use std::{ collections::{hash_map::Keys, HashMap}, env, path::PathBuf, process::Command, }; use regex::Regex; mod flags; mod library; mod search_path; use library::*; use search_path::*; use std::ffi::OsString; use crate::{ debug_log, memoize, utils::{is_msvc, shellsplit}, }; use self::flags::Flags; /// Extracts structured information from raw compiler/linker flags to make /// compiling Ruby gems easier. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RbConfig { pub search_paths: Vec, pub libs: Vec, pub link_args: Vec, pub cflags: Vec, pub blocklist_lib: Vec, pub blocklist_link_arg: Vec, use_rpath: bool, value_map: HashMap, } impl Default for RbConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl RbConfig { /// Creates a new, blank `RbConfig`. You likely want to use `RbConfig::current()` instead. pub(crate) fn new() -> RbConfig { RbConfig { blocklist_lib: vec![], blocklist_link_arg: vec![], search_paths: Vec::new(), libs: Vec::new(), link_args: Vec::new(), cflags: Vec::new(), value_map: HashMap::new(), use_rpath: false, } } /// All keys in the `RbConfig`'s value map. pub fn all_keys(&self) -> Keys<'_, String, String> { self.value_map.keys() } /// Instantiates a new `RbConfig` for the current Ruby. pub fn current() -> RbConfig { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=RUBY"); let mut rbconfig = RbConfig::new(); // Never use the current Ruby's RbConfig if we're cross compiling, or // else bad things happen let parsed = if rbconfig.is_cross_compiling() { HashMap::new() } else { let output = memoize!(String: { let ruby = env::var_os("RUBY").unwrap_or_else(|| OsString::from("ruby")); let config = Command::new(ruby) .arg("--disable-gems") .arg("-rrbconfig") .arg("-e") .arg("print {|kv| kv.join(\"\x1F\")}.join(\"\x1E\")") .output() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("ruby not found: {}", e)); if !config.status.success() { panic!("non-zero exit status while dumping RbConfig: {:?}", config); } String::from_utf8(config.stdout).expect("RbConfig value not UTF-8!") }); let mut parsed = HashMap::new(); for line in output.split('\x1E') { let mut parts = line.splitn(2, '\x1F'); if let (Some(key), Some(val)) = (, { parsed.insert(key.to_owned(), val.to_owned()); } } parsed }; parsed.get("cflags").map(|f| rbconfig.push_cflags(f)); parsed.get("DLDFLAGS").map(|f| rbconfig.push_dldflags(f)); rbconfig.value_map = parsed; rbconfig } /// Pushes the `LIBRUBYARG` flags so Ruby will be linked. pub fn link_ruby(&mut self, is_static: bool) -> &mut Self { let libdir = self.get("libdir"); self.push_search_path(libdir.as_str()); self.push_dldflags(&format!("-L{}", &self.get("libdir"))); let librubyarg = if is_static { self.get("LIBRUBYARG_STATIC") } else { self.get("LIBRUBYARG_SHARED") }; if is_msvc() { for lib in librubyarg.split_whitespace() { self.push_library(lib); } let mut to_link: Vec = vec![]; if let Some(libs) = self.get_optional("LIBS") { to_link.extend(libs.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_string())); } if let Some(libs) = self.get_optional("LOCAL_LIBS") { to_link.extend(libs.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_string())); } for lib in to_link { self.push_library(lib); } } else { self.push_dldflags(&librubyarg); if cfg!(unix) { self.use_rpath(); } } self } /// Get the name for libruby-static (i.e. `ruby.3.1-static`). pub fn libruby_static_name(&self) -> String { self.get("LIBRUBY_A") .trim_start_matches("lib") .trim_end_matches(".a") .to_string() } /// Get the name for libruby (i.e. `ruby.3.1`) pub fn libruby_so_name(&self) -> String { self.get("RUBY_SO_NAME") } /// Get the platform for the current ruby. pub fn platform(&self) -> String { self.get_optional("platform") .unwrap_or_else(|| self.get("arch")) } /// Filter the libs, removing the ones that are not needed. pub fn blocklist_lib(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut RbConfig { self.blocklist_lib.push(name.to_string()); self } /// Blocklist a link argument. pub fn blocklist_link_arg(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut RbConfig { self.blocklist_link_arg.push(name.to_string()); self } /// Returns the current ruby program version. pub fn ruby_program_version(&self) -> String { if let Some(progv) = self.get_optional("RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION") { progv } else { format!( "{}.{}.{}", self.get("MAJOR"), self.get("MINOR"), self.get("TEENY") ) } } /// Get the CPPFLAGS from the RbConfig, making sure to subsitute variables. pub fn cppflags(&self) -> Vec { if let Some(cppflags) = self.get_optional("CPPFLAGS") { let flags = self.subst_shell_variables(&cppflags); shellsplit(flags) } else { vec![] } } /// Returns the value of the given key from the either the matching /// `RBCONFIG_{key}` environment variable or `RbConfig::CONFIG[{key}]` hash. pub fn get(&self, key: &str) -> String { self.get_optional(key) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Key not found: {}", key)) } /// Returns true if the current Ruby is cross compiling. pub fn is_cross_compiling(&self) -> bool { if let Some(cross) = self.get_optional("CROSS_COMPILING") { cross == "yes" || cross == "1" } else { false } } /// Returns the value of the given key from the either the matching /// `RBCONFIG_{key}` environment variable or `RbConfig::CONFIG[{key}]` hash. pub fn get_optional(&self, key: &str) -> Option { self.try_rbconfig_env(key) .or_else(|| self.try_value_map(key)) } /// Enables the use of rpath for linking. pub fn use_rpath(&mut self) -> &mut RbConfig { self.use_rpath = true; self } /// Push cflags string pub fn push_cflags(&mut self, cflags: &str) -> &mut Self { for flag in shellsplit(cflags) { if !self.cflags.contains(&flag) { self.cflags.push(flag.to_string()); } } self } /// Get major/minor version tuple of Ruby pub fn major_minor(&self) -> (u32, u32) { let major = self.get("MAJOR").parse::().unwrap(); let minor = self.get("MINOR").parse::().unwrap(); (major, minor) } /// Get the rb_config output for cargo pub fn cargo_args(&self) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; let mut search_paths = vec![]; for search_path in &self.search_paths { result.push(format!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", search_path)); search_paths.push(; } for lib in &self.libs { if !self.blocklist_lib.iter().any(|b| { result.push(format!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", lib)); } if self.use_rpath && !lib.is_static() { result.push(format!("cargo:rustc-link-arg=-Wl,-rpath,{}", lib)); } } for link_arg in &self.link_args { if !self.blocklist_link_arg.iter().any(|b| link_arg == b) { result.push(format!("cargo:rustc-link-arg={}", link_arg)); } } result } /// Print to rb_config output for cargo pub fn print_cargo_args(&self) { let cargo_args = self.cargo_args(); for arg in &cargo_args { println!("{}", arg); } debug_log!("INFO: printing cargo args ({:?})", cargo_args); let encoded_cargo_args = cargo_args.join("\x1E"); let encoded_cargo_args = encoded_cargo_args.replace('\n', "\x1F"); println!("cargo:encoded_cargo_args={}", encoded_cargo_args); } /// Adds items to the rb_config based on a string from LDFLAGS/DLDFLAGS pub fn push_dldflags(&mut self, input: &str) -> &mut Self { let input = self.subst_shell_variables(input); let split_args = Flags::new(input.as_str()); let search_path_regex = Regex::new(r"^-L\s*(?P.*)$").unwrap(); let lib_regex_short = Regex::new(r"^-l\s*(?P\w+\S+)$").unwrap(); let lib_regex_long = Regex::new(r"^--library=(?P\w+\S+)$").unwrap(); let dynamic_lib_regex = Regex::new(r"^-l\s*:lib(?P\S+).(so|dylib|dll)$").unwrap(); let framework_regex_short = Regex::new(r"^-F\s*(?P.*)$").unwrap(); let framework_regex_long = Regex::new(r"^-framework\s*(?P.*)$").unwrap(); for arg in split_args { let arg = arg.trim().to_owned(); if let Some(name) = capture_name(&search_path_regex, &arg) { self.push_search_path(name.as_str()); } else if let Some(name) = capture_name(&lib_regex_long, &arg) { self.push_library(name); } else if let Some(name) = capture_name(&lib_regex_short, &arg) { if name.contains("ruby") && name.contains("-static") { self.push_library((LibraryKind::Static, name)); } else { self.push_library(name); } } else if let Some(name) = capture_name(&dynamic_lib_regex, &arg) { self.push_library((LibraryKind::Dylib, name)); } else if let Some(name) = capture_name(&framework_regex_short, &arg) { self.push_search_path((SearchPathKind::Framework, name)); } else if let Some(name) = capture_name(&framework_regex_long, &arg) { self.push_library((LibraryKind::Framework, name)); } else { self.push_link_arg(arg); } } self } /// Sets a value for a key pub fn set_value_for_key(&mut self, key: &str, value: String) { self.value_map.insert(key.to_owned(), value); } // Check if has ABI version pub fn has_ruby_dln_check_abi(&self) -> bool { let major = self.get("MAJOR").parse::().unwrap(); let minor = self.get("MINOR").parse::().unwrap(); let patchlevel = self.get("PATCHLEVEL").parse::().unwrap(); // Ruby has ABI version on verion 3.2 and later only on development // versions major >= 3 && minor >= 2 && patchlevel == -1 && !cfg!(target_family = "windows") } // Examines the string from shell variables and expands them with values in the value_map fn subst_shell_variables(&self, input: &str) -> String { let mut result = String::new(); let mut chars = input.chars().enumerate(); while let Some((_, c)) = { if c == '$' { if let Some((i, c)) = { if c == '(' { let start = i + 1; let mut end = start; for (i, c) in chars.by_ref() { if c == ')' { end = i; break; } } let key = &input[start..end]; if let Some(val) = self.get_optional(key) { result.push_str(&val); } else if let Some(val) = env::var_os(key) { result.push_str(&val.to_string_lossy()); } else { // Consume whitespace; } } else { result.push(c); } } } else { result.push(c); } } result } pub fn have_ruby_header>(&self, header: T) -> bool { let ruby_include_dir: PathBuf = self.get("rubyhdrdir").into(); ruby_include_dir.join(header.as_ref()).exists() } fn push_search_path>(&mut self, path: T) -> &mut Self { let path = path.into(); if !self.search_paths.contains(&path) { self.search_paths.push(path); } self } fn push_library>(&mut self, lib: T) -> &mut Self { let lib = lib.into(); if !self.libs.contains(&lib) { self.libs.push(lib); } self } fn push_link_arg>(&mut self, arg: T) -> &mut Self { let arg = arg.into(); if !self.link_args.contains(&arg) { self.link_args.push(arg); } self } fn try_value_map(&self, key: &str) -> Option { self.value_map .get(key) .map(|val| val.trim_matches('\n').to_owned()) } fn try_rbconfig_env(&self, key: &str) -> Option { let key = format!("RBCONFIG_{}", key); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", key); env::var(key).map(|v| v.trim_matches('\n').to_owned()).ok() } } fn capture_name(regex: &Regex, arg: &str) -> Option { regex .captures(arg) .map(|cap|"name").unwrap().as_str().trim().to_owned()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::{sync::Mutex, vec}; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref ENV_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); } fn with_locked_env(f: F) -> T where F: FnOnce() -> T, { let _guard = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap(); f() } #[test] fn test_extract_lib_search_paths() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib"); assert_eq!( rb_config.search_paths, vec!["/usr/local/lib".into(), "/usr/lib".into()] ); } #[test] fn test_search_path_basic() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-L/usr/local/lib"); assert_eq!(rb_config.search_paths, vec!["native=/usr/local/lib".into()]); } #[test] fn test_search_path_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-L /usr/local/lib"); assert_eq!(rb_config.search_paths, vec!["/usr/local/lib".into()]); } #[test] fn test_search_path_space_in_path() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-L/usr/local/my lib"); assert_eq!( rb_config.search_paths, vec!["native=/usr/local/my lib".into()] ); } #[test] fn test_simple_lib() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-lfoo"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["foo".into()]); } #[test] fn test_lib_with_nonascii() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-lws2_32"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["ws2_32".into()]); } #[test] fn test_simple_lib_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-l foo"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["foo".into()]); } #[test] fn test_verbose_lib_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("--library=foo"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["foo".into()]); } #[test] fn test_dylib_with_colon_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-l :libssp.dylib"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["dylib=ssp".into()]); } #[test] fn test_so_with_colon_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-l"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["dylib=ssp".into()]); } #[test] fn test_dll_with_colon_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-l :libssp.dll"); assert_eq!(rb_config.libs, ["dylib=ssp".into()]); } #[test] fn test_framework() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-F/some/path"); assert_eq!(rb_config.search_paths, ["framework=/some/path".into()]); } #[test] fn test_framework_space() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-F /some/path"); assert_eq!( rb_config.search_paths, [SearchPath { kind: SearchPathKind::Framework, name: "/some/path".into(), }] ); } #[test] fn test_framework_arg_real() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-framework CoreFoundation"); assert_eq!( rb_config.libs, [Library { kind: LibraryKind::Framework, name: "CoreFoundation".into(), }] ); } #[test] fn test_libruby_static() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-lruby.3.1-static"); assert_eq!( rb_config.cargo_args(), ["cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=ruby.3.1-static"] ); } #[test] fn test_libruby_dynamic() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-lruby.3.1"); assert_eq!(rb_config.cargo_args(), ["cargo:rustc-link-lib=ruby.3.1"]); } #[test] fn test_non_lib_dash_l() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("test_rubygems_20220413-976-lemgf9/prefix"); assert_eq!( rb_config.link_args, vec!["test_rubygems_20220413-976-lemgf9/prefix"] ); } #[test] fn test_real_dldflags() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-L/Users/ianks/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.1/lib -L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup -Wl,-multiply_defined,suppress"); assert_eq!( rb_config.link_args, vec![ "-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup", "-Wl,-multiply_defined,suppress" ] ); assert_eq!( rb_config.search_paths, vec![ SearchPath { kind: SearchPathKind::Native, name: "/Users/ianks/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.1/lib".to_string() }, SearchPath { kind: SearchPathKind::Native, name: "/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib".to_string() }, ] ); } #[test] fn test_crazy_cases() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-F /something -l:libssp.a -static-libgcc "); assert_eq!(rb_config.link_args, vec!["-l:libssp.a", "-static-libgcc"]); assert_eq!( rb_config.search_paths, vec![SearchPath { kind: SearchPathKind::Framework, name: "/something".to_string() },] ); } #[test] fn test_printing_cargo_args() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-L/Users/ianks/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.1/lib"); rb_config.push_dldflags("-lfoo"); rb_config.push_dldflags("-static-libgcc"); let result = rb_config.cargo_args(); assert_eq!( vec![ "cargo:rustc-link-search=native=/Users/ianks/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.1/lib", "cargo:rustc-link-lib=foo", "cargo:rustc-link-arg=-static-libgcc" ], result ); } #[test] fn test_use_rpath() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-lfoo"); assert_eq!(vec!["cargo:rustc-link-lib=foo"], rb_config.cargo_args()); rb_config.use_rpath(); assert_eq!( vec![ "cargo:rustc-link-lib=foo", "cargo:rustc-link-arg=-Wl,-rpath,foo" ], rb_config.cargo_args() ); } #[test] fn test_link_mswin() { with_locked_env(|| { let old_var = env::var("TARGET").ok(); env::set_var("TARGET", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"); let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.set_value_for_key("LIBRUBYARG_SHARED", "x64-vcruntime140-ruby320.lib".into()); rb_config.set_value_for_key("libdir", "D:/ruby-mswin/lib".into()); rb_config.set_value_for_key("LIBS", "user32.lib".into()); rb_config.link_ruby(false); assert_eq!( vec![ "cargo:rustc-link-search=native=D:/ruby-mswin/lib", "cargo:rustc-link-lib=x64-vcruntime140-ruby320", "cargo:rustc-link-lib=user32", ], rb_config.cargo_args() ); if let Some(old_var) = old_var { env::set_var("TARGET", old_var); } else { env::remove_var("TARGET"); } }) } #[test] fn test_link_static() { with_locked_env(|| { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.set_value_for_key("LIBRUBYARG_STATIC", "-lruby-static".into()); rb_config.set_value_for_key("libdir", "/opt/ruby".into()); rb_config.link_ruby(true); assert_eq!( vec![ "cargo:rustc-link-search=native=/opt/ruby", "cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=ruby-static", ], rb_config.cargo_args() ); }); } #[test] fn test_prioritizes_rbconfig_env() { with_locked_env(|| { env::set_var("RBCONFIG_libdir", "/foo"); let rb_config = RbConfig::new(); assert_eq!(rb_config.get("libdir"), "/foo"); assert_eq!(rb_config.get_optional("libdir"), Some("/foo".into())); env::remove_var("RBCONFIG_libdir"); }); } #[test] fn test_never_loads_shell_rbconfig_if_cross_compiling() { with_locked_env(|| { env::set_var("RBCONFIG_CROSS_COMPILING", "yes"); let rb_config = RbConfig::current(); assert!(rb_config.value_map.is_empty()); }); } #[test] fn test_loads_shell_rbconfig_if_not_cross_compiling() { with_locked_env(|| { env::set_var("RBCONFIG_CROSS_COMPILING", "no"); let rb_config = RbConfig::current(); assert!(!rb_config.value_map.is_empty()); }); } #[test] fn test_libstatic() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.push_dldflags("-l:libssp.a"); assert_eq!(rb_config.link_args, ["-l:libssp.a".to_string()]); } #[test] fn test_link_arg_blocklist() { let mut rb_config = RbConfig::new(); rb_config.blocklist_link_arg("-Wl,--compress-debug-sections=zlib"); rb_config.blocklist_link_arg("-s"); rb_config.push_dldflags( "-lfoo -Wl,--compress-debug-sections=zlib -s -somethingthatshouldnotbeblocked", ); assert_eq!( vec![ "cargo:rustc-link-lib=foo", "cargo:rustc-link-arg=-somethingthatshouldnotbeblocked" ], rb_config.cargo_args() ); } }