module Restfully module Parsing class ParserNotFound < Restfully::Error; end PARSERS = [ { :supported_types => [/^application\/.*?json/i], :parse => lambda{|object, options| require 'json' JSON.parse(object) }, :dump => lambda{|object, options| require 'json' JSON.dump(object) }, :object => true }, { :supported_types => [/^text\/.*?(plain|html)/i], :parse => lambda{|object, options| object}, :dump => lambda{|object, options| object} }, { # just store the binary data in a 'raw' property :supported_types => ["application/zip"], :parse => lambda{|object, options| {'raw' => object}}, :dump => lambda{|object, options| object['raw']} } ] def unserialize(object, options = {}) content_type = options[:content_type] content_type ||= object.headers['Content-Type'] if object.respond_to?(:headers) parser = select_parser_for(content_type) if parser parser[:parse].call(object, options) else raise"Cannot find a parser to parse '#{content_type}' content.") end end def serialize(object, options = {}) content_type = options[:content_type] content_type ||= object.headers['Content-Type'] if object.respond_to?(:headers) parser = select_parser_for(content_type) if parser parser[:dump].call(object, options) else raise"Cannot find a parser to dump object into '#{content_type}' content.") end end def select_parser_for(content_type) content_type.split(",").each do |type| parser = PARSERS.find{|parser| parser[:supported_types].find{|supported_type| type =~ (supported_type.kind_of?(String) ? : supported_type) }} return parser unless parser.nil? end nil end end end