * * @param deltaT integer part of difference of GPS and GLONASS time scales. * This is often identical to the leap seconds because GLONASS time base is UTC */ Ephemeris_with_GPS_Time(const Ephemeris_with_Time &eph, const int_t &deltaT = 0) : Ephemeris_with_Time(eph), t_b_gps(GPS_Time<float_t>(eph.c_tm_utc()) // in UTC scale + Ephemeris_with_Time::tau_GPS // in (GPS - delta_T) scale (delta_T is integer), -tau_GPS = GLGP in RINEX + deltaT) { } GPS_Time<float_t> base_time() const { return t_b_gps; } bool is_valid(const GPS_Time<float_t> &t) const { return std::abs(t_b_gps.interval(t)) <= 60 * 60; // 1 hour } using Ephemeris_with_Time::clock_error; float_t clock_error(const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_depature_onboard) const { return Ephemeris_with_Time::calculate_clock_error(t_depature_onboard - t_b_gps); } using Ephemeris_with_Time::constellation; typename Ephemeris_with_Time::constellation_t constellation( const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_depature_gps, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const { return this->calculate_constellation(t_depature_gps - t_b_gps, dt_transit); } }; }; struct Satellite : public SatelliteProperties { public: typedef typename SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris_with_GPS_Time eph_t; struct eph_cached_t : public eph_t { mutable typename eph_t::constellation_t xa_t_0; mutable float_t t_0_from_t_b; eph_cached_t() : eph_t(), xa_t_0(eph_t::xa_t_b), t_0_from_t_b(0) {} eph_cached_t(const eph_t &eph) : eph_t(eph), xa_t_0(eph.xa_t_b), t_0_from_t_b(0) {} using eph_t::constellation; typename eph_t::constellation_t constellation( const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_depature_gps, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const { float_t delta_t(t_depature_gps - eph_t::t_b_gps); float_t delta_t_depature_from_t_0(delta_t - t_0_from_t_b); float_t t_step_max(delta_t_depature_from_t_0 >= 0 ? eph_t::time_step_max_per_one_integration : -eph_t::time_step_max_per_one_integration); int big_steps(std::floor(delta_t_depature_from_t_0 / t_step_max)); if(big_steps > 0){ // perform integration and update cache xa_t_0 = eph_t::constellation_abs(t_step_max, big_steps, xa_t_0, t_0_from_t_b); float_t delta_t_updated(t_step_max * big_steps); t_0_from_t_b += delta_t_updated; delta_t_depature_from_t_0 -= delta_t_updated; } return eph_t::constellation_abs(delta_t_depature_from_t_0, 1, xa_t_0, t_0_from_t_b) .rel_corrdinate( // transform from abs to PZ-90.02 eph_t::sidereal_t_b_rad + (eph_t::constellation_t::omega_E * (delta_t + dt_transit))); } }; typedef typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::template PropertyHistory<eph_cached_t> eph_list_t; protected: eph_list_t eph_history; public: Satellite() : eph_history() { // TODO setup first ephemeris as invalid one // eph_t &eph_current(const_cast<eph_t &>(eph_history.current())); } template <class Functor> void each_ephemeris( Functor &functor, const typename eph_list_t::each_mode_t &mode = eph_list_t::EACH_ALL) const { eph_history.each(functor, mode); } void register_ephemeris(const eph_t &eph, const int &priority_delta = 1){ eph_history.add(eph_cached_t(eph), priority_delta); } void merge(const Satellite &another, const bool &keep_original = true){ eph_history.merge(another.eph_history, keep_original); } const eph_t &ephemeris() const { return eph_history.current(); } /** * Select appropriate ephemeris within registered ones. * * @param target_time time at measurement * @return if true, appropriate ephemeris is selected, otherwise, not selected. */ bool select_ephemeris(const GPS_Time<float_t> &target_time){ return eph_history.select(target_time, &eph_t::is_valid); } float_t clock_error(const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_tx) const{ return ephemeris().clock_error(t_tx); } float_t clock_error_dot(const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_tx) const{ return ephemeris().clock_error_dot(); } typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties::constellation_t constellation( const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const { return (typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties::constellation_t)( eph_history.current().constellation(t_tx, dt_transit)); } typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::xyz_t position(const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit= 0) const { return constellation(t_tx, dt_transit).position; } typename GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::xyz_t velocity(const GPS_Time<float_t> &t_tx, const float_t &dt_transit = 0) const { return constellation(t_tx, dt_transit).velocity; } }; public: typedef std::map<int, Satellite> satellites_t; protected: satellites_t _satellites; public: GLONASS_SpaceNode() : _satellites() {} ~GLONASS_SpaceNode(){ _satellites.clear(); } const satellites_t &satellites() const { return _satellites; } Satellite &satellite(const int &prn) { return _satellites[prn]; } bool has_satellite(const int &prn) const { return _satellites.find(prn) != _satellites.end(); } void update_all_ephemeris(const GPS_Time<float_t> &target_time) { for(typename satellites_t::iterator it(_satellites.begin()), it_end(_satellites.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ it->second.select_ephemeris(target_time); } } typename Satellite::eph_t latest_ephemeris() const { struct { typename Satellite::eph_t res; void operator()(const typename Satellite::eph_t &eph){ if(res.t_b_gps < eph.t_b_gps){res = eph;} } } functor; for(typename satellites_t::const_iterator it(_satellites.begin()), it_end(_satellites.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ it->second.each_ephemeris(functor, Satellite::eph_list_t::EACH_NO_REDUNDANT); } return functor.res; } }; template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::light_speed = 299792458; // [m/s] template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::L1_frequency_base = 1602E6; // [Hz] template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::L1_frequency_gap = 562.5E3; // [Hz] template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::L2_frequency_base = 1246E6; // [Hz] template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::L2_frequency_gap = 437.5E3; // [Hz] template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::constellation_t::omega_E = 0.7292115E-4; // [s^-1] template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::int_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::TimeProperties::date_t::days_m[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; #define POWER_2(n) \ (((n) >= 0) \ ? (float_t)(1 << (n >= 0 ? n : 0)) \ : (((float_t)1) / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? 30 : -(n > 0 ? 0 : n))) \ / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? (-(n) - 30) : 0)))) template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::TimeProperties::raw_t::sf[] = { POWER_2(-31), // tau_c [s] POWER_2(-30) /* * 60 * 60 * 24*/, // tau_GPS [s], unit is described as [day] in ICD, however, it may be wrong. }; template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::raw_t::sf[] = { POWER_2(-11) * 1E3, // x POWER_2(-20) * 1E3, // x_dot POWER_2(-30) * 1E3, // x_ddot 15 * 60, // t_b POWER_2(-40), // gamma_n POWER_2(-30), // tau_n POWER_2(-30), // delta_tau_n }; #undef POWER_2 template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::raw_t::F_T_table[] = { 1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, }; template <class FloatT> typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::u8_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::F_T_index() const { if(F_T <= 0){ // invalid value return sizeof(raw_t::F_T_table) / sizeof(raw_t::F_T_table[0]); } return (u8_t)GPS_SpaceNode<float_t>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris::URA_index( F_T, raw_t::F_T_table); } template <class FloatT> const typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::float_t GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris_with_Time ::time_step_max_per_one_integration = 60; #endif /* __GLONASS_H__ */