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The gem assumes that the user context in which it is executed has write access to the 'tmp' folder. This is because color profiles can be extracted from images during the JP2 creation process, and these profiles need to be stored as local files, and it is beneficial to cache them for later usage by images with the same color profile. If you know there are color profiles which are commonly used, it is better to capture them in the gem itself in the profile folder so they can be re-used and do not need to be extracted. 1. If any errors occur during JP2 generation for any reason, a runtime exception will be thrown with a description of the error. 2. If an image is passed in with a color profile that cannot be determined by examining the exif header data, an exception will be thrown. This can commonly occur in basic test TIFs that are black/white and have no profile, so beware during testing. ## Usage To use the JP2 creation method, you first instantiate the image object with an input image and then operate on it. ```ruby require 'assembly-image' input = Assembly::Image.new('/full/path/to/file.tif') puts input.exif # show exif header information for the TIF output = input.create_jp2(:output=>'/full/path/to/output.jp2') # generate a new JP2 in the specified location puts output.exif # show exif header information for the JP2 ``` ## Running tests ```bash bundle exec rake ``` ## Generate documentation To generate documentation into the "doc" folder: ```bash yard ``` To keep a local server running with up to date code documentation that you can view in your browser: ```bash yard server --reload ``` ## Prerequisites 1. Perl - you probably already have it 2. Kakadu Proprietary Software Binaries - for JP2 generation 3. ImageMagick 6.5.4 or higher 4. Exiftool ### Kakadu Download and install demonstration binaries from Kakadu: http://kakadusoftware.com/downloads/ NOTE: If you have upgrade to El Capitan on OS X, you will need to donwload and re-install the latest version of Kakadu, due to changes made with SIP. These changes moved the old executable binaries to an inaccessible location. ### Imagemagick #### RHEL 6 The version of ImageMagick included with RHEL 6 has all of the dependency libraries included: ```bash yum install ImageMagick ``` #### RHEL 5 The version of ImageMagick included with RHEL 5 is too old and does not have all the proper binaries included/built: ```bash yum install lcms lcms-devel libjpeg libjpeg-devel libpng libpng-devel ``` Required libraries from source: * libtiff (version 3.9.4 or higher) Build Imagemagick from source: http://www.imagemagick.org/download/ImageMagick.tar.gz #### Mac ```bash brew install jasper libtiff brew install imagemagick --use-tiff --use-jpeg2000 ``` ### Exiftool #### RHEL Download latest version from: http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool ```bash tar -xf Image-ExifTool-#.##.tar.gz cd Image-ExifTool-#.## perl Makefile.PL make test sudo make install ``` #### Mac ```bash brew install exiftool ```