@did_you_mean Feature: Did You Mean As a user In order to get great search results I want to get "did you mean" suggestions for poor queries Scenario: All Fields search - No Results with spelling suggestion When I am on the home page And I fill in "q" with "politica" And I select "All Fields" from "search_field" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "policy" Then I should get results Scenario: Title search - No Results with spelling suggestion When I am on the home page # yehudiyam is one letter away from a title word And I fill in "q" with "yehudiyam" And I select "Title" from "search_field" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "yehudiyim" Then I should get results And I should see select list "select#search_field" with "Title" selected Scenario: Author search - No Results with spelling suggestion When I am on the home page # shirma is one letter away from an author word And I fill in "q" with "shirma" And I select "Author" from "search_field" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "sharma" Then I should get results And I should see select list "select#search_field" with "Author" selected Scenario: Subject search - No Results with spelling suggestion When I am on the home page # shirma is one letter away from an author word And I fill in "q" with "wome" And I select "Subject" from "search_field" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "women" Then I should get results And I should see select list "select#search_field" with "Subject" selected Scenario: No Results - and no close spelling suggestions When I am on the home page And I fill in "q" with "ooofda ooofda" And I press "search" Then I should not see "Did you mean" Scenario: No Results - multiword query should be separate links When I am on the home page And I fill in "q" with "politica boo" And I select "All Fields" from "search_field" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "policy" Then I should get results Scenario: No Results - multiword query When I am on the home page And I fill in "q" with "politica boo" And I select "All Fields" from "search_field" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "bon" Then I should get results Scenario: Num Results low enough to warrant spelling suggestion Given I am on the home page # ayaz gives a single results; bya gives more And I fill in "q" with "ayaz" And I press "search" Then I should get results And I should see "Did you mean" When I follow "bya" Then I should get results Scenario: Too many results for spelling suggestion Given I am on the home page # histori gives 9 results in 30 record demo index And I fill in "q" with "histori" And I press "search" Then I should not see "Did you mean" Scenario: Exact Threshold number of results for spelling suggestion Given I am on the home page # polit gives 5 results in 30 record demo index - 5 is default cutoff And I fill in "q" with "polit" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" ## can't get this to work with solr 3.4 ## (something to do with the stemming for search fields vs dictionary fields) ## rsolr-ext doesn't expose enough of the solr return to filter within Blacklight either # Scenario: Same number of results as spelling suggestion # Given I am on the home page # # den gives 1 result in 30 record demo index - suggestion don is 1 result also # And I fill in "q" with "den" # And I press "search" # Then I should not see "Did you mean" Scenario: Multiple terms should have individual links, not single query link Given I am on the home page And I fill in "q" with "politica boo" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" And I should see "policy" And I should see "bon" And I should not see "policy bon" Scenario: Repeated terms should only give a single suggestion Given I am on the home page And I fill in "q" with "boo boo" And I press "search" Then I should see "Did you mean" And I should see "bon" And I should not see "bon bon"