module IsoDoc module Iso class WordDISConvert < WordConvert STYLESMAP = { AltTerms: "AdmittedTerm", TableFootnote: "Tablefootnote", formula: "Formula", note: "Note", example: "Example", admonition: "Admonition", admonitiontitle: "AdmonitionTitle", sourcetitle: "SourceTitle", TableTitle: "Tabletitle", titlepagesbhead: "TablePageSubhead", NormRef: "RefNorm", Biblio: "BiblioEntry", MsoNormal: "MsoBodyText", FigureTitle: "Figuretitle", zzwarning: "zzWarning", zzwarninghdr: "zzWarningHdr", quoteattribution: "QuoteAttribution", Sourcecode: "Code", zzSTDTitle1: "zzSTDTitle", zzSTDTitle2: "zzSTDTitle", zzCopyright1: "zzCopyright", }.freeze def new_styles(docxml) STYLESMAP.each do |k, v| docxml.xpath("//*[@class = '#{k}']").each { |s| s["class"] = v } end docxml.xpath("//h1[@class = 'ForewordTitle' or @class = 'IntroTitle']") .each { |h| = "p" } dis_styles1(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[not(@class)]").each { |p| p["class"] = "MsoBodyText" } stripbgcolor(docxml) end def sourcecode_style "Code" end def dis_styles1(docxml) amd_style(docxml) middle_title_style(docxml) code_style(docxml) figure_style(docxml) formula_style(docxml) note_style(docxml) example_style(docxml) dis_style_interactions(docxml) quote_style(docxml) smaller_code_style(docxml) end def middle_title_style(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'zzSTDTitle2']").each do |p| p1 = p.previous_element && == p && p1["class"] = "zzSTDTitle2" or next p1 << " #{p.remove.children.to_xml}" end end def dis_style_interactions(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'Code' or @class = 'Code-' or " \ "@class = 'Code--']" \ "[following::p[@class = 'Examplecontinued']]").each do |p| p["style"] ||= "" p["style"] = "margin-bottom:12pt;#{p['style']}" end end def amd_style(docxml) @meta.get[:doctype] == "Amendment" or return docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'WordSection3']//h1").each do |h| = "p" h["style"] = "font-style:italic;page-break-after:avoid;" end end def para_style_change(div, class1, class2) s = class1 ? "@class = '#{class1}'" : "not(@class)" div.xpath(".//p[#{s}]").each do |p| p["class"] = class2 end end def quote_style1(div) para_style_change(div, nil, "BodyTextindent1") para_style_change(div, "Code-", "Code--") para_style_change(div, "Code", "Code-") if div["class"] != "Example" para_style_change(div, "Example", "Exampleindent") para_style_change(div, "Examplecontinued", "Exampleindentcontinued") end if div["class"] != "Note" para_style_change(div, "Note", "Noteindent") para_style_change(div, "Notecontinued", "Noteindentcontinued") end div.xpath(".//table[@class = 'dl']").each do |t| t["style"] = "margin-left: 1cm;" end end def note_style(docxml) remove_note_label(docxml) note_continued_style(docxml) end def example_style(docxml) example_continued_style(docxml) end def example_continued_style(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'Example']").each do |d| d.xpath("./p").each_with_index do |p, i| p["class"] && p["class"] != "Example" and next p["class"] = ( ? "Example" : "Examplecontinued") end end end def note_continued_style(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'Note']").each do |d| d.xpath("./p").each_with_index do |p, i| p["class"] && p["class"] != "Note" and next p["class"] = ( ? "Note" : "Notecontinued") end end end FIGURE_NESTED_STYLES = { Note: "Figurenote", example: "Figureexample" }.freeze def figure_style(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'figure']").each do |f| FIGURE_NESTED_STYLES.each do |k, v| f.xpath(".//*[@class = '#{k}']").each { |n| n["class"] = v } end f.xpath("./img").each do |i| i.replace("
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