require 'ffi' module PyCall class PyObject < FFI::Struct layout ob_refcnt: :ssize_t, ob_type: :pointer end class PyTypeObject < FFI::Struct layout ob_base: PyObject, ob_size: :ssize_t, tp_name: :string end module LibPython extend FFI::Library private_class_method def self.find_libpython(python = nil) python ||= 'python' python_config = investigate_python_config(python) v = python_config[:VERSION] libprefix = FFI::Platform::LIBPREFIX libs = [ "#{libprefix}python#{v}", "#{libprefix}python" ] lib = python_config[:LIBRARY] libs.unshift(File.basename(lib, File.extname(lib))) if lib lib = python_config[:LDLIBRARY] libs.unshift(lib, File.basename(lib)) if lib libs.uniq! executable = python_config[:executable] libpaths = [ python_config[:LIBDIR] ] if libpaths << dirname(executable) else libpaths << File.expand_path('../../lib', executable) end libpaths << python_config[:PYTHONFRAMEWORKPREFIX] if FFI::Platform.mac? exec_prefix = python_config[:exec_prefix] libpaths << exec_prefix << File.join(exec_prefix, 'lib') unless ENV['PYTHONHOME'] # PYTHONHOME tells python where to look for both pure python and binary modules. # When it is set, it replaces both `prefix` and `exec_prefix` # and we thus need to set it to both in case they differ. # This is also what the documentation recommends. # However, they are documented to always be the same on Windows, # where it causes problems if we try to include both. if ENV['PYTHONHOME'] = exec_prefix else ENV['PYTHONHOME'] = [python_config[:prefix], exec_prefix].join(':') end # Unfortunately, setting PYTHONHOME screws up Canopy's Python distribution? unless system(python, '-c', 'import site', out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) ENV['PYTHONHOME'] = nil end end # Find libpython (we hope): libsuffix = FFI::Platform::LIBSUFFIX libs.each do |lib| libpaths.each do |libpath| libpath_lib = File.join(libpath, lib) if File.file?("#{libpath_lib}.#{libsuffix}") libs = ffi_lib("#{libpath_lib}.#{libsuffix}") return libs.first end end end end def self.investigate_python_config(python) python_env = { 'PYTHONIOENCODING' => 'UTF-8' } IO.popen(python_env, [python, python_investigator_py], 'r') do |io| {}.tap do |config| io.each_line do |line| key, value = line.chomp.split(': ', 2) config[key.to_sym] = value end end end end def self.python_investigator_py File.expand_path('../python/', __FILE__) end ffi_lib_flags :lazy, :global libpython = find_libpython ENV['PYTHON'] # --- global variables --- attach_variable :_Py_NoneStruct, PyObject def self.Py_None _Py_NoneStruct end if libpython.find_variable('PyInt_Type') has_PyInt_Type = true attach_variable :PyInt_Type, PyTypeObject else has_PyInt_Type = false attach_variable :PyInt_Type, :PyLong_Type, PyTypeObject end attach_variable :PyLong_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PyBool_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PyFloat_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PyComplex_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PyUnicode_Type, PyTypeObject if libpython.find_symbol('PyString_FromStringAndSize') string_as_bytes = false attach_variable :PyString_Type, PyTypeObject else string_as_bytes = true attach_variable :PyString_Type, :PyBytes_Type, PyTypeObject end attach_variable :PyList_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PyTuple_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PyDict_Type, PyTypeObject attach_variable :PySet_Type, PyTypeObject # --- functions --- attach_function :Py_GetVersion, [], :string # Py_InitializeEx :: (int) -> void attach_function :Py_InitializeEx, [:int], :void # Py_IsInitialized :: () -> int attach_function :Py_IsInitialized, [], :int # Comparing two objects attach_function :PyObject_RichCompare, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref, :int], PyObject.by_ref # Accessing Object's attributes attach_function :PyObject_GetAttrString, [PyObject.by_ref, :string], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyObject_SetAttrString, [PyObject.by_ref, :string, PyObject.by_ref], :int attach_function :PyObject_HasAttrString, [PyObject.by_ref, :string], :int # Accessing Object's items attach_function :PyObject_GetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyObject_SetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int attach_function :PyObject_DelItem, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # Calling a object as a function attach_function :PyObject_Call, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # PyObject_IsInstane :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PyObject_IsInstance, [PyObject.by_ref, PyTypeObject.by_ref], :int # PyBool_FromLong :: (long) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyBool_FromLong, [:long], PyObject.by_ref # PyInt_AsSsize_t :: (PyPtr) -> ssize_t if has_PyInt_Type attach_function :PyInt_AsSsize_t, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t else attach_function :PyInt_AsSsize_t, :PyLong_AsSsize_t, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t end # PyInt_FromSsize_t :: (ssize_t) -> PyPtr if has_PyInt_Type attach_function :PyInt_FromSsize_t, [:ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref else attach_function :PyInt_FromSsize_t, :PyLong_FromSsize_t, [:ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref end # PyFloat_FromDouble :: (double) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyFloat_FromDouble, [:double], PyObject.by_ref # PyFloat_AsDouble :: (PyPtr) -> double attach_function :PyFloat_AsDouble, [PyObject.by_ref], :double # PyComplex_RealAsDouble :: (PyPtr) -> double attach_function :PyComplex_RealAsDouble, [PyObject.by_ref], :double # PyComplex_ImagAsDouble :: (PyPtr) -> double attach_function :PyComplex_ImagAsDouble, [PyObject.by_ref], :double # String if string_as_bytes attach_function :PyString_FromStringAndSize, :PyBytes_FromStringAndSize, [:string, :ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref else attach_function :PyString_FromStringAndSize, [:string, :ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref end # PyString_AsStringAndSize :: (PyPtr, char**, int*) -> int if string_as_bytes attach_function :PyString_AsStringAndSize, :PyBytes_AsStringAndSize, [PyObject.by_ref, :pointer, :pointer], :int else attach_function :PyString_AsStringAndSize, [PyObject.by_ref, :pointer, :pointer], :int end # Unicode # PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 case when libpython.find_symbol('PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8') attach_function :PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8, [:string, :ssize_t, :string], PyObject.by_ref when libpython.find_symbol('PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8') attach_function :PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8, [:string, :ssize_t, :string], PyObject.by_ref when libpython.find_symbol('PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8') attach_function :PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8, [:string, :ssize_t, :string], PyObject.by_ref end # PyUnicode_AsUTF8String :: (PyPtr) -> PyPtr case when libpython.find_symbol('PyUnicode_AsUTF8String') attach_function :PyUnicode_AsUTF8String, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref when libpython.find_symbol('PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUTF8String') attach_function :PyUnicode_AsUTF8String, :PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUTF8String, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref when libpython.find_symbol('PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String') attach_function :PyUnicode_AsUTF8String, :PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref end # Tuple attach_function :PyTuple_New, [:ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyTuple_GetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, :ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyTuple_SetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, :ssize_t, PyObject.by_ref], :int attach_function :PyTuple_Size, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t # Slice attach_function :PySlice_New, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # List attach_function :PyList_New, [:ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyList_Size, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t attach_function :PyList_GetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, :ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyList_SetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, :ssize_t, PyObject.by_ref], :int attach_function :PyList_Append, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PySequence_Size :: (PyPtr) -> ssize_t attach_function :PySequence_Size, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t # PySequence_GetItem :: (PyPtr, ssize_t) -> PyPtr attach_function :PySequence_GetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, :ssize_t], PyObject.by_ref # Dict attach_function :PyDict_New, [], PyObject.by_ref # PyDict_GetItem :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyDict_GetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # PyDict_GetItemString :: (PyPtr, char const*) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyDict_GetItemString, [PyObject.by_ref, :string], PyObject.by_ref # PyDict_SetItem :: (PyPtr, PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PyDict_SetItem, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PyDict_SetItemString :: (PyPtr, char const*, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PyDict_SetItemString, [PyObject.by_ref, :string, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PyDict_DelItem :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PyDict_DelItem, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PyDict_DelItemString :: (PyPtr, char const*) -> int attach_function :PyDict_DelItem, [PyObject.by_ref, :string], :int # PyDict_Size :: (PyPtr) -> ssize_t attach_function :PyDict_Size, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t # PyDict_Keys :: (PyPtr) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyDict_Keys, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # PyDict_Values :: (PyPtr) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyDict_Values, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # PyDict_Items :: (PyPtr) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyDict_Items, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # PyDict_Contains :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PyDict_Contains, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PySet_Size :: (PyPtr) -> ssize_t attach_function :PySet_Size, [PyObject.by_ref], :ssize_t # PySet_Contains :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PySet_Contains, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PySet_Add :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PySet_Add, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PySet_Discard :: (PyPtr, PyPtr) -> int attach_function :PySet_Discard, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], :int # PyModule_GetDict :: (PyPtr) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyModule_GetDict, [PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # PyImport_ImportModule :: (char const*) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyImport_ImportModule, [:string], PyObject.by_ref # Operators attach_function :PyNumber_Add, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyNumber_Subtract, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyNumber_Multiply, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyNumber_TrueDivide, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # Py_CompileString :: (char const*, char const*, int) -> PyPtr attach_function :Py_CompileString, [:string, :string, :int], PyObject.by_ref # PyEval_EvalCode :: (PyPtr, PyPtr, PyPtr) -> PyPtr attach_function :PyEval_EvalCode, [PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref, PyObject.by_ref], PyObject.by_ref # Error attach_function :PyErr_Print, [], :void attach_function :PyErr_Occurred, [], PyObject.by_ref attach_function :PyErr_Fetch, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void attach_function :PyErr_NormalizeException, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void public_class_method end PYTHON_DESCRIPTION = LibPython.Py_GetVersion().freeze PYTHON_VERSION = PYTHON_DESCRIPTION.split(' ', 2)[0].freeze end