# The only difficulty is to distinguish: `fn(argument)` from `fn (sequence)`. # The presence of the whitespace determines if it is an _argument_ to the # function call `fn` or if a _sequence_ follows the function call. # # If there is the potential for an argument list, the lexer enters the state `:ARG`. # The rest of the times, the state is `nil`. # # In case of an argument list, :tARG_LIST is emitted instead of a '('. # Therefore, the token '(' always signals the beginning of a sequence. class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::LexerRex macros CONST_NAME /[A-Z:][a-zA-Z_:]+/ SYMBOL_NAME /[\w+@*\/?!<>=~|%^-]+|\[\]=?/ IDENTIFIER /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ NODE_TYPE /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/ # Same as identifier but allows '-' CALL /(?:#{CONST_NAME}\.)?#{IDENTIFIER}[!?]?/ REGEXP_BODY /(?:[^\/]|\\\/)*/ REGEXP /\/(#{REGEXP_BODY})(? $ ! ^ ` ... + * ? ," )}/o { emit ss.matched, &:to_sym } /#{REGEXP}/o { emit_regexp } /%?(#{CONST_NAME})/o { emit :tPARAM_CONST } /%([a-z_]+)/ { emit :tPARAM_NAMED } /%(\d*)/ { emit(:tPARAM_NUMBER) { |s| s.empty? ? 1 : s.to_i } } # Map `%` to `%1` /_(#{IDENTIFIER})/o { emit :tUNIFY } /_/o { emit :tWILDCARD } /\#(#{CALL})/o { @state = :ARG; emit :tFUNCTION_CALL, &:to_sym } /#{IDENTIFIER}\?/o { @state = :ARG; emit :tPREDICATE, &:to_sym } /#{NODE_TYPE}/o { emit :tNODE_TYPE, &:to_sym } :ARG /\(/ { @state = nil; emit :tARG_LIST } :ARG // { @state = nil } /\#.*/ { emit_comment } end