== Ruby汉字转拼音Chinese Pinyin conversion Chinese Pinyin conversion. 汉字转拼音 => Elvuel::Hz2py Chinese traditional and simplified conversion. 繁简转换 => Elvuel::TraditionalAndSimplified == Install gem install hz2py == In rails As GEM rails3: gem 'hz2py' rails2: config.gem 'hz2py' As PLUGIN rails3: rails plugin install git://github.com/elvuel/hz2py.git rails2: ./script/plugin install git://github.com/elvuel/hz2py.git == Usage & Example # in rails app add config/initializers/hz2py.rb class String def to_pinyin Hz2py.do(self) end end Hz2py.do("你好") => "ni hao" TraditionalAndSimplified.conv_t2s("鳳凰") => "凤凰" TraditionalAndSimplified.conv_s2t("无心插柳柳成阴") => "無心插柳柳成陰" Hz2py.do("你好", :join_with => '-') => "ni-hao" Hz2py.do("愛你", :join_with => '-', :to_simplified => true) => "ai-ni" == Test rspec spec/ == Author Elvuel(elvuel@gmail.com) Copyright (c) 2010 elvuel(http://elvuel.com), released under the MIT license