# tic_tac_toe **Instructions:** 1. In order to play the game, please type **tictactoe** into your console. 2. Follow the prompts to set your name and the value of your mark. 3. Choose whether you would like to play a computer (**"C"**) or a human (**"H"**). 4. If you choose to play a computer, further choose whether you would like to play * an easy (**"E"**) computer: this computer selects randomly * a difficult (**"D"**) computer: this computer is impossible to beat! 5. Choose how many squares per row you would like. Note that 9 is the maximum, unless you are playing a difficult computer, who prefers to play with a maximum of 3 squares per row. 6. In order to exit the game at any time, please type **exit** into your console.