require 'faraday' # @private module FaradayMiddleware # @private class InstagramOAuth2 < Faraday::Middleware def call(env) if env[:method] == :get or env[:method] == :delete if env[:url].query.nil? query = {} else query = Faraday::Utils.parse_query(env[:url].query) end if @access_token and not query["client_secret"] env[:url].query = Faraday::Utils.build_query(query.merge(:access_token => @access_token)) env[:request_headers] = env[:request_headers].merge('Authorization' => "Token token=\"#{@access_token}\"") elsif @client_id env[:url].query = Faraday::Utils.build_query(query.merge(:client_id => @client_id)) end else if @access_token and not env[:body] && env[:body][:client_secret] env[:body] = {} if env[:body].nil? env[:body] = env[:body].merge(:access_token => @access_token) env[:request_headers] = env[:request_headers].merge('Authorization' => "Token token=\"#{@access_token}\"") elsif @client_id env[:body] = env[:body].merge(:client_id => @client_id) end end env end def initialize(app, client_id, access_token=nil) @app = app @client_id = client_id @access_token = access_token end end end