# This class represents a Docker Network. class Docker::Network include Docker::Base def connect(container, opts = {}, body_opts = {}) body = MultiJson.dump({ container: container }.merge(body_opts)) Docker::Util.parse_json( connection.post(path_for('connect'), opts, body: body) ) reload end def disconnect(container, opts = {}) body = MultiJson.dump(container: container) Docker::Util.parse_json( connection.post(path_for('disconnect'), opts, body: body) ) reload end def remove(opts = {}) connection.delete(path_for, opts) nil end alias_method :delete, :remove def json(opts = {}) Docker::Util.parse_json(connection.get(path_for, opts)) end def to_s "Docker::Network { :id => #{id}, :info => #{info.inspect}, "\ ":connection => #{connection} }" end def reload network_json = @connection.get("/networks/#{URI.encode(@id)}") hash = Docker::Util.parse_json(network_json) || {} @info = hash end class << self def create(name, opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) default_opts = MultiJson.dump({ 'Name' => name, 'CheckDuplicate' => true }.merge(opts)) resp = conn.post('/networks/create', {}, body: default_opts) response_hash = Docker::Util.parse_json(resp) || {} get(response_hash['Id'], {}, conn) || {} end def get(id, opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) network_json = conn.get("/networks/#{URI.encode(id)}", opts) hash = Docker::Util.parse_json(network_json) || {} new(conn, hash) end def all(opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) hashes = Docker::Util.parse_json(conn.get('/networks', opts)) || [] hashes.map { |hash| new(conn, hash) } end def remove(id, opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) conn.delete("/networks/#{URI.encode(id)}", opts) nil end alias_method :delete, :remove def prune(conn = Docker.connection) conn.post("/networks/prune", {}) nil end end # Convenience method to return the path for a particular resource. def path_for(resource = nil) ["/networks/#{id}", resource].compact.join('/') end private :path_for end