#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-influxdb-query # # DESCRIPTION: # Check InfluxDB queries # # OUTPUT: # plain text # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: jsonpath # gem: json # gem: dentaku # # USAGE: # example commands # # NOTES: # See the README here https://github.com/zeroXten/check_influxdb_query # # LICENSE: # Copyright 2014, Fraser Scott # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'influxdb' require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' require 'json' require 'jsonpath' require 'dentaku' # VERSION = '0.1.0' # # Check Influxdb Query # class CheckInfluxdbQuery < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI check_name nil option :host, short: '-H HOST', long: '--host HOST', default: 'localhost', description: 'InfluxDB host' option :port, short: '-P PORT', long: '--port PORT', default: '8086', description: 'InfluxDB port' option :database, short: '-d DATABASE', long: '--database DATABASE', default: 'influxdb', description: 'InfluxDB database name' option :username, short: '-u USERNAME', long: '--username USERNAME', default: 'root', description: 'API username' option :password, short: '-p PASSWORD', long: '--password PASSWORD', default: 'root', description: 'API password' option :query, short: '-q QUERY', long: '--query QUERY', required: true, description: 'Query to run. See http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.8/api/query_language.html' option :alias, short: '-a ALIAS', long: '--alias ALIAS', default: nil, description: 'Alias of query (e.g. if query and output gets too long)' option :jsonpath, short: '-j JSONPATH', long: '--jsonpath JSONPATH', default: nil, description: 'Json path to select value. Takes the first value, or 0 if none. See http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/' option :noresult, short: '-n', long: '--noresult', boolean: true, description: 'Go critical for no result from query' option :warning, short: '-w WARNING', long: '--warning WARNING', default: nil, description: "Warning threshold expression. E.g. 'value >= 10'. See https://github.com/rubysolo/dentaku" option :critical, short: '-c CRITICAL', long: '--critical CRITICAL', default: nil, description: "Critical threshold expression. E.g. 'value >= 20'. See https://github.com/rubysolo/dentaku" option :help, short: '-h', long: '--help', description: 'Show this message', on: :tail, boolean: true, show_options: true, exit: 0 # option :version, # short: '-v', # long: '--version', # description: 'Show version', # on: :tail, # boolean: true, # proc: proc { puts "Version #{VERSION}" }, # exit: 0 def run # rubocop:disable all influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new config[:database], host: config[:host], port: config[:port], username: config[:username], password: config[:password] value = influxdb.query config[:query] if config[:alias] query_name = config[:alias] else query_name = config[:query] end if config[:noresult] && value.empty? critical "No result for query '#{query_name}'" end if config[:jsonpath] json_path = JsonPath.new(config[:jsonpath]) value = json_path.on(value).first || 0 calc = Dentaku::Calculator.new if config[:critical] && calc.evaluate(config[:critical], value: value) critical "Value '#{value}' matched '#{config[:critical]}' for query '#{query_name}'" elsif config[:warning] && calc.evaluate(config[:warning], value: value) warning "Value '#{value}' matched '#{config[:warning]}' for query '#{query_name}'" else ok "Value '#{value}' ok for query '#{query_name}'" end else puts 'Debug output. Use -j to check value...' puts JSON.pretty_generate(value) end end end