# Ruby client documentation This documentation is for developers interested in using the GOV.UK Notify Ruby client to send emails, text messages or letters. # Set up the client ## Install the client Run the following in the command line: ``` gem install 'notifications-ruby-client' ``` Refer to the [client changelog](https://github.com/alphagov/notifications-ruby-client/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for the version number and the latest updates. ## Create a new instance of the client Add this code to your application: ```ruby require 'notifications/client' client = Notifications::Client.new(api_key) ``` To get an API key, [sign in to GOV.UK Notify](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/) and go to the __API integration__ page. You can find more information in the [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) section of this documentation. # Send a message You can use GOV.UK Notify to send text messages, emails or letters. ## Send a text message ### Method ```ruby smsresponse = client.send_sms( phone_number: "+447900900123", template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a", ) ``` ### Arguments #### phone_number (required) The phone number of the text message recipient. This can be a UK or international number. For example: ```ruby phone_number:"+447900900123" ``` #### template_id (required) Sign in to [GOV.UK Notify](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/) and go to the __Templates__ page to find the template ID. For example: ```ruby template_id:"f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a" ``` #### personalisation (optional) If a template has placeholder fields for personalised information such as name or reference number, you must provide their values in a hash. For example: ```ruby personalisation: { name: "John Smith", ID: "300241", } ``` You can leave out this argument if a template does not have any placeholder fields for personalised information. #### reference (optional) A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example: ```ruby reference: "your_reference_string" ``` You can leave out this argument if you do not have a reference. #### sms_sender_id (optional) A unique identifier of the sender of the text message notification. You can find this information on the __Text Message sender__ settings screen. 1. Sign in to your GOV.UK Notify account. 1. Go to __Settings__. 1. If you need to change to another service, select __Switch service__ in the top right corner of the screen and select the correct one. 1. Go to the __Text Messages__ section and select __Manage__ on the __Text Message sender__ row. You can then either: - copy the sender ID that you want to use and paste it into the method - select __Change__ to change the default sender that the service uses, and select __Save__ For example: ```ruby sms_sender_id: "8e222534-7f05-4972-86e3-17c5d9f894e2" ``` You can leave out this argument if your service only has one text message sender, or if you want to use the default sender. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client:ResponseNotification` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#method), the object is named `smsresponse`. You can then call different methods on this object: |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`smsresponse.id`|Notification UUID|String| |`smsresponse.reference`|`reference` argument|String| |`smsresponse.content`|- `body`: Message body sent to the recipient
- `from_number`: SMS sender number of your service|Hash| |`smsresponse.template`|Contains the `id`, `version` and `uri` of the template|Hash| |`smsresponse.uri`|Notification URL|String| If you are using the [test API key](/ruby.html#test), all your messages come back with a `delivered` status. All messages sent using the [team and whitelist](#team-and-whitelist) or [live](#live) keys appear on your GOV.UK Notify dashboard. ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code. |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Can't send to this recipient using a team-only API key"`
`]}`|`BadRequestError`|Use the correct type of [API key](/ruby.html#api-keys)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Can't send to this recipient when service is in trial mode - see https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/trial-mode"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Your service cannot send this notification in [trial mode](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/features/using-notify#trial-mode)| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "RateLimitError",`
`"message": "Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM/TEST/LIVE of 3000 requests per 60 seconds"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Refer to [API rate limits](/ruby.html#api-rate-limits) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "TooManyRequestsError",`
`"message": "Exceeded send limits (LIMIT NUMBER) for today"`
`}]`|`ClientError`|Refer to [service limits](/ruby.html#service-limits) for the limit number| |`500`|`[{`
`"error": "Exception",`
`"message": "Internal server error"`
`}]`|`ServerError`|Notify was unable to process the request, resend your notification| ## Send an email ### Method ```ruby emailresponse = client.send_email( email_address: "sender@something.com", template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a", ) ``` ### Arguments #### email_address (required) The email address of the recipient. For example: ```ruby email_address: "sender@something.com" ``` #### template_id (required) Sign in to [GOV.UK Notify](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/) and go to the __Templates__ page to find the template ID. For example: ```ruby template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a" ``` #### personalisation (optional) If a template has placeholder fields for personalised information such as name or reference number, you must provide their values in a hash. For example: ```ruby personalisation: { name: "John Smith", year: "2016" } ``` You can leave out this argument if a template does not have any placeholder fields for personalised information. #### reference (optional) A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example: ```ruby reference: "your_reference_string" ``` You can leave out this argument if you do not have a reference. #### email_reply_to_id (optional) This is an email reply-to address specified by you to receive replies from your users. Your service cannot go live until you set up at least one of these email addresses. 1. Sign into your GOV.UK Notify account. 1. Go to __Settings__. 1. If you need to change to another service, select __Switch service__ in the top right corner of the screen and select the correct one. 1. Go to the __Email__ section and select __Manage__ on the __Email reply-to addresses__ row. 1. Select __Change__ to specify the email address to receive replies, and select __Save__. For example: ```ruby email_reply_to_id: '8e222534-7f05-4972-86e3-17c5d9f894e2' ``` You can leave out this argument if your service only has one email reply-to address, or you want to use the default email address. ## Send a document by email Send files without the need for email attachments. This is an invitation-only feature. [Contact the GOV.UK Notify team](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/support) to enable this function for your service. To send a document by email, add a placeholder field to the template then upload a file. The placeholder field will contain a secure link to download the document. ### Add a placeholder field to the template 1. Sign in to [GOV.UK Notify](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/). 1. Go to the __Templates__ page and select the relevant email template. 1. Add a placeholder field to the email template using double brackets. For example: "Download your document at: ((link_to_document))" ### Upload your document The document you upload must be a PDF file smaller than 2MB. 1. Pass the file object as an argument to the `Notifications.prepare_upload` helper method. 1. Pass the result into the personalisation argument. For example: ```ruby File.open("file.pdf", "rb") do |f| ... personalisation: { first_name: "Amala", application_date: "2018-01-01", link_to_document: Notifications.prepare_upload(f), } end ``` ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client:ResponseNotification` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#send-an-email-method), the object is named `emailresponse`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`emailresponse.id`|Notification UUID|String| |`emailresponse.reference`|`reference` argument|String| |`emailresponse.content`|- `body`: Message body
- `subject`: Message subject
- `from_email`: From email address of your service found on the **Settings** page|Hash| |`emailresponse.template`|Contains the `id`, `version` and `uri` of the template|Hash| |`emailresponse.uri`|Notification URL|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code. |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:--- |:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Can't send to this recipient using a team-only API key"`
`]}`|`BadRequestError`|Use the correct type of [API key](/ruby.html#api-keys)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Can't send to this recipient when service is in trial mode - see https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/trial-mode"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Your service cannot send this notification in [trial mode](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/features/using-notify#trial-mode)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Unsupported document type '{}'. Supported types are: {}"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|The document you upload must be a PDF file| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Document didn't pass the virus scan"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|The document you upload must be virus free| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Service is not allowed to send documents"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Contact the GOV.UK Notify team| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "RateLimitError",`
`"message": "Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM/TEST/LIVE of 3000 requests per 60 seconds"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Refer to [API rate limits](/ruby.html#api-rate-limits) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "TooManyRequestsError",`
`"message": "Exceeded send limits (LIMIT NUMBER) for today"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Refer to [service limits](/ruby.html#service-limits) for the limit number| |`500`|`[{`
`"error": "Exception",`
`"message": "Internal server error"`
`}]`|`ServerError`|Notify was unable to process the request, resend your notification| |-|`[{`
`"error": "ArgumentError",`
`"message": "Document is larger than 2MB")`
`}]`|-|Document size was too large, upload a smaller document| ## Send a letter When your service first signs up to GOV.UK Notify, you’ll start in trial mode. You can only send letters in live mode. You must ask GOV.UK Notify to make your service live. 1. Sign in to [GOV.UK Notify](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/). 1. Select __Using Notify__. 1. Select __requesting to go live__. ### Method ```ruby letterresponse = client.send_letter( template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a", personalisation: { address_line_1: 'The Occupier', address_line_2: '123 High Street', postcode: 'SW14 6BH', }, ) ``` ### Arguments #### template_id (required) Sign in to GOV.UK Notify and go to the __Templates__ page to find the template ID. For example: ```ruby template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a" ``` #### personalisation (required) The personalisation argument always contains the following parameters for the letter recipient's address: - `address_line_1` - `address_line_2` - `postcode` Any other placeholder fields included in the letter template also count as required parameters. You must provide their values in a hash. For example: ```ruby personalisation: { address_line_1: 'The Occupier', # mandatory address field address_line_2: '123 High Street', # mandatory address field postcode: 'SW14 6BH', # mandatory address field name: 'John Smith', # field from template application_date: '2018-01-01' # field from template }, ``` #### personalisation (optional) The following parameters in the letter recipient's address are optional: ```ruby personalisation: { address_line_3: 'Richmond', # optional address field address_line_4: 'London', # optional address field address_line_5: 'Middlesex', # optional address field address_line_6: 'UK', # optional address field }, ``` #### reference (optional) A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example: ```ruby reference: 'your_reference_string' ``` ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client:ResponseNotification` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#send-a-letter-method), the object is named `letterresponse`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`letterresponse.id`|Notification UUID|String| |`letterresponse.reference`|`reference` argument|String| |`letterresponse.content`|- `body`: Letter body
- `subject`: Letter subject or main heading|Hash| |`letterresponse.template`|Contains the `id`, `version` and `uri` of the template|Hash| |`letterresponse.uri`|Notification URL|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code. |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:--- |:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Cannot send letters with a team api key"`
`]}`|`BadRequestError`|Use the correct type of [API key](/ruby.html#api-keys)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Cannot send letters when service is in trial mode - see https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/trial-mode"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Your service cannot send this notification in [trial mode](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/features/using-notify#trial-mode)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "personalisation address_line_1 is a required property"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Ensure that your template has a field for the first line of the address, refer to [personalisation](/ruby.html#personalisation-required) for more information| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "RateLimitError",`
`"message": "Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM/TEST/LIVE of 3000 requests per 60 seconds"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Refer to [API rate limits](/ruby.html#api-rate-limits) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "TooManyRequestsError",`
`"message": "Exceeded send limits (LIMIT NUMBER) for today"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Refer to [service limits](/ruby.html#service-limits) for the limit number| |`500`|`[{`
`"error": "Exception",`
`"message": "Internal server error"`
`}]`|`ServerError`|Notify was unable to process the request, resend your notification| ## Send a precompiled letter This is an invitation-only feature. Contact the GOV.UK Notify team on the [support page](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/support) or through the [Slack channel](https://ukgovernmentdigital.slack.com/messages/govuk-notify) for more information. ### Method ```ruby precompiled_letter = client.send_precompiled_letter(reference, pdf_file) ``` ### Arguments #### reference (required) A unique identifier you create. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. #### pdf_file (required) The precompiled letter must be a PDF file. ```ruby File.open("path/to/pdf_file", "rb") do |pdf_file| client.send_precompiled_letter("your reference", pdf_file) end ``` #### postage (optional) You can choose first or second class postage for your precompiled letter. Set the value to `first` for first class, or `second` for second class. If you do not pass in this argument, the postage will default to second class. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client:ResponsePrecompiledLetter` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#send-a-pre-compiled-letter-method), the object is named `precompiled_letter`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`precompiled_letter.id`|Notification UUID|String| |`precompiled_letter.reference`|`reference` argument|String| |`precompiled_letter.postage`|`postage` argument|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code. |error.status_code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Cannot send letters with a team api key"`
`]}`|`BadRequestError`|Use the correct type of [API key](#api-keys)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Cannot send precompiled letters"`
`]}`|`BadRequestError`|This is an invitation-only feature. Contact the GOV.UK Notify team on the [support page](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/support) or through the [Slack channel](https://ukgovernmentdigital.slack.com/messages/govuk-notify) for more information| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Letter content is not a valid PDF"`
`]}`|`BadRequestError`|PDF file format is required| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Cannot send letters when service is in trial mode - see https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/trial-mode"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Your service cannot send this notification in [trial mode](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/features/using-notify#trial-mode)| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "reference is a required property"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Add a `reference` argument to the method call| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "postage invalid. It must be either first or second."`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Change the value of `postage` argument in the method call to either 'first' or 'second'| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Service is not allowed to send precompiled letters"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Contact the GOV.UK Notify team| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "RateLimitError",`
`"message": "Exceeded rate limit for key type live of 10 requests per 20 seconds"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](#api-keys) for more information| |`429`|`[{`
`"error": "TooManyRequestsError",`
`"message": "Exceeded send limits (50) for today"`
`}]`|`RateLimitError`|Refer to [service limits](#service-limits) for the limit number| # Get message status Message status depends on the type of message you have sent. You can only get the status of messages that are 7 days old or newer. ## Status - text and email |Status|Information| |:---|:---| |Created|GOV.UK Notify has placed the message in a queue, ready to be sent to the provider. It should only remain in this state for a few seconds.| |Sending|GOV.UK Notify has sent the message to the provider. The provider will try to deliver the message to the recipient. GOV.UK Notify is waiting for delivery information.| |Delivered|The message was successfully delivered.| |Failed|This covers all failure statuses:
- `permanent-failure` - "The provider could not deliver the message because the email address or phone number was wrong. You should remove these email addresses or phone numbers from your database. You’ll still be charged for text messages to numbers that do not exist."
- `temporary-failure` - "The provider could not deliver the message after trying for 72 hours. This can happen when the recipient's inbox is full or their phone is off. You can try to send the message again. You’ll still be charged for text messages to phones that are not accepting messages."
- `technical-failure` - "Your message was not sent because there was a problem between Notify and the provider.
You’ll have to try sending your messages again. You will not be charged for text messages that are affected by a technical failure."| ## Status - text only |Status|Information| |:---|:---| |Pending|GOV.UK Notify is waiting for more delivery information.
GOV.UK Notify received a callback from the provider but the recipient's device has not yet responded. Another callback from the provider determines the final status of the notification.| |Sent / Sent internationally|The message was sent to an international number. The mobile networks in some countries do not provide any more delivery information. The GOV.UK Notify client API returns this status as `sent`. The GOV.UK Notify client app returns this status as `Sent internationally`.| ## Status - letter |Status|information| |:---|:---| |Failed|The only failure status that applies to letters is `technical-failure`. GOV.UK Notify had an unexpected error while sending to our printing provider.| |Accepted|GOV.UK Notify has sent the letter to the provider to be printed.| |Received|The provider has printed and dispatched the letter.| ## Status - precompiled letter |Status|information| |:---|:---| |Pending virus check|GOV.UK Notify has not completed a virus scan of the precompiled letter file.| |Virus scan failed|GOV.UK Notify found a potential virus in the precompiled letter file.| |Validation failed|Content in the precompiled letter file is outside the printable area.| ## Get the status of one message You can only get the status of messages that are 7 days old or newer. ### Method ```ruby response = client.get_notification(id) ``` ### Arguments #### id (required) The ID of the notification. You can find the notification ID in the response to the [original notification method call](/ruby.html#response). You can also find it in your [GOV.UK Notify Dashboard](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk). 1. Sign into GOV.UK Notify and select __Dashboard__. 1. Select either __emails sent__, __text messages sent__, or __letters sent__. 1. Select the relevant notification. 1. Copy the notification ID from the end of the page URL, for example `https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/services/af90d4cb-ae88-4a7c-a197-5c30c7db423b/notification/ID`. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::Notification` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#get-the-status-of-one-message-method), the object is named `response`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Notification UUID|String| |`response.reference`| String supplied in `reference` argument|String| |`response.email_address`|Recipient email address (email only)|String| |`response.phone_number`|Recipient phone number (SMS only)|String| |`response.line_1`|Recipient address line 1 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_2`|Recipient address line 2 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_3`|Recipient address line 3 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_4`|Recipient address line 4 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_5`|Recipient address line 5 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_6`|Recipient address line 6 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.postcode`|Recipient postcode (letter only)|String| |`response.postage`|Postage class of the notification sent (letter only)|String| |`response.type`|Type of notification sent (sms, email or letter)|String| |`response.status`|Notification status (sending / delivered / permanent-failure / temporary-failure / technical-failure)|String| |`response.template`|Template UUID|String| |`response.body`|Notification body|String| |`response.subject`|Notification subject (email and letter)|String| |`response.sent_at`|Date and time notification sent to provider|String| |`response.created_at`|Date and time notification created|String| |`response.completed_at`|Date and time notification delivered or failed|String| |`response.created_by_name`|Name of sender if notification sent manually|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notification::Client::RequestError` and an error code: |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "id is not a valid UUID"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Check the notification ID| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| |`404`|`[{`
`"error": "NoResultFound",`
`"message": "No result found"`
`}]`|`NotFoundError`|Check the notification ID. This error occurs if the notification is more than 7 days old.| ## Get the status of multiple messages This API call returns one page of up to 250 messages and statuses. You can get either the most recent messages, or get older messages by specifying a particular notification ID in the `older_than` argument. You can only get messages that are 7 days old or newer. ### Method ```ruby args = { template_type: 'sms', status: 'failed', reference: 'your_reference_string' older_than: 'e194efd1-c34d-49c9-9915-e4267e01e92e' } response = client.get_notifications(args) ``` You can leave out the `older_than` argument to get the 250 most recent messages. To get older messages, pass the ID of an older notification into the `older_than` argument. This returns the next 250 oldest messages from the specified notification ID. ### Arguments You can leave out these arguments to ignore these filters. #### status (optional) | status | description | text | email | letter |Precompiled letter| |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- | |created|GOV.UK Notify has placed the message in a queue, ready to be sent to the provider. It should only remain in this state for a few seconds.|Yes|Yes||| |sending|GOV.UK Notify has sent the message to the provider. The provider will try to deliver the message to the recipient. GOV.UK Notify is waiting for delivery information.|Yes|Yes||| |delivered|The message was successfully delivered|Yes|Yes||| |sent / sent internationally|The message was sent to an international number. The mobile networks in some countries do not provide any more delivery information.|Yes|||| |pending|GOV.UK Notify is waiting for more delivery information.
GOV.UK Notify received a callback from the provider but the recipient's device has not yet responded. Another callback from the provider determines the final status of the notification.|Yes|||| |failed|This returns all failure statuses:
- permanent-failure
- temporary-failure
- technical-failure|Yes|Yes||| |permanent-failure|The provider could not deliver the message because the email address or phone number was wrong. You should remove these email addresses or phone numbers from your database. You’ll still be charged for text messages to numbers that do not exist.|Yes|Yes||| |temporary-failure|The provider could not deliver the message after trying for 72 hours. This can happen when the recipient's inbox is full or their phone is off. You can try to send the message again. You’ll still be charged for text messages to phones that are not accepting messages.|Yes|Yes||| |technical-failure|Email / Text: Your message was not sent because there was a problem between Notify and the provider.
You’ll have to try sending your messages again. You will not be charged for text messages that are affected by a technical failure.

Letter: Notify had an unexpected error while sending to our printing provider.

You can leave out this argument to ignore this filter.|Yes|Yes||| |accepted|GOV.UK Notify has sent the letter to the provider to be printed.|||Yes|| |received|The provider has printed and dispatched the letter.|||Yes|| |pending-virus-check|GOV.UK Notify is scanning the precompiled letter file for viruses.||||Yes| |virus-scan-failed|GOV.UK Notify found a potential virus in the precompiled letter file.||||Yes| |validation-failed|Content in the precompiled letter file is outside the printable area.||||Yes| #### templateType (optional) You can filter by: * `email` * `sms` * `letter` #### reference (optional) A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example: ```ruby reference: 'your_reference_string' ``` #### older_than (optional) Input the ID of a notification into this argument. If you use this argument, the client returns the next 250 received notifications older than the given ID. For example: ```ruby older_than: 'e194efd1-c34d-49c9-9915-e4267e01e92e' ``` If you leave out this argument, the client returns the most recent 250 notifications. The client only returns notifications that are 7 days old or newer. If the notification specified in this argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty response. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::NotificationsCollection` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#get-the-status-of-multiple-messages-method), the object is named `response`. You must then call either the `.links` method or the `.collection` method on this object. |Method|Information| |:---|:---| |`response.links`|Returns a hash linking to the requested notifications (limited to 250)| |`response.collection`|Returns an array of the required notifications| If you call the `collection` method on this object to return a notification array, you must then call the following methods on the notifications in this array to return information on those notifications: |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Notification UUID|String| |`response.reference`| String supplied in `reference` argument|String| |`response.email_address`|Recipient email address (email only)|String| |`response.phone_number`|Recipient phone number (SMS only)|String| |`response.line_1`|Recipient address line 1 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_2`|Recipient address line 2 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_3`|Recipient address line 3 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_4`|Recipient address line 4 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_5`|Recipient address line 5 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.line_6`|Recipient address line 6 of the address (letter only)|String| |`response.postcode`|Recipient postcode (letter only)|String| |`response.type`|Type of notification sent (sms, email or letter)|String| |`response.status`|Notification status (sending / delivered / permanent-failure / temporary-failure / technical-failure)|String| |`response.template`|Template UUID|String| |`response.body`|Notification body|String| |`response.subject`|Notification subject (email and letter)|String| |`response.sent_at`|Date and time notification sent to provider|String| |`response.created_at`|Date and time notification created|String| |`response.completed_at`|Date and time notification delivered or failed|String| |`response.created_by_name`|Name of sender if notification sent manually|String| If the notification specified in the `older_than` argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty `collection` response. ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code. |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "bad status is not one of [created, sending, sent, delivered, pending, failed, technical-failure, temporary-failure, permanent-failure, accepted, received]"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Contact the GOV.UK Notify team| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "Template type is not one of [sms, email, letter]"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Contact the GOV.UK Notify team| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| # Get a template ## Get a template by ID ### Method This returns the latest version of the template. ```ruby response = client.get_template_by_id(id) ``` ### Arguments #### id (required) The ID of the template. Sign into GOV.UK Notify and go to the __Templates__ page to find this. For example: ``` 'f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a' ``` ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::Template` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#get-a-template-by-id-method), the object is named `response`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Template UUID|String| |`response.name`|Template name|String| |`response.type`|Template type (email/sms/letter)|String| |`response.created_at`|Date and time template created|String| |`response.updated_at`|Date and time template last updated (may be nil if version 1)|String| |`response.created_by`|Email address of person that created the template|String| |`response.version`|Template version|String| |`response.body`|Template content|String| |`response.subject`|Template subject (email and letter)|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code: |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "id is not a valid UUID"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Check the notification ID| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| |`404`|`[{`
`"error": "NoResultFound",`
`"message": "No Result Found"`
`}]`|`NotFoundError`|Check your [template ID](/ruby.html#get-a-template-by-id-arguments-id-required)| ## Get a template by ID and version ### Method ```ruby response = client.get_template_version(id, version) ``` ### Arguments #### id (required) The ID of the template. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify and go to the __Templates__ page to find this. For example: ```ruby 'f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a' ``` #### version (required) The version number of the template. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::Template` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#get-a-template-by-id-and-version-method), the object is named `response`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Template UUID|String| |`response.name`|Template name|String| |`response.type`|Template type (email/sms/letter)|String| |`response.created_at`|Date and time template created|String| |`response.updated_at`|Date and time template last updated (may be nil if it is the first version)|String| |`response.created_by`|Email address of person that created the template|String| |`response.version`|Template version|String| |`response.body`|Template content|String| |`response.subject`|Template subject (email and letter)|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code: |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "id is not a valid UUID"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Check the notification ID| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| |`404`|`[{`
`"error": "NoResultFound",`
`"message": "No Result Found"`
`}]`|`NotFoundError`|Check your [template ID](/ruby.html#get-a-template-by-id-and-version-arguments-id-required) and [version](/ruby.html#version-required)| ## Get all templates ### Method This returns the latest version of all templates inside a collection object. ```ruby args = { type: 'sms' } response = client.get_all_templates(args) ``` ### Arguments #### type (optional) If you do not use `type`, the client returns all templates. Otherwise you can filter by: - `email` - `sms` - `letter` ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::TemplateCollection` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#get-all-templates-method), the object is named `response`. You must then call the `.collection` method on this object to return an array of the required templates. Once the client has returned a template array, you must then call the following methods on the templates in this array to return information on those templates. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Template UUID|String| |`response.name`|Template name|String| |`response.type`|Template type (email/sms/letter)|String| |`response.created_at`|Date and time template created|String| |`response.updated_at`|Date and time template last updated (may be nil if it is the first version)|String| |`response.created_by`|Email address of person that created the template|String| |`response.version`|Template version|String| |`response.body`|Template content|String| |`response.subject`|Template subject (email and letter)|String| If no templates exist for a template type or there no templates for a service, the templates array will be empty. ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code: |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "ValidationError",`
`"message": "Template type is not one of [sms, email, letter]"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Contact the Notify team| ## Generate a preview template ### Method This generates a preview version of a template. ```ruby response = client.generate_template_preview(id) ``` The parameters in the personalisation argument must match the placeholder fields in the actual template. The API notification client ignores any extra fields in the method. ### Arguments #### id (required) The ID of the template. Sign into GOV.UK Notify and go to the __Templates__ page. For example: ```ruby 'f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a' ``` #### personalisation (optional) If a template has placeholder fields for personalised information such as name or application date, you must provide their values in a hash. For example: ```ruby personalisation: { name: "John Smith", ID: "300241", } ``` You can leave out this argument if a template does not have any placeholder fields for personalised information. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::TemplatePreview` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#generate-a-preview-template-method), the object is named `response`. You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information. |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Template UUID|String| |`response.version`|Template version|String| |`response.body`|Template content|String| |`response.subject`|Template subject (email and letter)|String| |`response.type`|Template type (sms/email/letter)|String| |`response.html`|Body as rendered HTML (email only)|String| ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code: |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "BadRequestError",`
`"message": "Missing personalisation: [PERSONALISATION FIELD]"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Check that the personalisation arguments in the method match the placeholder fields in the template| |`400`|`[{`
`"error": "NoResultFound",`
`"message": "No result found"`
`}]`|`BadRequestError`|Check the [template ID](/ruby.html#generate-a-preview-template-arguments-id-required)| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information| # Get received text messages This API call returns one page of up to 250 received text messages. You can get either the most recent messages, or get older messages by specifying a particular notification ID in the `older_than` argument. You can only get the status of messages that are 7 days old or newer. You can also set up [callbacks](/ruby.html#callbacks) for received text messages. ## Enable received text messages Contact the GOV.UK Notify team on the [support page](https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/support) or through the [Slack channel](https://ukgovernmentdigital.slack.com/messages/govuk-notify) to enable receiving text messages for your service. ## Get a page of received text messages ### Method ```ruby args = { older_than: 'e194efd1-c34d-49c9-9915-e4267e01e92e' } response = client.get_received_texts(args) ``` To get older messages, pass the ID of an older notification into the `older_than` argument. This returns the next oldest messages from the specified notification ID. If you leave out the `older_than` argument, the client returns the most recent 250 notifications. ### Arguments #### older_than (optional) Input the ID of a received text message into this argument. If you use this argument, the client returns the next 250 received text messages older than the given ID. For example: ```ruby older_than: '8e222534-7f05-4972-86e3-17c5d9f894e2' ``` If you leave out the `older_than` argument, the client returns the most recent 250 notifications. The client only returns notifications that are 7 days old or newer. If the notification specified in this argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty `collection` response. ### Response If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::ReceivedTextCollection` object. In the example shown in the [Method section](/ruby.html#get-received-text-messages-method), the object is named `response`. You must then call either the `.links` method or the `.collection` method on this object. |Method|Information| |:---|:---| |`response.links`|Returns a hash linking to the requested texts (limited to 250)| |`response.collection`|Returns an array of the required texts| If you call the `collection` method on this object to return an array, you must then call the following methods on the received texts in this array to return information on those texts: |Method|Information|Type| |:---|:---|:---| |`response.id`|Received text UUID|String| |`response.created_at`|Date and time of received text|String| |`response.content`|Received text content|String| |`response.notify_number`|Number that received text was sent to|String| |`response.service_id`|Received text service ID|String| |`response.user_number`|Number that received text was sent from|String| If the notification specified in the `older_than` argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty `collection` response. ### Error codes If the request is not successful, the client returns a `Notifications::Client::RequestError` and an error code. |error.code|error.message|class|How to fix| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Check your system clock| |`403`|`[{`
`"error": "AuthError",`
`"message": "Invalid token: signature, api token not found"`
`}]`|`AuthError`|Use the correct API key. Refer to [API keys](/ruby.html#api-keys) for more information|