# Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Represents an SDB Domain """ from boto.sdb.queryresultset import SelectResultSet class Domain: def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None): self.connection = connection self.name = name self._metadata = None def __repr__(self): return 'Domain:%s' % self.name def __iter__(self): return iter(self.select("SELECT * FROM `%s`" % self.name)) def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'DomainName': self.name = value else: setattr(self, name, value) def get_metadata(self): if not self._metadata: self._metadata = self.connection.domain_metadata(self) return self._metadata def put_attributes(self, item_name, attributes, replace=True, expected_value=None): """ Store attributes for a given item. :type item_name: string :param item_name: The name of the item whose attributes are being stored. :type attribute_names: dict or dict-like object :param attribute_names: The name/value pairs to store as attributes :type expected_value: list :param expected_value: If supplied, this is a list or tuple consisting of a single attribute name and expected value. The list can be of the form: * ['name', 'value'] In which case the call will first verify that the attribute "name" of this item has a value of "value". If it does, the delete will proceed, otherwise a ConditionalCheckFailed error will be returned. The list can also be of the form: * ['name', True|False] which will simply check for the existence (True) or non-existence (False) of the attribute. :type replace: bool :param replace: Whether the attribute values passed in will replace existing values or will be added as addition values. Defaults to True. :rtype: bool :return: True if successful """ return self.connection.put_attributes(self, item_name, attributes, replace, expected_value) def batch_put_attributes(self, items, replace=True): """ Store attributes for multiple items. :type items: dict or dict-like object :param items: A dictionary-like object. The keys of the dictionary are the item names and the values are themselves dictionaries of attribute names/values, exactly the same as the attribute_names parameter of the scalar put_attributes call. :type replace: bool :param replace: Whether the attribute values passed in will replace existing values or will be added as addition values. Defaults to True. :rtype: bool :return: True if successful """ return self.connection.batch_put_attributes(self, items, replace) def get_attributes(self, item_name, attribute_name=None, consistent_read=False, item=None): """ Retrieve attributes for a given item. :type item_name: string :param item_name: The name of the item whose attributes are being retrieved. :type attribute_names: string or list of strings :param attribute_names: An attribute name or list of attribute names. This parameter is optional. If not supplied, all attributes will be retrieved for the item. :rtype: :class:`boto.sdb.item.Item` :return: An Item mapping type containing the requested attribute name/values """ return self.connection.get_attributes(self, item_name, attribute_name, consistent_read, item) def delete_attributes(self, item_name, attributes=None, expected_values=None): """ Delete attributes from a given item. :type item_name: string :param item_name: The name of the item whose attributes are being deleted. :type attributes: dict, list or :class:`boto.sdb.item.Item` :param attributes: Either a list containing attribute names which will cause all values associated with that attribute name to be deleted or a dict or Item containing the attribute names and keys and list of values to delete as the value. If no value is supplied, all attribute name/values for the item will be deleted. :type expected_value: list :param expected_value: If supplied, this is a list or tuple consisting of a single attribute name and expected value. The list can be of the form: * ['name', 'value'] In which case the call will first verify that the attribute "name" of this item has a value of "value". If it does, the delete will proceed, otherwise a ConditionalCheckFailed error will be returned. The list can also be of the form: * ['name', True|False] which will simply check for the existence (True) or non-existence (False) of the attribute. :rtype: bool :return: True if successful """ return self.connection.delete_attributes(self, item_name, attributes, expected_values) def batch_delete_attributes(self, items): """ Delete multiple items in this domain. :type items: dict or dict-like object :param items: A dictionary-like object. The keys of the dictionary are the item names and the values are either: * dictionaries of attribute names/values, exactly the same as the attribute_names parameter of the scalar put_attributes call. The attribute name/value pairs will only be deleted if they match the name/value pairs passed in. * None which means that all attributes associated with the item should be deleted. :rtype: bool :return: True if successful """ return self.connection.batch_delete_attributes(self, items) def select(self, query='', next_token=None, consistent_read=False, max_items=None): """ Returns a set of Attributes for item names within domain_name that match the query. The query must be expressed in using the SELECT style syntax rather than the original SimpleDB query language. :type query: string :param query: The SimpleDB query to be performed. :rtype: iter :return: An iterator containing the results. This is actually a generator function that will iterate across all search results, not just the first page. """ return SelectResultSet(self, query, max_items=max_items, next_token=next_token, consistent_read=consistent_read) def get_item(self, item_name, consistent_read=False): """ Retrieves an item from the domain, along with all of its attributes. :param string item_name: The name of the item to retrieve. :rtype: :class:`boto.sdb.item.Item` or ``None`` :keyword bool consistent_read: When set to true, ensures that the most recent data is returned. :return: The requested item, or ``None`` if there was no match found """ item = self.get_attributes(item_name, consistent_read=consistent_read) if item: item.domain = self return item else: return None def new_item(self, item_name): return self.connection.item_cls(self, item_name) def delete_item(self, item): self.delete_attributes(item.name) def to_xml(self, f=None): """Get this domain as an XML DOM Document :param f: Optional File to dump directly to :type f: File or Stream :return: File object where the XML has been dumped to :rtype: file """ if not f: from tempfile import TemporaryFile f = TemporaryFile() print >> f, '' print >> f, '' % self.name for item in self: print >> f, '\t' % item.name for k in item: print >> f, '\t\t' % k values = item[k] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for value in values: print >> f, '\t\t\t> f, ']]>' print >> f, '\t\t' print >> f, '\t' print >> f, '' f.flush() f.seek(0) return f def from_xml(self, doc): """Load this domain based on an XML document""" import xml.sax handler = DomainDumpParser(self) xml.sax.parse(doc, handler) return handler def delete(self): """ Delete this domain, and all items under it """ return self.connection.delete_domain(self) class DomainMetaData: def __init__(self, domain=None): self.domain = domain self.item_count = None self.item_names_size = None self.attr_name_count = None self.attr_names_size = None self.attr_value_count = None self.attr_values_size = None def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'ItemCount': self.item_count = int(value) elif name == 'ItemNamesSizeBytes': self.item_names_size = int(value) elif name == 'AttributeNameCount': self.attr_name_count = int(value) elif name == 'AttributeNamesSizeBytes': self.attr_names_size = int(value) elif name == 'AttributeValueCount': self.attr_value_count = int(value) elif name == 'AttributeValuesSizeBytes': self.attr_values_size = int(value) elif name == 'Timestamp': self.timestamp = value else: setattr(self, name, value) import sys from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler class DomainDumpParser(ContentHandler): """ SAX parser for a domain that has been dumped """ def __init__(self, domain): self.uploader = UploaderThread(domain) self.item_id = None self.attrs = {} self.attribute = None self.value = "" self.domain = domain def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == "Item": self.item_id = attrs['id'] self.attrs = {} elif name == "attribute": self.attribute = attrs['id'] elif name == "value": self.value = "" def characters(self, ch): self.value += ch def endElement(self, name): if name == "value": if self.value and self.attribute: value = self.value.strip() attr_name = self.attribute.strip() if attr_name in self.attrs: self.attrs[attr_name].append(value) else: self.attrs[attr_name] = [value] elif name == "Item": self.uploader.items[self.item_id] = self.attrs # Every 20 items we spawn off the uploader if len(self.uploader.items) >= 20: self.uploader.start() self.uploader = UploaderThread(self.domain) elif name == "Domain": # If we're done, spawn off our last Uploader Thread self.uploader.start() from threading import Thread class UploaderThread(Thread): """Uploader Thread""" def __init__(self, domain): self.db = domain self.items = {} Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): try: self.db.batch_put_attributes(self.items) except: print "Exception using batch put, trying regular put instead" for item_name in self.items: self.db.put_attributes(item_name, self.items[item_name]) print ".", sys.stdout.flush()