# encoding: utf-8
# YNelson's user inteface. As the name suggests, represents an agent that
# manipulates the YNelson world. In his introduction to zz structures,
# Ted Nelson has remarks regarding the desired UI, such as:
# Selection is a pointer to a collection of cells.
# View consists of selection and a coordinate system.
# Field is a connected (contiguous) selection.
# Coordinate system is a collection of oriented dimensions.
# Apart from these author's suggestions, the interface should offer similar
# functionality as YPetri::Agent – that is, should allow constructing a Petri
# net with the same commands as YPetri does.
class YNelson::Agent
attr_reader :world
★ YPetri::Agent::PetriNetAspect
★ YPetri::Agent::SimulationAspect
# Future module YNelson::Agent::SimulationRelated
# Calls #finalize before invoking YPetri::Agent#new_simulation.
def new_simulation *args; finalize; super end
# Initialization of a YNelson::Agent instance. For YNelson manipulators, the
# world is always YNelson itself.
def initialize
@world = ::YNelson
# A hash of sheets. (For the moment being, YNelson acts like a spreadsheet.)
@sheets = {}
# Default dimension of this manipulator.
@default_dimension = YNelson.Dimension( :row )
# Zz object pointers of this manipulator.
@primary_point = YNelson::ZzPoint.new
@secondary_point = YNelson::ZzPoint.new
# Zz dimension pointers of this manipulator.
@primary_dimension_point =
YNelson::DimensionPoint.new YNelson.Dimension( :row )
@secondary_dimension_point =
YNelson::DimensionPoint.new YNelson.Dimension( :column )
@todo = [] # array of blocks
# Now the part related to the zz structure itself, like in
# module YNelson::Manipulator::ZzRelatedMethods
# blah blah
# end
# include YNelson::Manipulator::ZzRelatedMethods
attr_reader :sheets
# Dimension convenience constructor from
delegate :Dimension,
to: :world
# Now let's look into the graph visualization.
def default_dimension
def primary_point
alias p1 primary_point
def secondary_point
alias p2 secondary_point
def primary_dimension_point
alias d1 primary_dimension_point
def secondary_dimension_point
alias d2 secondary_dimension_point
# Define function to display it with kioclient.
def visualize *args, &block
graphviz *args, &block
# Define graphviz places.
def graphviz dim1=primary_dimension_point, dim2=secondary_dimension_point
γ = GraphViz.new :G, type: :digraph # Create a new graph
# main = γ.add_nodes( "main", shape: "box" )
# parse = γ.add_nodes( "parse", fillcolor: "yellow", style: "rounded,filled", shape: "diamond" )
# execute = γ.add_nodes( "execute", shape: "record", label: "{ a | b | c }", style: "rounded" )
# init = γ.add_nodes( "init", fillcolor: "yellow", style: "filled" )
# set global node options
γ.node[:color] = "#ddaa66"
γ.node[:style] = "filled"
γ.node[:shape] = "box"
γ.node[:penwidth] = "1"
γ.node[:fontname] = "Trebuchet MS"
γ.node[:fontsize] = "8"
γ.node[:fillcolor] = "#ffeecc"
γ.node[:fontcolor] = "#775500"
γ.node[:margin] = "0.0"
# set global edge options
γ.edge[:color] = "#999999"
γ.edge[:weight] = "1"
γ.edge[:fontsize] = "6"
γ.edge[:fontcolor] = "#444444"
γ.edge[:fontname] = "Verdana"
γ.edge[:dir] = "forward"
γ.edge[:arrowsize] = "0.5"
# add zz objects
place_nodes = places.map.with_object Hash.new do |place, ꜧ|
ꜧ[place] = γ.add_nodes place.name.to_s
transition_nodes = transitions.map.with_object Hash.new do |transition, ꜧ|
ꜧ[transition] = γ.add_nodes transition.name.to_s
nodes = place_nodes.merge transition_nodes
# add edges for selected dimensions
nodes.each { |instance, node|
negward_neighbor = instance.( dim1 ).negward.neighbor
nodes[ negward_neighbor ] << node if negward_neighbor # color 1
negward_neighbor = instance.( dim2 ).negward.neighbor
nodes[ negward_neighbor ] << node if negward_neighbor # color 2
γ.output png: "zz.png" # Generate output image
YSupport::KDE.show_file_with_kioclient File.expand_path( '.', "zz.png" )
# main = γ.add_nodes( "main", shape: "box" )
# parse = γ.add_nodes( "parse", fillcolor: "yellow", style: "rounded,filled", shape: "diamond" )
# execute = γ.add_nodes( "execute", shape: "record", label: "{ a | b | c }", style: "rounded" )
# init = γ.add_nodes( "init", fillcolor: "yellow", style: "filled" )
# graphviz [:domain, 0 ], [:codomain, 0]
# Creation of a place governed by a single assignment transition. In other
# words, creation of a place with a unary-output formula known well from
# spreadsheets. The transition is named automatically by adding "_ϝ"
# (digamma, resembles mathematical f used to denote functions) suffix to
# the place's name, as soon as the place is named. For example,
# Fred = PAT Joe do |joe| joe * 2 end
# creates a place named "Fred" and an assignment transition named "Fred_ϝ"
# that keeps Fred equal to 2 times Joe.
def PAT *domain, **named_args, &block
Place().tap do |p| # place can be instantiated right away
p.name = named_args.delete :name if named_args.has? :name, syn!: :ɴ
@todo << -> {
t = AT p, domain: domain, &block
if p.name then t.name = "#{p.name}_ϝ" else
# Rig the hook to name the transition as soon as the place is named.
p.name_set_hook do |name| transition.name = "#{name}_ϝ" end
# Monkey-patch the place with default marking closure.
p.define_singleton_method :default_marking do
if has_default_marking? then local_variable_get :@default_marking else
t.action_closure.( *t.domain.map( &:default_marking ) )
alias ϝ PAT
# Executes all @todo closures.
def finalize
while not @todo.empty?
@todo[-1].call # May raise errors in which case we don't want to pop.
@todo.pop # That's why not @todo.pop.call while not @todo.empty?
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Cell side referencers with r. to primary and secondary point
def ξ_posward_side dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.posward_side dim end
alias :ξp :ξ_posward_side
def ξ_negward_side dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.negward_side dim end
alias :ξn :ξ_negward_side
def ξ2_posward_side dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.posward_side dim end
alias :ξ2p :ξ2_posward_side
def ξ2_negward_side dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.negward_side dim end
alias :ξ2n :ξ2_negward_side
# Point walkers
def ξ_step_posward dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.step_posward dim end
alias :ξp! :ξ_step_posward
def ξ_step_negward dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.step_negward dim end
alias :ξn! :ξ_step_negward
def ξ2_step_posward dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.step_posward dim end
alias :ξ2p! :ξ2_step_posward
def ξ2_step_negward dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.step_negward dim end
alias :ξ2n! :ξ2_step_negward
# Point rank rewinders
# (rewinders without exclamation mark expect block or return enumerator
def ξ_rewind_posward *aa, &b; ::YTed::POINT.rewind_posward *aa, &b end
alias :ξrp :ξ_rewind_posward
def ξ_rewind_negward *aa, &b; ::YTed::POINT.rewind_negward *aa, &b end
alias :ξpp :ξ_rewind_posward
def ξ2_rewind_posward *aa, &b; ::YTed::POINT.rewind_posward *aa, &b end
alias :ξ2rp :ξ2_rewind_posward
def ξ2_rewind_negward *aa, &b; ::YTed::POINT.rewind_negward *aa, &b end
alias :ξ2pp :ξ2_rewind_posward
# Point rak rewinters with exclamation mark (no block or enum, just do it)
def ξ_rewind_posward! dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.rewind_posward! dim end
alias :ξrn! :ξ_rewind_posward!
alias :ξnn! :ξ_rewind_posward!
def ξ_rewind_negward! dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.rewind_negward! dim end
alias :ξrn! :ξ_rewind_negward!
alias :ξnn! :ξ_rewind_negward!
def ξ2_rewind_posward! dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.rewind_posward! dim end
alias :ξ2rp! :ξ2_rewind_posward!
alias :ξ2pp! :ξ2_rewind_posward!
def ξ2_rewind_negward! dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.rewind_negward! dim end
alias :ξ2rn! :ξ2_rewind_negward!
alias :ξ2nn! :ξ2_rewind_negward!
# Neighbor referencers
def ξ_posward_neighbor dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.posward_neighbor dim end
alias :ξP :ξ_posward_neighbor
def ξ_negward_neighbor dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT.negward_neighbor dim end
alias :ξN :ξ_negward_neighbor
def ξ2_posward_neighbor dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.posward_neighbor dim end
alias :ξ2P :ξ2_posward_neighbor
def ξ2_negward_neighbor dim=nil; ::YTed::POINT2.negward_neighbor dim end
alias :ξ2N :ξ2_negward_neighbor
# Neighbor redefinition
def ξ_redefine_posward_neighbor *args
::YTed::POINT.redefine_posward_neighbor *args end
alias :ξP! :ξ_redefine_posward_neighbor
def ξ_redefine_negward_neighbor *args
::YTed::POINT.redefine_negward_neighbor *args end
alias :ξN! :ξ_redefine_negward_neighbor
def ξ2_redefine_posward_neighbor *args
::YTed::POINT2.redefine_posward_neighbor *args end
alias :ξ2P! :ξ2_redefine_posward_neighbor
def ξ2_redefine_negward_neighbor *args
::YTed::POINT2.redefine_negward_neighbor *args end
alias :ξ2N! :ξ2_redefine_negward_neighbor
# FIXME these methods do not work well
# #rank method creates a rank of connected cells along the given
# dimension (named arg :dimension, alias :dΞ ), from values given as array
# (named arg :array, alias :ᴀ). The rank is returned as a cell array.
def zz_rank( array, dimension )
array.map{ |e| ZzCell( e ) }.each_consecutive_pair{ |a, b|
a.redefine_neighbors( dimension: dimension, posward: b )
# Zips an array of ZzCells (receiver) with another array of ZzCells
# in a given dimension. That is, each cell in the first array is made
# to point (have posward neighbor) to the corresponding cell in the
# second array.
def zz_zip( cell_array, dimension )
cell_array.a℈_all_∈( ::YTed::ZzCell )
self.a℈_all_∈( ::YTed::ZzCell ).each.with_index{|cell, i|
cell.redefine_neighbors( dimension: dimension,
posward: cell_array[i] )
# All we need right now is use Zz as a spreadsheet, writing data in rows.
# FIXME: Zz properites not used at all - classical Ruby data structures
# are used instead. ξ is just a holder for sheet name
# Creates a new row (rank along :row dimension) zipped to current row
# along ξ.dim, using the supplied arguments as new row's cell values.
def new_zz_row *args
args = args[0].first if args.size == 1 and args[0].is_a? Hash
previous_row = ( ::YTed::SHEETS[@current_sheet_name][-1] || [] ).dup
row = args.map{ |a| ZzCell( a ) }
row.each_consecutive_pair{ |a, b| a.P! x: b } # connect along :x
row.each{ |e| e.N! y: previous_row.shift } # zip to previous row
::YTed::SHEETS[@current_sheet_name] << row
if row[0].value.is_a? Symbol then
.define_singleton_method args[0] { row[1].aE_kind_of ::YPetri::Place }
alias :→ :new_zz_row
# #new_zz_sheet creates a new sheet with a single cell holding the sheet's
# name and sets main point to it in :col dimenion sheet name as its value
def new_zz_sheet( name )
@current_sheet_name = name
::YTed::SHEETS[name] = []
.define_singleton_method name.to_sym do ::YTed::SHEETS[name] end
return ::YTed::SHEETS[name]