require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) require "active_record" require "active_support" require File.expand_path("../../../lib/friendly_id/active_record", __FILE__) require File.expand_path("../../../generators/friendly_id/templates/create_slugs", __FILE__) require File.expand_path("../support/models", __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../core', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../slugged', __FILE__) local_db_settings = File.expand_path("../support/database.yml", __FILE__) default_db_settings = File.expand_path("../support/database.sqlite3.yml", __FILE__) db_settings = File.exists?(local_db_settings) ? local_db_settings : default_db_settings ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(YAML::load( class ActiveRecord::Base def log_protected_attribute_removal(*args) end end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table(table) end ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false CreateSlugs.up CreateSupportModels.up # A model that uses the automagically configured "cached_slug" column class District < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true end # A model that specifies a custom cached slug column class City < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true, :cache_column => "my_slug" end # A model with a custom slug text normalizer class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true def normalize_friendly_id(string) string.upcase end end # A slugged model that uses a scope class Resident < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :country has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true, :scope => :country end # A slugged model used as a scope class Country < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :people has_many :residents has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true end # A model that doesn"t use slugs class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name has_many :houses end # Another model that doesn"t use slugs class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name end # A model that uses a non-slugged model for its scope class House < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true, :scope => :user end # A model that uses default slug settings and has a named scope class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true send FriendlyId::ActiveRecordAdapter::Compat.scope_method, :published, :conditions => { :published => true } end # Model that uses a custom table name class Place < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "legacy_table" has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true end # A model that uses a datetime field for its friendly_id class Event < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :event_date, :use_slug => true end # A base model for single table inheritence class Book < ActiveRecord::Base ; end # A model that uses STI class Novel < ::Book has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true end # A model with no table class Question < ActiveRecord::Base has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true end # A model to test polymorphic associations class Site < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true end # A model used as a polymorphic owner class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :sites, :as => :owner end