Feature: Include by tags As a developer In order to be flexible with my step names I want to include some steps only to scenarios with a specific tags Background: And a file "features/test_a.feature" with the following content exists """ @step1a Feature: Feature 1 @step2a Scenario: Scenario 1 Given this is the feature step And this is the scenario step """ And a file "features/test_b.feature" with the following content exists """ @step1b Feature: Feature 2 @step2b Scenario: Scenario 2 Given this is the feature step And this is the scenario step """ And a file "features/support/steps/test_steps_1a.rb" with the following content exists """ module Test1ASteps Given("this is the feature step") { puts "DO STEP 1A" } end Gurke.config.include Test1ASteps, tags: :step1a """ And a file "features/support/steps/test_steps_2a.rb" with the following content exists """ module Test2ASteps Given("this is the scenario step") { puts "DO STEP 2A" } end Gurke.config.include Test2ASteps, tags: :step2a """ And a file "features/support/steps/test_steps_1b.rb" with the following content exists """ module Test1BSteps Given("this is the feature step") { puts "DO STEP 1B" } end Gurke.config.include Test1BSteps, tags: :step1b """ And a file "features/support/steps/test_steps_2b.rb" with the following content exists """ module Test2BSteps Given("this is the scenario step") { puts "DO STEP 2B" } end Gurke.config.include Test2BSteps, tags: [:step2b, :anotherTag] """ Scenario: It should include the matching step definitions When I run the tests Then the program output should include "DO STEP 1A" Then the program output should include "DO STEP 2A" Then the program output should include "DO STEP 1B" Then the program output should include "DO STEP 2B"