# Goodreads [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/sosedoff/goodreads/master.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/sosedoff/goodreads) Ruby wrapper to communicate with Goodreads API. ## Requirements - Ruby 1.9.3+ ## Installation Install gem with rubygems: ``` gem install goodreads ``` Or manually: ``` rake install ``` ## Getting Started Before using Goodreads API you must create a new application. Visit [signup form](http://www.goodreads.com/api/keys) for details. Setup client: ``` ruby client = Goodreads::Client.new(api_key: "KEY", api_secret: "SECRET") client = Goodreads.new(api_key: "KEY") # short version ``` ### Global configuration You can define client credentials on global level. Just create an initializer file (if using rails) under `config/initializers`: ``` ruby Goodreads.configure( api_key: "KEY", api_secret: "SECRET" ) ``` Get global configuration: ``` ruby Goodreads.configuration # => { api_key: "YOUR_KEY" } ``` In case you need to reset options: ```ruby Goodreads.reset_configuration ``` ## Examples ### Lookup books You can lookup a book by ISBN, ID or Title: ```ruby client.book("id") client.book_by_isbn("ISBN") client.book_by_title("Book title") ``` Search for books (by title, isbn, genre): ```ruby search = client.search_books("The Lord Of The Rings") search.results.work.each do |book| book.id # => book id book.title # => book title end ``` ### Authors Look up an author by their Goodreads Author ID: ```ruby author = client.author("id") author.id # => author id author.name # => author's name author.link # => link to author's Goodreads page author.fans_count # => number of fans author has on Goodreads author.image_url # => link to image of the author author.small_image_url # => link to smaller of the author author.about # => description of the author author.influences # => list of links to author's influences author.works_count # => number of works by the author in Goodreads author.gender # => author's gender author.hometown # => author's hometown author.born_at # => author's birthdate author.died_at # => date of author's death ``` Look up an author by name: ```ruby author = client.author_by_name("Author Name") author.id # => author id author.name # => author name author.link # => link to author's Goodreads page ``` ### Reviews Pull recent reviews: ```ruby client.recent_reviews.each do |r| r.id # => review id r.book.title # => review book title r.body # => review message r.user.name # => review user name end ``` Get review details: ```ruby review = client.review("id") review.id # => review id review.user # => user information review.book # => uook information review.rating # => user rating ``` ### Shelves Get the books on a user's shelf: ```ruby shelf = client.shelf(user_id, shelf_name) shelf.books # array of books on this shelf shelf.start # start index of this page of paginated results shelf.end # end index of this page of paginated results shelf.total # total number of books on this shelf ``` ### Groups Get group details: ```ruby group = client.group("id") group.id # => group id group.title # => group title group.access # => group's access settings # => (e.g., public or private) group.group_users_count # => number of users in the group ``` List the groups a given user is a member of: ```ruby group_list = client.group_list("user_id", "sort") group_list.total # => total number of groups group_list.group.count # => number of groups returned in the request # Loop through the list to get details for each of the groups. group_list.group.each do |g| g.id # => group id g.access # => access settings (private, public) g.users_count # => number of members g.title # => title g.image_url # => url of the group's image g.last_activity_at # => date and time of the group's last activity end ``` The `sort` parameter is optional, and defaults to `my_activity`. For other sorting options, [see here](http://www.goodreads.com/api#group.list). ### OAuth For API calls requiring permission, such as write operations or browsing friends, see our [OAuth tutorial](examples/oauth.md). ## Testing To run the test suite: ``` bundle exec rake test ``` ## Contributions You're welcome to submit patches and new features. - Create a new branch for your feature of bugfix - Add tests so it does not break any existing code - Open a new pull request - Check official [API documentation](http://www.goodreads.com/api) ## License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Dan Sosedoff,