require "bundler/gem_tasks" require 'cane/rake_task' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' ENV['coverage'] = 'true' task default: :ci desc "Run all test suites" task ci: [:spec, :cane] do |rspec| rspec.rspec_opts = '--tag ~acceptance' end do |cane| cane.add_threshold 'coverage/.last_run.json', :>=, 90 end desc "Test deploying the demo plugin to a Vagrant box" task :vagrant do [ ['vagrant up', 'Bringing up Debian Wheezy Vagrant box'], ['bin/whipped-cream deploy demo.rb', 'Performing initial deploy'], ['bin/whipped-cream deploy demo.rb', 'Performing subsequent deploy'], ['REMOTE_URL="" rspec --tag acceptance', 'Running acceptance tests against Vagrant box'] ].each do |command, description| puts yellow(description) puts cyan(?` + command + ?`) unless system(command) raise "Command failed: '#{command}'" end end end def yellow(text) color(3, text) end def cyan(text) color(6, text) end def color(number, text) `tput setaf #{number}` + text + `tput sgr0` end