require 'ms/ident/pepxml' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/spectrum_query' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/search_result' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/search_hit' #require 'ms/msrun' require 'ms/sequest/srf' require 'ms/sequest/pepxml' class Ms::Sequest::Srf module Pepxml # A hash with the following *symbol* keys may be set: # # Run Info # *:ms_model*:: nil # *:ms_ionization*:: 'ESI' # *:ms_detector*:: 'UNKNOWN' # *:ms_mass_analyzer*:: nil - typically extracted from the srf file and matched with ModelToMsAnalyzer # *:ms_manufacturer*:: 'Thermo' # # Raw data # *:mz_dir*:: nil - path to the mz[X]ML directory, defaults to the directory the srf file is contained in. mz[X]ML data must be available to embed retention times # *:raw_data*:: \['.mzML', '.mzXML'\] - preferred extension for raw data # # Database # *:db_seq_type*:: 'AA' - AA or NA # *:db_dir*:: nil - the directory the fasta file used for the search is housed in. A valid pepxml file must point to a valid fasta file! # *:db_residue_size*:: nil - An integer for the number of residues in the database. if true, calculates the size of the fasta database. # *:db_name:: nil # *:db_orig_url*:: nil # *:db_release_date*:: nil # *:db_release_id*:: nil # # Search Hits # *:num_hits*:: 1 - the top number of hits to include # *:retention_times*:: false - include retention times in the file (requires mz_dir to be set) # *:deltacn_orig*:: false - when true, the original SEQUEST deltacn values are used. If false, Bioworks deltacn values are used which are derived by taking the original deltacn of the following hit. This gives the top ranking hit an informative deltacn but makes the deltacn meaningless for other hits. # # *:pepxml_version*:: Ms::Ident::Pepxml::DEFAULT_PEPXML_VERSION, - Integer to set the pepxml version. The converter and xml output attempts to produce xml specific to the version. # *:verbose*:: true - set to false to quiet warnings DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :ms_model => nil, :ms_ionization => 'ESI', :ms_detector => 'UNKNOWN', :ms_mass_analyzer => nil, :ms_manufacturer => 'Thermo', :mz_dir => nil, #:raw_data => [".mzXML", '.mzML'], :raw_data => ['.mzML', '.mzXML'], :db_seq_type => 'AA', :db_dir => nil, :db_residue_size => nil, :db_name => nil, :db_orig_url => nil, :db_release_date => nil, :db_release_id => nil, :num_hits => 1, :retention_times => false, :deltacn_orig => false, :pepxml_version => Ms::Ident::Pepxml::DEFAULT_PEPXML_VERSION, :verbose => true, } # An array of regexp to string pairs. The regexps are matched against the # model (srf.header.model) and the corresponding string will be used as # the mass analyzer. # # /Orbitrap/:: 'Orbitrap' # /LCQ Deca XP/:: 'Ion Trap' # /LTQ/:: 'Ion Trap' # /\w+/:: 'UNKNOWN' ModelToMsAnalyzer = [ [/Orbitrap/, 'Orbitrap'], [/LCQ Deca XP/, 'Ion Trap'], [/LTQ/, 'Ion Trap'], [/\w+/, 'UNKNOWN'], ] # returns an Ms::Ident::Pepxml object. See that object for creating an # xml string or writing to file. def to_pepxml(opts={}) opt = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(opts) srf = self # with newer pepxml version these are not required anymore hidden_opts = { # format of file storing the runner up peptides (if not present in # pepXML) this was made optional after version 19 :out_data_type => "out", ## may be srf?? # runner up search hit data type extension (e.g. .tgz) :out_data => ".srf", } opt.merge!(hidden_opts) params = srf.params header = srf.header opt[:ms_model] ||= srf.header.model unless opt[:ms_mass_analyzer] ModelToMsAnalyzer.each do |regexp, val| if opt[:ms_model].match(regexp) opt[:ms_mass_analyzer] = val break end end end # get the database name db_filename = header.db_filename.sub(/\.hdr$/, '') if opt[:db_dir] db_filename = File.join(opt[:db_dir], db_filename.split(/[\/\\]+/).last) end if File.exist?(db_filename) db_filename = File.expand_path(db_filename) else msg = ["!!! WARNING !!!"] msg << "!!! Can't find database: #{db_filename}" msg << "!!! pepxml *requires* that the db path be valid" msg << "!!! make sure 1) the fasta file is available on this system" msg << "!!! 2) you've specified a valid directory with --db-dir (or :db_dir)" puts msg.join("\n") if opt[:verbose] end modifications_obj =, srf.header.modifications) mass_index = params.mass_index(:precursor) h_plus = mass_index['h+'] opt[:mz_dir] ||= srf.resident_dir found_ext = opt[:raw_data].find do |raw_data| Dir[File.join(opt[:mz_dir], srf.base_name_noext + raw_data)].first end opt[:raw_data] = [found_ext] if found_ext scan_to_ret_time = if opt[:retention_times] raise NotImplementedError, "will implement shortly" #mz_file = Dir[File.join(opt[:mz_dir], srf.base_name_noext + opt[:raw_data].first)].first #if mz_file # Ms::Msrun.scans_to_times(mz_file) #else # warn "turning retention_times off since no valid mz[X]ML file was found!!!" # opt[:retention_times] = false # nil #end end summary_xml_filename = srf.base_name_noext + '.xml' pepxml = do |msms_pipeline_analysis| msms_pipeline_analysis.merge!(:summary_xml => summary_xml_filename, :pepxml_version => opt[:pepxml_version]) do |msms_run_summary| # prep the sample enzyme and search_summary msms_run_summary.merge!( :base_name => File.join(opt[:mz_dir], srf.base_name_noext), :ms_manufacturer => opt[:ms_manufacturer], :ms_model => opt[:ms_model], :ms_ionization => opt[:ms_ionization], :ms_mass_analyzer => opt[:ms_mass_analyzer], :ms_detector => opt[:ms_detector], :raw_data => opt[:raw_data].first, :raw_data_type => opt[:raw_data].first, ) do |sample_enzyme, search_summary, spectrum_queries| sample_enzyme.merge!(params.sample_enzyme_hash) = opt[:enzyme] if opt[:enzyme] search_summary.merge!( :base_name=> srf.resident_dir + '/' + srf.base_name_noext, :search_engine => 'SEQUEST', :precursor_mass_type => params.precursor_mass_type, :fragment_mass_type => params.fragment_mass_type, :out_data_type => opt[:out_data_type], :out_data => opt[:out_data], ) do |search_database, enzymatic_search_constraint, modifications_ar, parameters_hash| search_database.merge!(:local_path => db_filename, :seq_type => opt[:db_seq_type], :database_name => opt[:db_name], :orig_database_url => opt[:db_orig_url], :database_release_date => opt[:db_release_date], :database_release_identifier => opt[:db_release_id]) case opt[:db_residue_size] when Integer search_database.size_of_residues = opt[:db_residue_size] when true search_database.set_size_of_residues! end enzymatic_search_constraint.merge!( :enzyme => opt[:enzyme] ? opt[:enzyme] : params.enzyme, :max_num_internal_cleavages => params.max_num_internal_cleavages, :min_number_termini => params.min_number_termini, ) modifications_ar.replace(modifications_obj.modifications) parameters_hash.merge!(params.opts) end spec_queries =, index).map do |dta_file,out_file,i_ar| precursor_neutral_mass = - h_plus search_hits = out_file.hits[0,opt[:num_hits]] do |pep,i| (prev_aa, pure_aaseq, next_aa) = Ms::Ident::Peptide.prepare_sequence(pep.sequence) calc_neutral_pep_mass = - h_plus sh = :hit_rank => i+1, :peptide => pure_aaseq, :peptide_prev_aa => prev_aa, :peptide_next_aa => next_aa, :protein => pep.proteins.first.reference.split(' ')[0], :num_tot_proteins => pep.proteins.size, :num_matched_ions => pep.ions_matched, :tot_num_ions => pep.ions_total, :calc_neutral_pep_mass => calc_neutral_pep_mass, :massdiff => precursor_neutral_mass - calc_neutral_pep_mass, :num_tol_term => sample_enzyme.num_tol_term(prev_aa, pure_aaseq, next_aa), :num_missed_cleavages => sample_enzyme.num_missed_cleavages(pure_aaseq), :modification_info => modifications_obj.modification_info(Ms::Ident::Peptide.split_sequence(pep.sequence)[1]) ) do |search_scores| if opt[:deltacn_orig] deltacn = pep.deltacn_orig deltacnstar = nil else deltacn = pep.deltacn deltacn = 1.0 if deltacn == 1.1 deltacnstar = out_file.hits[i+1].nil? ? '1' : '0' end search_scores.merge!( :xcorr => pep.xcorr, :deltacn => deltacn, :spscore => pep.sp, :sprank => pep.rsp) search_scores[:deltacnstar] = deltacnstar if deltacnstar end end sr = => search_hits) ret_time = if opt[:retention_times] (first_scan, last_scan) = i_ar[0,2] if first_scan==last_scan scan_to_ret_time[i_ar[0]] else times = ((i_ar[0])..(i_ar[1])).step(1).map {|i| scan_to_ret_time[i] }.compact times.inject(&:+) / times.size.to_f end end :spectrum => [srf.base_name_noext, *i_ar].join('.'), :start_scan => i_ar[0], :end_scan => i_ar[1], :precursor_neutral_mass => - h_plus, :assumed_charge => i_ar[2], :retention_time_sec => ret_time, :search_results => [sr], ) end spectrum_queries.replace(spec_queries) end end end pepxml end # to_pepxml end # Srf::Pepxml include Pepxml end # Srf require 'trollop' module Ms::Sequest::Srf::Pepxml def self.commandline(argv, progname=$0) opts = do banner %Q{ usage: #{progname} [OPTIONS] .srf ... output: .xml ... } text "" text "major options:" opt :db_dir, "The dir holding the DB if different than in Srf. (pepxml requires a valid database path)", :type => :string opt :enzyme, "overide the enzyme name embedded in the params file", :type => :string opt :mz_dir, "directory holding mz[X]ML files (defaults to the folder holding the srf file)", :type => :string opt :retention_times, "include retention times (requires mz-dir)" opt :deltacn_orig, "use original deltacn values created by SEQUEST. By default, the top hit gets the next hit's original deltacn." opt :no_filter, "do not filter hits by peptide_mass_tolerance (per sequest params)" opt :num_hits, "include N top hits", :default => 1 opt :outdirs, "list of output directories", :type => :strings opt :quiet, "do not print warnings, etc." text "" text "minor options:" opt :pepxml_version, 'schema version number to use', :default => Ms::Ident::Pepxml::DEFAULT_PEPXML_VERSION opt :ms_model, 'mass spectrometer model', :type => :string opt :ms_ionization, 'type of ms ionization', :default => 'ESI' opt :ms_detector, 'ms detector', :default => 'UNKNOWN' opt :ms_mass_analyzer, 'ms mass analyzer', :type => :string opt :ms_manufacturer, 'ms manufacturer', :default => 'Thermo' opt :raw_data, 'preferred extension for raw data', :default => '.mzML' opt :db_seq_type, "'AA' or 'NA'", :default => 'AA' opt :db_residue_size, 'calculate the size of the fasta file' opt :db_name, 'the database name', :type => :string opt :db_orig_url, 'original database url', :type => :string opt :db_release_date, 'database release date', :type => :string opt :db_release_id, 'the database release identifier', :type => :string end opt = opts.parse argv opts.educate && exit if argv.empty? Trollop.die :outdirs, "outdirs must be same size as number of input files" if opt.outdirs && opt.outdirs.size != argv.size opt[:filter] = !opt.delete(:no_filter) opt[:outdirs] ||= [] opt[:raw_data] = [opt[:raw_data]] if opt[:raw_data] opt[:verbose] = !opt[:quiet] do |srf_file,outdir| outdir ||= File.dirname(srf_file) srf =, :link_protein_hits => false, :filter_by_precursor_mass_tolerance => opt.delete(:filter)) pepxml = srf.to_pepxml(opt) outfile = pepxml.to_xml(outdir) puts "wrote file: #{outfile}" if opt[:verbose] end end end