require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' require 'action_controller' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/html_inner_text' ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end ActionController::Base.perform_caching = false require 'will_paginate' WillPaginate.enable_actionpack class PaginationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class DevelopersController < ActionController::Base def list_developers @options = session[:wp] || {} @developers = (1..11).to_a.paginate( :page => params[@options[:param_name] || :page] || 1, :per_page => params[:per_page] || 4 ) render :inline => '<%= will_paginate @developers, @options %>' end def guess_collection_name @developers = session[:wp] @options = session[:wp_options] render :inline => '<%= will_paginate @options %>' end protected def rescue_errors(e) raise e end def rescue_action(e) raise e end end def setup @controller = @request = @response = super end def test_will_paginate get :list_developers entries = assigns :developers assert entries assert_equal 4, entries.size assert_select 'div.pagination', 1, 'no main DIV' do |pagination| assert_select 'a[href]', 3 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [2,3,2], elements assert_select elements.last, ':last-child', "Next »" end assert_select 'span', 2 assert_select 'span.disabled:first-child', "« Previous" assert_select 'span.current', entries.current_page.to_s assert_equal '« Previous 1 2 3 Next »', pagination.first.inner_text end end def test_will_paginate_with_options get :list_developers, { :page => 2 }, :wp => { :class => 'will_paginate', :prev_label => 'Prev', :next_label => 'Next' } assert_response :success entries = assigns :developers assert entries assert_equal 4, entries.size assert_select 'div.will_paginate', 1, 'no main DIV' do assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], elements assert_select elements.first, 'a', "Prev" assert_select elements.last, 'a', "Next" end assert_select 'span.current', entries.current_page.to_s end end def test_will_paginate_without_container get :list_developers, {}, :wp => { :container => false } assert_select 'div.pagination', 0, 'no main DIV' assert_select 'a[href]', 3 end def test_will_paginate_without_page_links get :list_developers, { :page => 2 }, :wp => { :page_links => false } assert_select 'a[href]', 2 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [1,3], elements end end def test_will_paginate_preserves_parameters_on_get get :list_developers, :foo => { :bar => 'baz' } assert_links_match /foo%5Bbar%5D=baz/ end def test_will_paginate_doesnt_preserve_parameters_on_post post :list_developers, :foo => 'bar' assert_no_links_match /foo=bar/ end def test_adding_additional_parameters get :list_developers, {}, :wp => { :params => { :foo => 'bar' } } assert_links_match /foo=bar/ end def test_removing_arbitrary_parameters get :list_developers, { :foo => 'bar' }, :wp => { :params => { :foo => nil } } assert_no_links_match /foo=bar/ end def test_adding_additional_route_parameters get :list_developers, {}, :wp => { :params => { :controller => 'baz' } } assert_links_match %r{\Wbaz/list_developers\W} end def test_will_paginate_with_custom_page_param get :list_developers, { :developers_page => 2 }, :wp => { :param_name => :developers_page } assert_response :success entries = assigns :developers assert entries assert_equal 4, entries.size assert_select 'div.pagination', 1, 'no main DIV' do assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], elements, :developers_page end assert_select 'span.current', entries.current_page.to_s end end def test_will_paginate_windows get :list_developers, { :page => 6, :per_page => 1 }, :wp => { :inner_window => 1 } assert_response :success entries = assigns :developers assert entries assert_equal 1, entries.size assert_select 'div.pagination', 1, 'no main DIV' do |pagination| assert_select 'a[href]', 8 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [5,1,2,5,7,10,11,7], elements assert_select elements.first, 'a', "« Previous" assert_select elements.last, 'a', "Next »" end assert_select 'span.current', entries.current_page.to_s assert_equal '« Previous 1 2 ... 5 6 7 ... 10 11 Next »', pagination.first.inner_text end end def test_will_paginate_eliminates_small_gaps get :list_developers, { :page => 6, :per_page => 1 }, :wp => { :inner_window => 2 } assert_response :success assert_select 'div.pagination', 1, 'no main DIV' do assert_select 'a[href]', 12 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [5,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,7], elements end end end def test_no_pagination get :list_developers, :per_page => 12 entries = assigns :developers assert_equal 1, entries.page_count assert_equal 11, entries.size assert_equal '', @response.body end def test_faulty_input_raises_error assert_raise WillPaginate::InvalidPage do get :list_developers, :page => 'foo' end end uses_mocha 'helper internals' do def test_collection_name_can_be_guessed collection = mock collection.expects(:page_count).returns(1) get :guess_collection_name, {}, :wp => collection end end def test_inferred_collection_name_raises_error_when_nil ex = assert_raise ArgumentError do get :guess_collection_name, {}, :wp => nil end assert ex.message.include?('@developers') end def test_setting_id_for_container get :list_developers assert_select 'div.pagination', 1 do |div| assert_nil div.first['id'] end # magic ID get :list_developers, {}, :wp => { :id => true } assert_select 'div.pagination', 1 do |div| assert_equal 'fixnums_pagination', div.first['id'] end # explicit ID get :list_developers, {}, :wp => { :id => 'custom_id' } assert_select 'div.pagination', 1 do |div| assert_equal 'custom_id', div.first['id'] end end protected def validate_page_numbers expected, links, param_name = :page param_pattern = /\W#{param_name}=([^&]*)/ assert_equal(expected, { |e| e['href'] =~ param_pattern $1 ? $1.to_i : $1 }) end def assert_links_match pattern assert_select 'div.pagination a[href]' do |elements| elements.each do |el| assert_match pattern, el['href'] end end end def assert_no_links_match pattern assert_select 'div.pagination a[href]' do |elements| elements.each do |el| assert_no_match pattern, el['href'] end end end end class ViewHelpersTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include WillPaginate::ViewHelpers def test_page_entries_info arr = ('a'..'z').to_a collection = arr.paginate :page => 2, :per_page => 5 assert_equal %{Displaying entries 6 - 10 of 26 in total}, page_entries_info(collection) collection = arr.paginate :page => 7, :per_page => 4 assert_equal %{Displaying entries 25 - 26 of 26 in total}, page_entries_info(collection) end end