require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..', 'test_helper')) require 'new_relic/data_serialization' class NewRelic::DataSerializationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase attr_reader :file, :path def setup NewRelic::Control.instance['log_file_path'] = './log' @path = NewRelic::Control.instance.log_path @file = "#{path}/newrelic_agent_store.db" Dir.mkdir(path) if ! FileUtils.rm_rf(@file) FileUtils.rm_rf("#{@path}/") end def teardown # this gets set to true in some tests NewRelic::Control.instance['disable_serialization'] = false mocha_teardown end def test_read_and_write_from_file_read_only, 'w') do |f| f.write(Marshal.dump('a happy string')) end NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |data| assert_equal('a happy string', data, "should pull the dumped item from the file") nil # must explicitly return nil or the return value will be dumped end assert_equal(0, File.size(file), "Should not leave any data in the file") end def test_bad_paths NewRelic::Control.instance.stubs(:log_path).returns("/bad/path") assert NewRelic::DataSerialization.should_send_data? NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do 'a happy string' end assert !File.exists?(file) end def test_read_and_write_to_file_dumping_contents expected_contents = Marshal.dump('a happy string') NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do 'a happy string' end assert_equal(expected_contents,, "should have dumped the contents") end def test_read_and_write_to_file_yields_old_data expected_contents = 'a happy string', 'w') do |f| f.write(Marshal.dump(expected_contents)) end contents = nil NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |old_data| contents = old_data 'a happy string' end assert_equal(contents, expected_contents, "should have dumped the contents") end def test_read_and_write_to_file_round_trip old_data = nil NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |data| old_data = data 'a' * 30 end NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |data| assert_equal('a'*30, data, "should be the same after serialization") end end def test_should_send_data_when_over_limit NewRelic::DataSerialization.stubs(:max_size).returns(20) NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do "a" * 30 end assert(NewRelic::DataSerialization.should_send_data?, 'Should be over limit') end def test_read_until_eoferror, 'w') do |f| f.write("a" * 10_001) end value = "",'r') do |f| value << NewRelic::DataSerialization.instance_eval { read_until_eof_error(f) } end assert_equal('a' * 10_001, value, "should retrieve all the contents from the string and not raise EOFerrors") end def test_write_contents_nonblockingly, 'w') do |f| f.write("") # write nothing! NOTHING end, 'w') do |f| NewRelic::DataSerialization.instance_eval { write_contents_nonblockingly(f, 'a' * 10_001) } end value = assert_equal('a' * 10_001, value, "should write a couple thousand 'a's to a file without exploding") end def test_should_send_data_disabled NewRelic::Control.instance.disable_serialization = true assert(NewRelic::DataSerialization.should_send_data?, 'should send data when disabled') end def test_should_send_data_under_limit NewRelic::DataSerialization.expects(:max_size).returns(2000) NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |old_data| "a" * 5 end assert(!NewRelic::DataSerialization.store_too_large?, 'Should be under the limit') end def test_should_handle_empty_spool_file NewRelic::Control.instance.log.expects(:error).never assert_nil NewRelic::DataSerialization.instance_eval { load('') } end def test_spool_file_location_respects_log_file_path_setting NewRelic::Control.instance.expects(:log_path).returns('./tmp') Dir.mkdir('./tmp') if !'./tmp') NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |_| 'a' * 30 end assert(File.exists?('./tmp/newrelic_agent_store.db'), "Spool file not created at user specified location") end def test_age_file_location_respects_log_file_path_setting NewRelic::Control.instance.expects(:log_path).returns('./tmp') Dir.mkdir('./tmp') if !'./tmp') NewRelic::DataSerialization.update_last_sent! assert(File.exists?('./tmp/'), "Age file not created at user specified location") end def test_pid_age_creates_pid_file_if_none_exists assert(!File.exists?("#{@path}/"), 'pid file found, should not be there') assert(!NewRelic::DataSerialization.pid_too_old?, "new pid should not be too old") assert(File.exists?("#{@path}/"), 'pid file not found, should be there') end def test_loading_does_not_seg_fault_if_gc_triggers require 'timeout' Thread.abort_on_exception = true rcv,snd = IO.pipe write = do obj = ('a'..'z').inject({}){|h,s|h[s.intern]=s*1024;h} data = Marshal.dump(obj) snd.write(data[0,data.size/2]) sleep(0.1) snd.write(data[(data.size/2)..-1]) snd.close end read = do lock = lock.synchronize do NewRelic::DataSerialization.class_eval { load(rcv) } end end gc = do 10.times do GC.start end end Timeout::timeout(5) do write.join read.join gc.join end # should not seg fault end def test_dump_should_be_thread_safe stats_hash = {} 2000.times do |i| stats_hash[i.to_s] = end harvest = do NewRelic::DataSerialization.class_eval { dump(stats_hash) } end app = do stats_hash["a"] = end assert_nothing_raised do [app, harvest].each{|t| t.join} end end end