module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL GraphPattern `project` operator. # # [9] SelectClause ::= 'SELECT' ( 'DISTINCT' | 'REDUCED' )? ( ( Var | ( '(' Expression 'AS' Var ')' ) )+ | '*' ) # # ## Basic Projection # # @example SPARQL Grammar # PREFIX : # SELECT ?v { # ?s :p ?v . # FILTER (?v = 2) # } # # @example SSE # (prefix ((: )) # (project (?v) # (filter (= ?v 2) # (bgp (triple ?s :p ?v))))) # # @example SPARQL Grammar (Sub select) # SELECT (1 AS ?X ) { # SELECT (2 AS ?Y ) {} # } # # @example SSE (Sub select) # (project (?X) # (extend ((?X 1)) # (project (?Y) # (extend ((?Y 2)) # (bgp))))) # # @example SPARQL Grammar (filter projection) # PREFIX : # ASK { # {SELECT (GROUP_CONCAT(?o) AS ?g) WHERE { # :a :p1 ?o # }} # FILTER(?g = "1 22" || ?g = "22 1") # } # # @example SSE (filter projection) # (prefix ((: )) # (ask # (filter # (|| (= ?g "1 22") (= ?g "22 1")) # (project (?g) # (extend ((?g ??.0)) # (group () ((??.0 (group_concat ?o))) # (bgp (triple :a :p1 ?o)))))) )) # # @see class Project < Operator::Binary include Query NAME = [:project] ## # Can only project in-scope variables. # # @return (see Algebra::Operator#initialize) def validate! if (group = descendants.detect {|o| o.is_a?(Group)}) raise ArgumentError, "project * on group is illegal" if operands.first.empty? query_vars = operands.last.variables variables.keys.each do |v| raise ArgumentError, "projecting #{v.to_sse} not projected from group" unless query_vars.key?(v.to_sym) end end super end ## # The projected variables. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Query::Variable}] def variables operands(1).inject({}) {|hash, o| hash.merge(o.variables)} end ## # Executes this query on the given `queryable` graph or repository. # Reduces the result set to the variables listed in the first operand # # If the first operand is empty, this indicates a `SPARQL *`, and all in-scope variables are projected. # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to query # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @yield [solution] # each matching solution # @yieldparam [RDF::Query::Solution] solution # @yieldreturn [void] ignored # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] # the resulting solution sequence # @see def execute(queryable, **options, &block) @solutions = queryable.query(operands.last, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) @solutions.variable_names = self.variables.keys @solutions = @solutions.project(*(operands.first)) unless operands.first.empty? @solutions.each(&block) if block_given? @solutions end ## # In-scope variables for a select are limited to those projected. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Query::Variable}] def variables in_scope = operands.first.empty? ? operands.last.variables.values : operands.first in_scope.inject({}) {|memo, v| memo.merge(v.variables)} end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # Extracts projections # # If there are already extensions or filters, then this is a sub-select. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) vars = operands[0].empty? ? [:*] : operands[0] if options[:extensions] || options[:filter_ops] || options[:project] # Any of these options indicates we're in a sub-select opts = options.dup.delete_if {|k,v| %I{extensions filter_ops project}.include?(k)} content = operands.last.to_sparql(project: vars, **opts) content = "{#{content}}" unless content.start_with?('{') && content.end_with?('}') Operator.to_sparql(content, **options) else operands.last.to_sparql(project: vars, **options) end end end # Project end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra