require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'OAuth 2.0 Authorization Grant Flow', type: :request, db: true do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, password: "bumblebee") } let!(:doorkeeper_application) { Fabricate('Doorkeeper::Application') } let(:redirect_uri) { doorkeeper_application.redirect_uri } let(:grant_params) { { client_id: doorkeeper_application.uid, redirect_uri: redirect_uri, response_type: "code", state: 'some_random_string' } } # client_id=04364b30de79090493f079724571899eece7791b5af54e5866d73c6aaf167ec9& let(:result) { JSON.parse(response.body) } let(:latest_grant) { ::Doorkeeper::AccessGrant.last } let(:latest_access_token) { ::Doorkeeper::AccessToken.last } let(:access_token_count) { ::Doorkeeper::AccessToken.count } let(:grant_count) { ::Doorkeeper::AccessGrant.count } let(:latest_session) { ::Sso::Session.last } let(:session_count) { ::Sso::Session.count } before do get_via_redirect '/oauth/authorize', grant_params end it 'shows to the login page' do expect(response).to render_template 'devise/sessions/new' end describe 'Logging in' do before(:each) do post '/users/sign_in', user: { email:, password: "bumblebee" } follow_redirect! end it 'redirects to the application callback including the Grant Token' do redirect_to "#{doorkeeper_application.redirect_uri}?code=#{latest_grant.token}&state=some_random_string" end it 'generates a master session' do expect(session_count).to eq 1 end it 'generates a master client and a child client' do expect(latest_session.clients.count).to eq 2 end it 'child client have grant token info attached to it' do expect(latest_session.clients.with_access_grant.count).to eq 1 expect(latest_session.clients.with_access_grant.first.access_grant_id).to eq end it 'does not generate multiple authorization grants' do expect(grant_count).to eq 1 end context 'Exchanging the Authorization Grant for an Access Token' do let(:grant) { ::Rack::Utils.parse_query(URI.parse(response.location).query).fetch('code') } let(:grant_type) { :authorization_code } let(:token_params) { { client_id: doorkeeper_application.uid, client_secret: doorkeeper_application.secret, code: grant, grant_type: grant_type, redirect_uri: redirect_uri } } let(:token) { JSON.parse(response.body).fetch 'access_token' } before(:each) do post '/oauth/token', token_params end it 'succeeds' do expect(response.status).to eq 200 end it 'responds with JSON serialized params' do expect(result).to be_instance_of Hash end it 'includes the access_token' do expect(result['access_token']).to eq latest_access_token.token end it 'does not generate multiple master session' do expect(session_count).to eq 1 end it 'does not generate another client' do expect(latest_session.clients.count).to eq 2 end it 'updates child client with the access token info' do expect(latest_session.clients.with_access_token.first.access_token_id).to eq end context 'Updates the child client with user info' do let(:client_params) { { access_token: token, ip: "", agent: "curl/7.43.0" } } before(:each) do post '/sso/sessions', client_params end it 'succeeds' do expect(response.status).to eq 201 end it 'child client is updated with user info' do child_client = latest_session.clients.with_access_token.first expect(child_client.ip).to eq "" expect(child_client.agent).to eq "curl/7.43.0" end end end end end