- class_name = commentable.class.name.underscore - id_prefix = "#{class_name}_#{commentable.id}" - @comment = @comment || Comment.new .comment.highlight.new_comment{ :id => "#{id_prefix}_comment_new" } - subscribed_users = commentable.subscribed_users.map{|uid| User.find_by_id(uid) unless uid == current_user.id }.compact - if notification_emails_configured? && subscribed_users.any? = t(:following_users_will_be_notified) << ":" - subscribed_users.each do |user| = link_to user.full_name, user_path(user) -# Two hidden fields store the IDs of notes and emails shown for the asset. These IDs are used -# by [Expand/Collapse All]. The contents gets updated by actions such as [Add] or [Delete]. = hidden_field_tag :shown_notes, "#{commentable.comment_ids.join(',')}", :id => "#{id_prefix}_shown_notes" = hidden_field_tag :shown_emails, "#{commentable.email_ids.join(',')}", :id => "#{id_prefix}_shown_emails" = link_to avatar_for(current_user, :size => :small), user_path(current_user) .tools = link_to_function(t(:expand_all), "crm.flip_notes_and_emails('#{t(:expanded)}', '#{t(:more)}', '#{t(:less)}', '#{id_prefix}')") << " | " = link_to_function(t(:collapse_all), "crm.flip_notes_and_emails('#{t(:collapsed)}', '#{t(:more)}', '#{t(:less)}', '#{id_prefix}')") %div{ {:id => "#{id_prefix}_post"}.merge(hidden_if(true))} = form_for(@comment, :remote => true, :html => {:id => "#{id_prefix}_new_comment"}) do |f| = hidden_field_tag "comment[commentable_id]", commentable.id, :id => "#{id_prefix}_comment_commentable_id" = hidden_field_tag "comment[commentable_type]", class_name.classify, :id => "#{id_prefix}_comment_commentable_type" = f.text_area :comment, :id => "#{id_prefix}_comment_comment" .buttons = image_tag("loading.gif", :size => :thumb, :class => "spinner", :style => "display: none;") = f.submit t(:add_note), :id => "#{id_prefix}_comment_submit" #{t :or} = link_to(t(:cancel), '#', :class => 'cancel') %div{ {:id => "#{id_prefix}_ask"}.merge(hidden_if(false))} = text_field_tag :post_new_note, t(:add_note_help), :id => "#{id_prefix}_post_new_note" - if notification_emails_configured? = render :partial => "comments/subscription_links", :locals => {:entity => commentable}