module Souls class CLI < Thor desc "new [APP_NAME]", "Create SOULs APP" def new(app_name) if app_name.nil? puts(Paint["you need to specify your app name", :red]) puts(Paint["`souls new souls-app`", :yellow]) exit end service_name = "api" download_souls(app_name: app_name, service_name: service_name) mother_config_init(app_name: app_name) download_github_actions(app_name: app_name) initial_config_init(app_name: app_name, service_name: service_name) souls_api_credit(app_name: app_name, service_name: service_name) end desc "init", "Run git submodule add RBS collection" def add_submodule system("git submodule add vendor/rbs/gem_rbs_collection") end desc "update_submodule", "Run git submodule update --init RBS collection" def update_submodule system("git submodule update --init vendor/rbs/gem_rbs_collection") end private def get_version(repository_name: "souls_api") data = JSON.parse( `curl \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -s{repository_name}/releases` ) data[0]["tag_name"] end def generate_cd shell = `echo $SHELL`.strip rc = if shell.include?("zsh") "zshrc" else "bash" end system("echo '\nalias api=\'cd apps/api\'' >> ~/.#{rc}") system("echo 'alias mother=\'...\'' >> ~/.#{rc}") system("echo 'alias worker=\'cd apps/worker\'' >> ~/.#{rc}") puts(Paint["run `source ~/.#{rc}` to reflect your .#{rc}", :yellow]) puts(Paint["You can move to mother/api/worker just type", :green]) puts(Paint["\nmother\n", :white]) puts( Paint["to go back to mother dir from api/worker\n\nYou can also go to api/worker from mother dir by typing", :green] ) puts(Paint["\napi\n", :white]) puts(Paint["or\n", :green]) puts(Paint["worker", :white]) end def initial_config_init(app_name: "souls", service_name: "api") config_dir = "./#{app_name}/apps/#{service_name}/config" FileUtils.mkdir_p(config_dir) unless Dir.exist?(config_dir) FileUtils.touch("#{config_dir}/souls.rb") file_path = "#{config_dir}/souls.rb", "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) Souls.configure do |config| = "#{app_name}" config.project_id = "#{app_name}" config.region = "asia-northeast1" config.endpoint = "/endpoint" config.strain = "api" config.fixed_gems = ["spring"] config.workers = [] end TEXT end rescue StandardError => e puts(e) end def download_github_actions(app_name: "souls-app") file_name = "github.tgz" url = "" system("curl -OL #{url}") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{app_name}/github") system("tar -zxvf ./#{file_name} -C #{app_name}/") FileUtils.rm(file_name) end def mother_config_init(app_name: "souls-app") config_dir = "./#{app_name}/config" FileUtils.mkdir_p(config_dir) unless Dir.exist?(config_dir) FileUtils.touch("#{config_dir}/souls.rb") file_path = "#{config_dir}/souls.rb", "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) Souls.configure do |config| = "#{app_name}" config.project_id = "#{app_name}" config.region = "asia-northeast1" config.endpoint = "/endpoint" config.strain = "mother" config.fixed_gems = ["spring"] config.workers = [] end TEXT end rescue StandardError => e puts(e) end def download_souls(app_name: "souls", service_name: "api") version = Souls.get_latest_version_txt(service_name: service_name).join(".") file_name = "#{service_name}-v#{version}.tgz" url = "{service_name.pluralize}/#{file_name}" system("curl -OL #{url}") system("mkdir -p #{app_name}/apps/#{service_name}") system("tar -zxvf ./#{file_name} -C #{app_name}/apps/") FileUtils.rm(file_name) sig_name = "sig.tgz" url = "{sig_name}" system("curl -OL #{url}") system("tar -zxvf ./#{sig_name} -C #{app_name}") system("cd #{app_name} && curl -OL") system("cd #{app_name} && curl -OL") system("cd #{app_name} && curl -OL") system("cd #{app_name} && curl -OL") system("cd #{app_name} && curl -OL") FileUtils.rm(sig_name) end def souls_api_credit(app_name: "souls", service_name: "api") line = Paint["====================================", :yellow] puts("\n") puts(line) txt2 = <<~TEXT _____ ____ __ ____#{' '} / ___// __ \\/ / / / / %{red1} \\__ \\/ / / / / / / / %{red2} ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /___%{red3}#{' '} /____/\\____/\\____/_____%{red4}#{' '} TEXT red1 = ["_____", :red] red2 = ["/ ___/", :red] red3 = ["(__ )", :red] red4 = ["/____/", :red] ms = Paint % [txt2, :cyan, { red1: red1, red2: red2, red3: red3, red4: red4 }] puts(ms) puts(line) welcome = Paint["Welcome to SOULs!", :white] puts(welcome) souls_ver = Paint["SOULs Version: #{Souls::VERSION}", :white] puts(souls_ver) puts(line) endroll = <<~TEXT Easy to Run $ cd #{app_name}/apps/#{service_name} $ bundle $ souls s Go To : http://localhost:4000 Doc: TEXT cd = Paint[endroll, :white] puts(cd) puts(line) end end end