# vim: foldmethod=marker #From methadone (cli_logger.rb, cli_logging.rb, last import: 4626a2bca9b6e54077a06a0f8e11a04fadc6e7ae; 2017-01-19) require 'logger' require 'simplecolor' module ShellHelpers # like Logger but with more levels class MoreLogger < Logger #{{{1 class Formatter < Logger::Formatter def self.format_severity(severity) Logger::SEV_LABEL[severity] || 'ANY' end def call(severity, time, progname, msg) severity=self.class.format_severity(severity) Format % [severity[0..0], format_datetime(time), $$, severity, progname, msg2str(msg)] end end WrongLevel=Class.new(StandardError) module Levels #note Logger::Severity is included into Logger, so we can access the severity levels directly DEBUG1=0 #=DEBUG DEBUG2=-0.1 DEBUG3=-0.2 IMPORTANT=1.5 #between warning and info SUCCESS=1.3 #between warning and info VERBOSE=0.9 VERBOSE1=0.9 VERBOSE2=0.8 VERBOSE3=0.7 QUIET=-9 DEBUG = Logger::DEBUG # 0 INFO = Logger::INFO # 1 WARN = Logger::WARN # 2 ERROR = Logger::ERROR # 3 FATAL = Logger::FATAL # 4 UNKNOWN = Logger::UNKNOWN # 5 end LOG_LEVELS= { 'quiet' => Levels::QUIET, 'debug3' => Levels::DEBUG3, 'debug2' => Levels::DEBUG2, 'debug1' => Levels::DEBUG1, 'debug' => Levels::DEBUG, #0 'verbose' => Levels::VERBOSE, 'verbose1' => Levels::VERBOSE1, 'verbose2' => Levels::VERBOSE2, 'verbose3' => Levels::VERBOSE3, 'info' => Levels::INFO, #1 'success' => Levels::SUCCESS, 'important' => Levels::IMPORTANT, 'warn' => Levels::WARN, #2 'error' => Levels::ERROR, #3 'fatal' => Levels::FATAL, #4 'unknown' => Levels::UNKNOWN, #5 } def log_levels @levels ||= LOG_LEVELS.dup @levels end attr_accessor :default, :active, :quiet def initialize(*args, levels: {}, default: :info, active: :verbose, quiet: :warn, **kwds) @default=default @active=active @quiet=quiet super(*args, **kwds) @default_formatter = Formatter.new @level=severity_lvl(@default) klass=self.singleton_class levels=log_levels.merge!(levels) levels.keys.each do |lvl, cst| klass.define_method(lvl.to_sym) do |progname=nil, **opts, &block| add(lvl.to_sym, nil, progname, **opts, &block) end klass.define_method("#{lvl}?".to_sym) do @level <= cst end end end # log with given security. Also accepts 'true' def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, default: @default, quiet: @quiet, callback: nil) severity=severity(severity, default: default, quiet: quiet) severity_lvl=severity_lvl(severity) if @logdev.nil? or severity_lvl < @level return true end if progname.nil? progname = @progname end if message.nil? if block_given? message = yield else message = progname progname = @progname end end callback.call(message, progname, severity) if callback @logdev.write( format_message(format_severity(severity), Time.now, progname, message)) true end def severity(severity, default: @default, quiet: @quiet) severity ||= UNKNOWN severity=default if severity == true severity=quiet if severity == false severity end def severity_lvl(severity, **opts) severity=severity(severity, **opts) if severity.is_a?(Numeric) return severity else sev=severity.to_s.downcase if log_levels.key?(sev) return log_levels[sev] else raise WrongLevel.new(severity) end end end def level=(severity) @level = severity_lvl(severity) end # like level= but for clis, so we can pass a default if level=true def cli_level(level, active: @active, quiet: @quiet) level=active if level==true #for cli level=quiet if level==false #for cli self.level=level end end class ColorLogger < MoreLogger #{{{1 CLI_COLORS_BASE={ # info: [:bold], success: [:green, :bold], important: [:blue, :bold], warn: [:yellow, :bold], error: [:red, :bold], fatal: [:red, :bold] } CLI_COLORS={ mark: {lvl: :info, colors: :bold} } def cli_colors return @cli_colors if defined?(@cli_colors) @cli_colors={} base_colors=CLI_COLORS_BASE base_colors.each do |k,v| r={colors: v} @cli_colors[k.to_sym]=r end @cli_colors.merge!(CLI_COLORS) @cli_colors #mode => {lvl: lvl, colors: colors } end def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, color: [], raw: @raw, **args) severity ||= UNKNOWN severity=severity(severity) color=[*color] unless severity.is_a?(Numeric) cli=cli_colors[severity.to_sym] if cli severity=cli[:lvl] if cli.key?(:lvl) if !raw color=[*cli[:colors]] + color end end end severity_lvl=severity_lvl(severity) if @logdev.nil? or severity_lvl < @level return true end if progname.nil? progname = @progname end if message.nil? if block_given? message = yield else message = progname progname = @progname end end message = SimpleColor.color(message.to_s, *color) super(severity_lvl, message, progname) end attr_accessor :raw def initialize(*args, cli: {}, **kwds) @raw=false super(*args, **kwds) klass=self.singleton_class cli=cli_colors.merge!(cli) (cli.keys - CLI_COLORS_BASE.keys).each do |lvl| klass.define_method(lvl.to_sym) do |progname=nil, **opts, &block| add(lvl, nil, progname, **opts, &block) end end yield self if block_given? end end # CLILogger {{{1 # A Logger instance that gives better control of messaging the user and # logging app activity. At it's most basic, you would use <tt>info</tt> # as a replacement for +puts+ and <tt>error</tt> as a replacement for # <tt>STDERR.puts</tt>. Since this is a logger, however, you can also # use #debug, #warn, and #fatal, and you can control the format and # "logging level" as such. # # So, by default: # * debug messages do not appear anywhere # * info messages appear on the standard output # * warn, error, and fatal message appear on the standard error # * The default format of messages is simply the message, no logging # cruft, however if your output is redirected to a file, a better # timestamped logging format is used # # You can customize this in several ways: # * You can override the devices used by passing different devices to the constructor # * You can adjust the level of message that goes to the error logger via error_level= # * You can adjust the format for messages to the error logger separately via error_formatter= # # === Example # # logger = CLILogger.new # logger.debug("Starting up") # => only the standard output gets this # logger.warn("careful!") # => only the standard error gets this # logger.error("Something went wrong!") # => only the standard error gets this # # logger = CLILogger.new # logger.error_level = Logger::ERROR # logger.debug("Starting up") # => only the standard output gets this # logger.warn("careful!") # => only the standard OUTPUT gets this # logger.error("Something went wrong!") # => only the standard error gets this # # logger = CLILogger.new('logfile.txt') # logger.debug("Starting up") #=> logfile.txt gets this # logger.error("Something went wrong!") # => BOTH logfile.txt AND the standard error get this class CLILogger < ColorLogger BLANK_FORMAT = lambda { |severity,datetime,progname,msg| msg + "\n" } # Helper to proxy methods to the super class AND to the internal error logger # +symbol+:: Symbol for name of the method to proxy def self.proxy_method(symbol) #:nodoc: old_name = "old_#{symbol}".to_sym alias_method old_name,symbol define_method symbol do |*args,&block| send(old_name,*args,&block) @stderr_logger.send(symbol,*args,&block) end end proxy_method :'formatter=' proxy_method :'progname=' proxy_method :'datetime_format=' def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, **opts, &block) #:nodoc: severity_lvl = severity_lvl(severity) if @split_logs unless severity_lvl >= @stderr_logger.level super(severity,message,progname, **opts, &block) end else super(severity,message,progname,**opts, &block) end @stderr_logger.add(severity,message,progname,**opts, &block) end DEFAULT_ERROR_LEVEL = Logger::Severity::WARN # A logger that logs error-type messages to a second device; useful for # ensuring that error messages go to standard error. This should be # pretty smart about doing the right thing. If both log devices are # ttys, e.g. one is going to standard error and the other to the # standard output, messages only appear once in the overall output # stream. In other words, an ERROR logged will show up *only* in the # standard error. If either log device is NOT a tty, then all messages # go to +log_device+ and only errors go to +error_device+ # # +log_device+:: device where all log messages should go, based on level # By default, this is Logger::Severity::WARN # +error_device+:: device where all error messages should go. def initialize(log_device=$stdout,error_device=$stderr, split_log: :auto, default_error: DEFAULT_ERROR_LEVEL, **kwds) @stderr_logger = MoreLogger.new(error_device, default: default_error, **kwds) super(log_device, **kwds) log_device_tty = tty?(log_device) error_device_tty = tty?(error_device) @split_logs = log_device_tty && error_device_tty if split_log==:auto self.level = Logger::Severity::INFO @stderr_logger.level = @stderr_logger.default self.formatter = BLANK_FORMAT if log_device_tty @stderr_logger.formatter = BLANK_FORMAT if error_device_tty yield self, @stderr_logger if block_given? end def level=(level) super #current_error_level = @stderr_logger.level if (self.level > @stderr_logger.default) && @split_logs @stderr_logger.level = self.level end end def cli_level(*args) super if (self.level > @stderr_logger.default) && @split_logs @stderr_logger.level = self.level end end # Set the threshold for what messages go to the error device. Note # that calling #level= will *not* affect the error logger *unless* both # devices are TTYs. # +level+:: a constant from Logger::Severity for the level of messages that should go to the error logger def error_level=(level) @stderr_logger.level = level end # Overrides the formatter for the error logger. A future call to # #formatter= will affect both, so the order of the calls matters. # +formatter+:: Proc that handles the formatting, the same as for #formatter= def error_formatter=(formatter) @stderr_logger.formatter=formatter end private def tty?(device_or_string) return device_or_string.tty? if device_or_string.respond_to? :tty? false end #log the action and execute it #Severity is Logger:: DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL < UNKNOWN def log_and_do(*args, severity: INFO, definee: self, **opts, &block) msg="log_and_do #{args} on #{self}" msg+=" with options #{opts}" unless opts.empty? msg+=" with block #{block}" if block add(severity,msg) if opts.empty? definee.send(*args, &block) else definee.send(*args, **opts, &block) end end private def toggle_log_level(toggle='debug') @log_level_original = self.level unless @log_level_toggled logger.level = if @log_level_toggled @log_level_original else log_levels.fetch(toggle) end @log_level_toggled = !@log_level_toggled @log_level = logger.level end #call logger.setup_toggle_trap('USR1') to change the log level to #:debug when USR1 is received def setup_toggle_trap(signal) if signal Signal.trap(signal) do toggle_log_level end end end end # CLILogging {{{1 # Provides easier access to a shared DR::CLILogger instance. # Include this module into your class, and #logger provides access to a # shared logger. This is handy if you want all of your clases to have # access to the same logger, but don't want to (or aren't able to) pass # it around to each class. # This also provides methods for direct logging without going through the # #logger # # === Example # # class MyClass # include DR::CLILogging # # def doit # debug("About to doit!") # if results # info("We did it!") # else # error("Something went wrong") # end # debug("Done doing it") # end # end # # Note that every class that mixes this in shares the *same logger # instance*, so if you call #change_logger, this will change the logger # for all classes that mix this in. This is likely what you want. module CLILogging extend self # Access the shared logger. All classes that include this module # will get the same logger via this method. def logger unless CLILogging.class_variable_defined?(:@@logger) @@logger = CLILogger.new @@logger.progname=$0 end @@logger end self.logger.progname||=$0 # Change the global logger that includers will use. Useful if you # don't want the default configured logger. Note that the # +change_logger+ version is preferred because Ruby will often parse # <tt>logger = Logger.new</tt> as the declaration of, and assignment # to, of a local variable. You'd need to do # <tt>self.logger=Logger.new</tt> to be sure. This method is a bit # easier. # # +new_logger+:: the new logger. May not be nil and should be a logger of some kind def change_logger(new_logger) raise ArgumentError,"Logger may not be nil" if new_logger.nil? @@logger = new_logger @@logger.level = @log_level if defined?(@log_level) && @log_level end alias logger= change_logger #call CLILogging.setup_toggle_trap('USR1') to change the log level to #:debug when USR1 is received def self.setup_toggle_trap(signal) logger.setup_toggle_trap(signal) end def log_and_do(*args) logger.log_and_do(*args) end LOG_LEVELS=logger.log_levels #Include this in place of CLILogging if you prefer to use #info directly rather than logger.info module Shortcuts #{{{ extend self include CLILogging LOG_LEVELS.each do |lvl, _cst| define_method(lvl.to_sym) do |progname=nil, &block| logger.send(lvl.to_sym, progname, &block) end end end #}}} end #}}} end