require 'aasm' require 'active_record_inline_schema' require 'data_miner/run/column_statistic' class DataMiner # A record of what happened when you ran a data miner script. # # To create the table, use +DataMiner::Run.auto_upgrade!+, possibly in +db/seeds.rb+ or a database migration. class Run < ::ActiveRecord::Base class << self # If a previous run died and you have manually enabled locking, you may find yourself getting +LockMethod::Locked+ exceptions. # # @note Starting in 2.1.0, runs are no longer locked by default. This method remains in case you want to re-apply locking. # # @param [String] model_names What locks to clear. # # @return [nil] # # @example Re-enable locking (since it was turned off by default in 2.1.0) # require 'data_miner' # require 'lock_method' # DataMiner::Run.lock_method :start def clear_locks(model_names = DataMiner.model_names) return unless defined?(::LockMethod) model_names.each do |model_name| dummy = new dummy.model_name = model_name dummy.lock_method_clear :start end nil end end # Raise this exception to skip the current run without causing it to fail. # # @example Avoid running certain data miner scripts too often (because they take too long). # class FlightSegment < ActiveRecord::Base # data_miner do # [...] # process "don't run this more than once an hour" do # if (last_ran_at = data_miner_runs.first(:order => 'created_at DESC').try(:created_at)) and ( - last_ran_at) < 3600 # raise DataMiner::Run::Skip # end # end # [...] # end # end class Skip < ::Exception end INITIAL_STATE = :limbo self.table_name = 'data_miner_runs' col :model_name col :aasm_state col :created_at, :type => :datetime col :stopped_at, :type => :datetime col :updated_at, :type => :datetime col :error, :type => :text col :row_count_before, :type => :integer col :row_count_after, :type => :integer add_index :model_name add_index :aasm_state validates_presence_of :model_name has_many :column_statistics, :class_name => 'DataMiner::Run::ColumnStatistic' include ::AASM aasm_initial_state INITIAL_STATE aasm_state :limbo aasm_state :skipped aasm_state :succeeded aasm_state :failed aasm_event(:succeed) { transitions :from => :limbo, :to => :succeeded } aasm_event(:skip) { transitions :from => :limbo, :to => :skipped } aasm_event(:fail) { transitions :from => :limbo, :to => :failed } # @private def start model = model_name.constantize if model.table_exists? self.row_count_before = model.count end save! if DataMiner.per_column_statistics? ColumnStatistic.take self end begin catch :data_miner_succeed do yield end succeed! rescue Skip skip! rescue self.error = "#{$!.message}\n#{$!.backtrace.join("\n")}" fail! raise $! ensure self.row_count_after = model.count if DataMiner.per_column_statistics? ColumnStatistic.take self end self.stopped_at = save! %{[data_miner] #{model_name} #{aasm_current_state.to_s.upcase} (#{(stopped_at-created_at).round(2)}s)} end self end # Get the column statistics for a particular column before this run started. # # @param [String] column_name The column you want to know about. # # @return [ColumnStatistic] def initial_column_statistics(column_name) column_statistics.where(:column_name => column_name.to_s).first end # Get the column statistics for a particular column after this run finished. # # @param [String] column_name The column you want to know about. # # @return [ColumnStatistic] def final_column_statistics(column_name) column_statistics.where(:column_name => column_name.to_s).last end # @private def as_lock database_name = Run.connection.instance_variable_get(:@config).try(:[], :database) [database_name, model_name] end end end