2.3.0 Improved support for specifying browser configurations with BrowserStack. 2.2.0 Added Capybara cookie-handling extensions. 2.1.0 Added Wait utility class. 2.0.1 Fixed issue with no_proxy variable not being honoured (Mechanize driver). 2.0.0 Upgraded to Capybara 2.0+ and the latest versions of remaining gems. Removed monkey patches, reclassifying some as "extensions". Disabled the setting of SauceLabs custom capabilities. Dropped celerity driver support. 1.1.1 Handover release, no code changes 1.1.0 BBC_INTERNAL firefox profile creation now works correctly whether working behind a firewall or not. 1.0.0 Base required Ruby version now 1.9.3 or later Bumped gem dependency versions Updated Travis build lists to include Ruby 2.0, 2.1 0.2.34 Improved validate_online method to disregard system/OS errors. 0.2.33 Specify different runtime dependencies depending on the ruby version. 0.2.32 Fix Ruby 1.9 RSpec test failures introduced in release 0.2.31 0.2.31 Added Firefox profile certificate handling via the FIREFOX_CERT_PATH and FIREFOX_CERT_PREFIX variables. 0.2.30 Fixed rake profiles listings to work with Ruby 1.9+ 0.2.29 Updated add_cookie patch to use new http_cookie API, following Mechanize changes (see http://bit.ly/12Do1l7) 0.2.28 Updated Mechanize::CookieJar add patch to work with latest capybara-mechanize. Added support for httpOnly cookie flag to capybara mechanize patch 0.2.27 Can now specify arguments passed to the browser via the BROWSER_CLI_ARGS environment variable. 0.2.25 Modified cucumber html report monkey patch to work with cucumber >= 1.3.0 0.2.24 Added FW_BBC_DOMAIN param in order to set the top level domain used for requests. 0.2.23 Updated capybara-mechanize patch to send referer header. 0.2.22 Update Centos6 sandbox DNS to sandbox.bbc.co.uk. 0.2.21 Add support for Centos6 sandbox. Update Gemfile.lock to latest gem versions. 0.2.20 validate_online() now takes optional hash of parameters to pass to MarkupValidator. Updated proxy handling to pick up port and to work without protocol or port. 0.2.19 Present production release.