# HTML writer # geographic element # History: # Stan Smith 2015-03-31 original script require 'adiwg/mdtranslator/internal/module_geoFormat' require 'html_temporalElement' require 'html_verticalElement' require 'html_resourceId' module ADIWG module Mdtranslator module Writers module Html class MdHtmlGeographicElement def initialize(html) @html = html end def writeHtml(hGeoEle, geoPre) # classes used htmlTempEle = $HtmlNS::MdHtmlTemporalElement.new(@html) htmlVertEle = $HtmlNS::MdHtmlVerticalElement.new(@html) htmlResID = $HtmlNS::MdHtmlResourceId.new(@html) # geographic element - element ID s = hGeoEle[:elementId] if !s.nil? @html.em('Element ID: ') @html.text!(s) @html.br end # geographic element - name s = hGeoEle[:elementName] if !s.nil? @html.em('Name: ') @html.text!(s) @html.br end # geographic element - element description s = hGeoEle[:elementDescription] if !s.nil? @html.em('Description: ') @html.section(:class=>'block') do @html.text!(s) end end # geographic element - scope s = hGeoEle[:elementScope] if !s.nil? @html.em('Scope of the resource defined by geometry: ') @html.text!(s) @html.br end # geographic element - encompasses data b = hGeoEle[:elementIncludeData] if !b.nil? @html.em('Geometry defines an area encompassing data: ') @html.text!(b.to_s) @html.br end # geographic element - method of acquisition s = hGeoEle[:elementAcquisition] if !s.nil? @html.em('Method used to acquire geometry position: ') @html.text!(s) @html.br end # geographic element - coordinate reference system hSRS = hGeoEle[:elementSrs] if !hSRS.empty? @html.em('Coordinate reference system:') @html.section(:class=>'block') do # coordinate reference system - by name s = hSRS[:srsName] if !s.nil? @html.em('CRS Name: ') @html.text!(s) @html.br end # coordinate reference system - by link s = hSRS[:srsHref] if !s.nil? @html.em('CRS web link: ') @html.section(:class=>'block') do @html.a(s) end end # coordinate reference system - link type s = hSRS[:srsType] if !s.nil? @html.em('CRS web link type: ') @html.text!(s) @html.br end end end # geographic element - element geometry - required @html.em('Element geometry:') @html.section(:class=>'block') do # multi-geometries need to be written using this class recursively if hGeoEle[:elementGeometry][:geoType] == 'MultiGeometry' geoNum = 0 hGeoEle[:elementGeometry][:geometry].each do |hGeometry| @html.details do eleNum = geoPre + '.' + geoNum.to_s @html.summary('Sub-element ' + eleNum, {'class'=>'h5'}) geoNum += 1 @html.section(:class=>'block') do writeHtml(hGeometry, eleNum) end end end else # geographic element - in GeoJson @html.em('GeoJSON format: ') @html.section(:class=>'block') do geoJson = AdiwgGeoFormat.internal_to_geoJson(hGeoEle) popData = hGeoEle[:elementName] || hGeoEle[:elementDescription] || hGeoEle[:elementId] @html.div({'id'=>'geojson-' + geoPre, 'class'=>'geojson', 'data-popup' => popData}) do @html.text!(geoJson) end end # geographic element - in Well-Know-Text @html.em('Well-Know-Text format: ') @html.section(:class=>'block') do wkt = AdiwgGeoFormat.internal_to_wkt(hGeoEle[:elementGeometry]) @html.div({'id'=>'wkt-' + geoPre, 'class'=>'wkt'}) do @html.text!(wkt) end end end end # geographic element - element vertical space aVertEle = hGeoEle[:verticalElements] if !aVertEle.empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Vertical Elements ', {'class'=>'h6'}) eleNun = 0 aVertEle.each do |hVertEle| @html.section(:class=>'block') do @html.details do @html.summary('Element ' + eleNun.to_s, {'class'=>'h6'}) eleNun += 1 @html.section(:class=>'block') do htmlVertEle.writeHtml(hVertEle) end end end end end end # geographic element - element temporal space aTempEle = hGeoEle[:temporalElements] if !aTempEle.empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Temporal Elements ', {'class'=>'h6'}) @html.section(:class=>'block') do aTempEle.each do |hTempEle| htmlTempEle.writeHtml(hTempEle) end end end end # geographic element - element identifiers aIDs = hGeoEle[:elementIdentifiers] if !aIDs.empty? @html.details do @html.summary('Elements Identifiers', {'class'=>'h6'}) aIDs.each do |hEleID| s = hEleID[:identifier] @html.section(:class=>'block') do @html.details do @html.summary(s, {'class'=>'h6'}) @html.section(:class=>'block') do htmlResID.writeHtml(hEleID) end end end end end end end # writeHtml end # class end end end end