popen:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"ëRuns the specified command string as a subprocess; the subprocess's
standard input and output will be connected to the returned
object. If cmd_string starts with a
'', then a new instance of Ruby is started as the
subprocess. The default mode for the new file object is ``r'', but
mode may be set to any of the modes listed in the description
for class IO.
If a block is given, Ruby will run the command as a child connected
to Ruby with a pipe. Ruby's end of the pipe will be passed as a
parameter to the block.
At the end of block, Ruby close the pipe and sets $?
In this case IO::popen
the value of the block.
If a block is given with a cmd_string of ``-
the block will be run in two separate processes: once in the parent,
and once in a child. The parent process will be passed the pipe
object as a parameter to the block, the child version of the block
will be passed nil
, and the child's standard in and
standard out will be connected to the parent through the pipe. Not
available on all platforms.
f = IO.popen("uname")
p f.readlines
puts "Parent is #{Process.pid}"
IO.popen ("date") { |f| puts f.gets }
IO.popen("-") {|f| $stderr.puts "#{Process.pid} is here, f is #{f}"}
p $?
Parent is 26166
Wed Apr 9 08:53:52 CDT 2003
26169 is here, f is
26166 is here, f is #
@summary0: @all"kRuns the specified command string as a subprocess; the subprocess's
standard input and output will be connected to the returned
object. If cmd_string starts with a
'', then a new instance of Ruby is started as the
subprocess. The default mode for the new file object is ``r'', but
mode may be set to any of the modes listed in the description
for class IO.
If a block is given, Ruby will run the command as a child connected
to Ruby with a pipe. Ruby's end of the pipe will be passed as a
parameter to the block.
At the end of block, Ruby close the pipe and sets $?
In this case IO::popen
the value of the block.
If a block is given with a cmd_string of ``-
the block will be run in two separate processes: once in the parent,
and once in a child. The parent process will be passed the pipe
object as a parameter to the block, the child version of the block
will be passed nil
, and the child's standard in and
standard out will be connected to the parent through the pipe. Not
available on all platforms.
f = IO.popen("uname")
p f.readlines
puts "Parent is #{Process.pid}"
IO.popen ("date") { |f| puts f.gets }
IO.popen("-") {|f| $stderr.puts "#{Process.pid} is here, f is #{f}"}
p $?
Parent is 26166
Wed Apr 9 08:53:52 CDT 2003
26169 is here, f is
26166 is here, f is #
@overload popen(cmd_string, mode="r" )
@return [IO]
@overload popen(cmd_string, mode="r" )
@yield [io]
@return [Object]:@ref_tags[ :
IO.popen;;;IC; "
"@return [IO];[ ;[o:YARD::Tags::Tag
@text" :@tag_name"return;0:@parameters[[:cmd_string0[: mode""r";0:@signature"!popen(cmd_string, mode="r" );"
IO.popen;;;IC; "
"!@yield [io]
@return [Object];[ ;[o;
0;0;["io;" ;"
0;0;["Object;" ;"return;0;[[;0[;""r";0;"!popen(cmd_string, mode="r" );"
class;[ :@docstring_extra0:@files[[" io.c0:@namespaceu;IO:
IO.popen;[ :@visibility:public:@source"G
* call-seq:
* IO.popen(cmd_string, mode="r" ) => io
* IO.popen(cmd_string, mode="r" ) {|io| block } => obj
* Runs the specified command string as a subprocess; the subprocess's
* standard input and output will be connected to the returned
* IO
object. If cmd_string starts with a
* ``-
'', then a new instance of Ruby is started as the
* subprocess. The default mode for the new file object is ``r'', but
* mode may be set to any of the modes listed in the description
* for class IO.
* If a block is given, Ruby will run the command as a child connected
* to Ruby with a pipe. Ruby's end of the pipe will be passed as a
* parameter to the block.
* At the end of block, Ruby close the pipe and sets $?
* In this case IO::popen
* the value of the block.
* If a block is given with a cmd_string of ``-
* the block will be run in two separate processes: once in the parent,
* and once in a child. The parent process will be passed the pipe
* object as a parameter to the block, the child version of the block
* will be passed nil
, and the child's standard in and
* standard out will be connected to the parent through the pipe. Not
* available on all platforms.
* f = IO.popen("uname")
* p f.readlines
* puts "Parent is #{Process.pid}"
* IO.popen ("date") { |f| puts f.gets }
* IO.popen("-") {|f| $stderr.puts "#{Process.pid} is here, f is #{f}"}
* p $?
* produces:
* ["Linux\n"]
* Parent is 26166
* Wed Apr 9 08:53:52 CDT 2003
* 26169 is here, f is
* 26166 is here, f is #
* #
static VALUE
rb_io_s_popen(argc, argv, klass)
int argc;
VALUE *argv;
VALUE klass;
const char *mode;
VALUE pname, pmode, port;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &pname, &pmode) == 1) {
mode = "r";
else if (FIXNUM_P(pmode)) {
mode = rb_io_modenum_mode(FIX2INT(pmode));
else {
mode = rb_io_flags_mode(rb_io_mode_flags(StringValueCStr(pmode)));
port = pipe_open(pname, 0, mode);
if (NIL_P(port)) {
/* child */
if (rb_block_given_p()) {
return Qnil;
RBASIC(port)->klass = klass;
if (rb_block_given_p()) {
return rb_ensure(rb_yield, port, io_close, port);
return port;