#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/util/simpleopt' $0 = "rbbt #{$previous_commands*""} #{ File.basename(__FILE__) }" if $previous_commands options = SOPT.setup < [] If no target file is specified it uses the same input files but replaces extension. Specifying the extension of the excel file select the excel format to use. -k--key_field* Key field -f--fields* Fields -t--type* Type -m--merge Merge from multiple rows -um--unmerge Write the results unmerged -W--workflows* Load a list of workflows -R--requires* Require a list of files -n--name Transform entities to human readible names -h--help Print this help EOF if options[:help] if defined? rbbt_usage rbbt_usage else puts SOPT.doc end exit 0 end if options[:workflows] require 'rbbt/workflow' workflows = options[:workflows].split(',') workflows.each do |workflow| workflow.strip! Workflow.require_workflow workflow end end if options[:requires] requires = options[:requires].split(',') requires.each do |req| req.strip! require req end end tsvfile, excelfile = ARGV excelfile, tsvfile = tsvfile, nil if excelfile.nil? and tsvfile =~ /\.(xls|xlsx)$/ raise ParameterException, "No TSV file given" if tsvfile.nil? excelfile = tsvfile.sub(/\.tsv(\.gz)?$/, '.xlsx') if excelfile.nil? require 'rbbt/tsv/excel' TSV.open(tsvfile, options).excel(excelfile, options)