// @page Pattern Library/Components
// @name USPs
// @description
// USPs (Unique Selling Points) are used within tables and on splash pages to highlight offers within a deal, and also to differentiate deals.
// General guidelines; There should only be one USP per deal. Text within USPs should be written in sentence case (not uppercase).
// @state .us-usp--blue - uSwitch related.
// @state .us-usp--orange - Rewards (money/points).
// @state .us-usp--purple - Gifts eg. free TV.
// @state .us-usp--yellow - Vouchers.
// @state .us-usp--typecyan - Micro persuasions eg. most popular, half price.
// @state .us-usp--green - Renewable and environmentally friendly.
// @state .us-usp--navy - Generic vertical specific USP.
// @state .us-usp--cyan - Generic vertical specific USP.
// @state .us-usp--typegrey - Generic vertical specific USP.
// @state .us-usp--red - Generic vertical specific USP.
// @markup
Unique Selling Point
Annotated USP
// More information about USP goes here
$variants: (
('blue', $c-dark-blue),
('orange', $c-dark-orange),
('purple', $c-dark-purple),
('yellow', $c-dark-yellow),
('typecyan', $c-light-blue),
('green', $c-dark-green),
('navy', $c-dark-blue),
('cyan', $c-light-blue),
('typegrey', $c-darker-grey),
('grey', $c-darker-grey),
('red', $c-light-red),
('pink', $c-dark-pink),
('light-purple', $c-light-purple)
) !default;
@mixin usp-style($colour) {
background-color: rgba(nth($colour, 2), .3);
&:before {
position: relative;
left: -.55em;
border-left: 4px solid nth($colour, 2);
content: "";
padding: .2em 0;
.us-usp {
@include usp-style(('blue', $c-dark-blue));
display: inline-block;
padding: .25em .75em;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: .875em;
line-height: $base-line-ratio;
color: $c-uswitch-navy;
text-align: left;
@each $colour in $variants {
.us-usp--#{nth($colour, 1)} {
@include usp-style($colour);
.us-usp--annotated {
font-weight: normal;
color: $c-typegrey;
text-align: left;
background-color: $c-bggrey;
&:before {
border: 0;
.us-usp {
margin-right: 10px;
margin-left: -10px;