require 'minitest_helper' [Restruct::Array, Restruct::MarshalArray].each do |klass| describe klass do let(:array) { } def fill(elements) 'RPUSH',, *( { |e| array.send(:serialize, e) }) end describe 'Getters' do it '[]' do fill %w(a b c d e) array[0].must_equal 'a' array[1].must_equal 'b' array[2].must_equal 'c' array[6].must_be_nil array[0..-1].must_equal %w(a b c d e) array[1..3].must_equal %w(b c d) array[4..7].must_equal ['e'] array[5..10].must_equal [] array[6..10].must_be_nil array[-3,3].must_equal %w(c d e) array[1,2].must_equal %w(b c) array[5,1].must_equal [] array[6,1].must_be_nil error = proc { array[1,2,3,4] }.must_raise ArgumentError error.message.must_equal 'wrong number of arguments (4 for 1..2)' error = proc { array['x'] }.must_raise TypeError error.message.must_equal 'no implicit conversion from string to integer' end it 'at' do fill %w(a b c d) 'a' 'b' 'd' end it 'values_at' do fill %w(a b c d e f) array.values_at(1, 3, 5).must_equal %w(b d f) array.values_at(1, 3, 5, 7).must_equal ['b', 'd', 'f', nil] array.values_at(-1, -2, -2, -7).must_equal ['f', 'e', 'e', nil] end it 'fetch' do fill %w(a b c) array.fetch(-1).must_equal 'c' array.fetch(0).must_equal 'a' array.fetch(4, 'x').must_equal 'x' array.fetch(4) { |i| (i + 1).to_s }.must_equal '5' error = proc { array.fetch(4) }.must_raise IndexError error.message.must_equal 'index 4 outside of array bounds: -3...3' end it 'first' do fill %w(a b c) array.first.must_equal 'a' end it 'last' do fill %w(a b c) array.last.must_equal 'c' end end describe 'Setters' do it '[]=' do fill %w(a b c d) (array[0] = 'x').must_equal 'x' array.to_a.must_equal %w(x b c d) (array[-1] = 'z').must_equal 'z' array.to_a.must_equal %w(x b c z) error = proc { array[10] = '.' }.must_raise IndexError error.message.must_equal 'index 10 outside of array bounds: -4...4' error = proc { array['k'] = '.' }.must_raise TypeError error.message.must_equal 'no implicit conversion from string to integer' end it 'push' do fill %w(a b c) array.push('d').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c d) array.push('x', 'y', 'z').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c d x y z) end it '<<' do fill %w(a b c) (array << 'd').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c d) end it 'pop' do fill %w(a b c d e f) (array.pop).must_equal 'f' array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c d e) (array.pop(2)).must_equal %w(d e) array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c) (array.pop(5)).must_equal %w(a b c) array.to_a.must_equal [] end it 'shift' do fill %w(a b c d e f) (array.shift).must_equal 'a' array.to_a.must_equal %w(b c d e f) (array.shift(2)).must_equal %w(b c) array.to_a.must_equal %w(d e f) (array.shift(5)).must_equal %w(d e f) array.to_a.must_equal [] end it 'insert' do fill %w(a b c d) array.insert(0, 'A').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(A a b c d) array.insert(2, 'B', 'B').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(A a B B b c d) array.insert(-2, 'x', 'y', 'z').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(A a B B b c x y z d) array.insert(-5, 'w').must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(A a B B b c w x y z d) end it 'concat' do fill %w(a b c) array.concat(%w(x y z)).must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c x y z) end it 'delete' do fill %w(a b a b a b) array.delete('b').must_equal 'b' array.to_a.must_equal %w(a a a) array.delete('c').must_be_nil array.to_a.must_equal %w(a a a) end it 'delete_at' do fill %w(a b c a b c a b c) array.delete_at(3).must_equal 'a' array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c b c a b c) array.delete_at(-4).must_equal 'c' array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c b a b c) array.delete_at(10).must_be_nil array.to_a.must_equal %w(a b c b a b c) end it 'delete_if' do fill %w(a b c a b c a b c) array.delete_if { |e| e == 'a' }.must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(b c b c b c) end %w(keep_if select!).each do |method| it method do fill %w(a b c a b c a b c) array.send(method) { |e| e == 'a' }.must_equal array array.to_a.must_equal %w(a a a) end end it 'clear' do fill %w(a b c d) array.clear.must_equal array array.must_be_empty end end describe 'Info' do %w(size count length).each do |method| it method do fill %w(a b c) array.send(method).must_equal 3 end end it 'empty?' do array.must_be :empty? fill %w(a b c) array.wont_be :empty? end it 'include?' do fill %w(a b c) assert array.include? 'a' refute array.include? 'z' end end describe 'Transformations' do %w(to_a to_ary to_primitive).each do |method| it method do fill %w(a b c) array.send(method).must_equal %w(a b c) end end it 'join' do fill %w(a b c) array.join.must_equal 'abc' array.join('-').must_equal 'a-b-c' end it 'uniq' do fill %w(a1 a1 a2 a2 b1 b1 b2 b2) array.uniq.must_equal %w(a1 a2 b1 b2) array.uniq { |e| e[1] }.must_equal %w(a1 a2) end it 'reverse' do fill %w(a b c) array.reverse.must_equal %w(c b a) end end describe 'Enumerable' do it 'included module' do assert klass.included_modules.include? Enumerable end it 'each' do fill %w(a b c) list = [] array.each { |e| list << e } list.must_equal array.to_a end it 'each_index' do fill %w(a b c) list = [] array.each_index { |i| list << i } list.must_equal [0,1,2] end end describe 'Sets' do it '+' do fill %w(a b c) (array + %w(x y z)).must_equal %w(a b c x y z) end it '-' do fill %w(a b c) (array - %w(a z)).must_equal %w(b c) end it '&' do fill %w(a b c) (array & %w(b a z)).must_equal %w(a b) end it '|' do fill %w(a b c) (array | %w(b c d)).must_equal %w(a b c d) end end it 'Equality' do copy = id: assert array == copy assert array.eql? copy refute array.equal? copy end it 'Dump/Restore' do fill %w(a b c) dump = array.dump other = other.restore dump other.to_primitive.must_equal array.to_primitive end end end