module IsoDoc class Convert < ::IsoDoc::Common # Check if already compiled version(.css) exists, # if not, return original scss file. During release # we compile scss into css files in order to not depend on scss def precompiled_style_or_original(stylesheet_path) # Already have compiled stylesheet, use it return stylesheet_path if stylesheet_path.nil? || File.extname(stylesheet_path) == ".css" basename = File.basename(stylesheet_path, ".*") compiled_path = File.join(File.dirname(stylesheet_path), "#{basename}.css") return stylesheet_path unless File.file?(compiled_path) compiled_path end def localpath(path) return path if %r{^[A-Z]:|^/|^file:/}.match?(path) return path unless (@sourcedir || @localdir) && path File.expand_path(File.join((@sourcedir || @localdir), path)) end # run this after @meta is populated def populate_css @htmlstylesheet = generate_css(localpath(@htmlstylesheet_name), true) @wordstylesheet = generate_css(localpath(@wordstylesheet_name), false) @standardstylesheet = generate_css(localpath(@standardstylesheet_name), false) @htmlstylesheet_override_name and @htmlstylesheet_override = @wordstylesheet_override_name and @wordstylesheet_override = end def default_fonts(_options) { bodyfont: "Arial", headerfont: "Arial", monospacefont: "Courier New", } end # none for this parent gem, but will be populated in child gems # which have access to stylesheets &c def default_file_locations(_options) {} end def fonts_options { "bodyfont" => options[:bodyfont] || "Arial", "headerfont" => options[:headerfont] || "Arial", "monospacefont" => options[:monospacefont] || "Courier New", "normalfontsize" => options[:normalfontsize], "monospacefontsize" => options[:monospacefontsize], "smallerfontsize" => options[:smallerfontsize], "footnotefontsize" => options[:footnotefontsize], } end def scss_fontheader(is_html_css) b = options[:bodyfont] || "Arial" h = options[:headerfont] || "Arial" m = options[:monospacefont] || "Courier New" ns = options[:normalfontsize] || (is_html_css ? "1.0em" : "12.0pt") ms = options[:monospacefontsize] || (is_html_css ? "0.8em" : "11.0pt") ss = options[:smallerfontsize] || (is_html_css ? "0.9em" : "10.0pt") fs = options[:footnotefontsize] || (is_html_css ? "0.9em" : "9.0pt") "$bodyfont: #{b};\n$headerfont: #{h};\n$monospacefont: #{m};\n"\ "$normalfontsize: #{ns};\n$monospacefontsize: #{ms};\n"\ "$smallerfontsize: #{ss};\n$footnotefontsize: #{fs};\n" end def convert_scss(filename, stylesheet, stripwordcss) require "sassc" require "isodoc/sassc_importer" [File.join(Gem.loaded_specs["isodoc"].full_gem_path, "lib", "isodoc"), File.dirname(filename)].each do |name| SassC.load_paths << name end + stylesheet, syntax: :scss, importer: SasscImporter) .render end # stripwordcss if HTML stylesheet, !stripwordcss if DOC stylesheet def generate_css(filename, stripwordcss) filename.nil? and return nil filename = precompiled_style_or_original(filename) stylesheet =, encoding: "UTF-8") stylesheet = populate_template(stylesheet, :word) stylesheet.gsub!(/(\s|\{)mso-[^:]+:[^;]+;/m, "\\1") if stripwordcss stylesheet.gsub!(/--/, "-DOUBLE_HYPHEN_ESCAPE-") unless stripwordcss File.extname(filename) == ".scss" and stylesheet = convert_scss(filename, stylesheet, stripwordcss)[File.basename(filename, ".*"), "css"], mode: File::BINARY | File::SHARE_DELETE, encoding: "utf-8") do |f| f.write(stylesheet) f end end end end