require "spec_helper" module Omnibus describe Util do subject { { include Util }.new } describe "#retry_block" do class OurTestException < StandardError; end let(:expected_retries) { 3 } let(:expected_calls) { expected_retries + 1 } let(:sentinel) { double } it "retries the block if the passed exception is raised" do expect(sentinel).to receive(:call_me).and_raise(OurTestException) expect(sentinel).to receive(:call_me).and_return(:test_return) block_return = nil expect do block_return = subject.retry_block("test", [OurTestException], expected_retries) { sentinel.call_me } end.to_not raise_error expect(block_return).to eq(:test_return) end it "raises the last exception if the number of retries is exceeded" do expect(sentinel).to receive(:call_me).exactly(expected_calls).times.and_raise(OurTestException) expect do subject.retry_block("test", [OurTestException], expected_retries) { sentinel.call_me } raise_error(OurTestException) end it "doesn't retry exceptions not listed by the user" do expect(sentinel).to receive(:call_me).exactly(1).times.and_raise(StandardError) expect do subject.retry_block("test", [OurTestException], expected_retries) { sentinel.call_me } raise_error(StandardError) end end describe "#shellout!" do let(:shellout) do double(Mixlib::ShellOut, command: "evil command", stdout: "command failed", stderr: "The quick brown fox did not jump over the barn!", timeout: 7_200, exitstatus: 32, environment: { "TICKLE_ME" => "elmo", "I_LOVE_YOU" => "barney", }) end context "when the command fails" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:shellout) .and_return(shellout) allow(shellout).to receive(:error!) .and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "raises an CommandFailed exception" do expect do subject.shellout! raise_error(CommandFailed) { |error| message = error.message expect(message).to include("$ I_LOVE_YOU=barney TICKLE_ME=elmo evil command") expect(message).to include("command failed") expect(message).to include("The quick brown fox did not jump over the barn!") } end end context "when the command times out" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:shellout) .and_return(shellout) allow(shellout).to receive(:error!) .and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) end it "raises an CommandFailed exception" do expect do subject.shellout! raise_error(CommandTimeout) { |error| message = error.message expect(message).to include("shell command timed out at 7,200 seconds") expect(message).to include("$ I_LOVE_YOU=barney TICKLE_ME=elmo evil command") expect(message).to include("Please increase the `:timeout' value") } end end end describe "#create_directory" do before { allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p) } it "creates the directory" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("/foo/bar") subject.create_directory("/foo/bar") end it "returns the path" do expect(subject.create_directory("/foo/bar")).to eq("/foo/bar") end it "logs a message" do output = capture_logging { subject.create_directory("/foo/bar") } expect(output).to include("Creating directory `/foo/bar'") end end describe "#remove_directory" do before { allow(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf) } it "remove the directory" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with("/foo/bar") subject.remove_directory("/foo/bar") end it "accepts multiple parameters" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with("/foo/bar") subject.remove_directory("/foo", "bar") end it "logs a message" do output = capture_logging { subject.remove_directory("/foo/bar") } expect(output).to include("Remove directory `/foo/bar'") end end describe "#copy_file" do before { allow(FileUtils).to receive(:cp) } it "copies the file" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:cp).with("foo", "bar") subject.copy_file("foo", "bar") end it "returns the destination path" do expect(subject.copy_file("foo", "bar")).to eq("bar") end it "logs a message" do output = capture_logging { subject.copy_file("foo", "bar") } expect(output).to include("Copying `foo' to `bar'") end end describe "#remove_file" do before { allow(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_f) } it "removes the file" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_f).with("/foo/bar") subject.remove_file("/foo/bar") end it "accepts multiple parameters" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_f).with("/foo/bar") subject.remove_file("/foo", "bar") end it "logs a message" do output = capture_logging { subject.remove_file("/foo/bar") } expect(output).to include("Removing file `/foo/bar'") end end describe "#create_file" do before do allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p) allow(FileUtils).to receive(:touch) allow(File).to receive(:open) end it "creates the containing directory" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("/foo") subject.create_file("/foo/bar") end it "creates the file" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:touch).with("/foo/bar") subject.create_file("/foo/bar") end it "accepts multiple parameters" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:touch).with("/foo/bar") subject.create_file("/foo", "bar") end it "accepts a block" do expect(File).to receive(:open).with("/foo/bar", "wb") block = { "Some content!" } subject.create_file("/foo", "bar", &block) end it "logs a message" do output = capture_logging { subject.create_file("/foo/bar") } expect(output).to include("Creating file `/foo/bar'") end end describe "#create_link" do before { allow(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s) } it "creates the directory" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s).with("/foo/bar", "/zip/zap") subject.create_link("/foo/bar", "/zip/zap") end it "logs a message" do output = capture_logging { subject.create_link("/foo/bar", "/zip/zap") } expect(output).to include("Linking `/foo/bar' to `/zip/zap'") end end end end