require 'yaml' unless defined?(YAML) module Beaker class Vcloud < Beaker::Hypervisor def initialize(vcloud_hosts, options) @options = options @logger = options[:logger] @hosts = vcloud_hosts raise 'You must specify a datastore for vCloud instances!' unless @options['datastore'] raise 'You must specify a resource pool for vCloud instances!' unless @options['resourcepool'] raise 'You must specify a folder for vCloud instances!' unless @options['folder'] @vsphere_credentials = VsphereHelper.load_config(@options[:dot_fog]) end def connect_to_vsphere @logger.notify "Connecting to vSphere at #{@vsphere_credentials[:server]}" + " with credentials for #{@vsphere_credentials[:user]}" @vsphere_helper = @vsphere_credentials ) end def wait_for_dns_resolution host, try, attempts @logger.notify "Waiting for #{host['vmhostname']} DNS resolution" begin Socket.getaddrinfo(host['vmhostname'], nil) rescue if try <= attempts sleep 5 try += 1 retry else raise "DNS resolution failed after #{@options[:timeout].to_i} seconds" end end end def booting_host host, try, attempts @logger.notify "Booting #{host['vmhostname']} (#{}) and waiting for it to register with vSphere" until @vsphere_helper.find_vms(host['vmhostname'])[host['vmhostname']].summary.guest.toolsRunningStatus == 'guestToolsRunning' and @vsphere_helper.find_vms(host['vmhostname'])[host['vmhostname']].summary.guest.ipAddress != nil if try <= attempts sleep 5 try += 1 else raise "vSphere registration failed after #{@options[:timeout].to_i} seconds" end end end def create_clone_spec host # Add VM annotation configSpec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineConfigSpec( :annotation => 'Base template: ' + host['template'] + "\n" + 'Creation time: ' +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + "\n\n" + 'CI build link: ' + ( ENV['BUILD_URL'] || 'Deployed independently of CI' ) + 'department: ' + @options[:department] + 'project: ' + @options[:project] ) # Are we using a customization spec? customizationSpec = @vsphere_helper.find_customization( host['template'] ) if customizationSpec # Print a logger message if using a customization spec @logger.notify "Found customization spec for '#{host['template']}', will apply after boot" end # Put the VM in the specified folder and resource pool relocateSpec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec( :datastore => @vsphere_helper.find_datastore(@options['datastore']), :pool => @vsphere_helper.find_pool(@options['resourcepool']), :diskMoveType => :moveChildMostDiskBacking ) # Create a clone spec spec = RbVmomi::VIM.VirtualMachineCloneSpec( :config => configSpec, :location => relocateSpec, :customization => customizationSpec, :powerOn => true, :template => false ) spec end def provision connect_to_vsphere begin vsphere_vms = {} try = 1 attempts = @options[:timeout].to_i / 5 start = tasks = [] @hosts.each_with_index do |h, i| # Generate a randomized hostname h['vmhostname'] = generate_host_name if h['template'] =~ /\// templatefolders = h['template'].split('/') h['template'] = templatefolders.pop end @logger.notify "Deploying #{h['vmhostname']} (#{}) to #{@options['folder']} from template '#{h['template']}'" vm = {} if templatefolders vm[h['template']] = @vsphere_helper.find_folder(templatefolders.join('/')).find(h['template']) else vm = @vsphere_helper.find_vms(h['template']) end if vm.length == 0 raise "Unable to find template '#{h['template']}'!" end spec = create_clone_spec(h) # Deploy from specified template tasks << vm[h['template']].CloneVM_Task( :folder => @vsphere_helper.find_folder(@options['folder']), :name => h['vmhostname'], :spec => spec ) end try = ( - start) / 5 @vsphere_helper.wait_for_tasks(tasks, try, attempts) @logger.notify 'Spent %.2f seconds deploying VMs' % ( - start) try = ( - start) / 5 duration = run_and_report_duration do @hosts.each_with_index do |h, i| booting_host(h, try, attempts) end end @logger.notify "Spent %.2f seconds booting and waiting for vSphere registration" % duration try = ( - start) / 5 duration = run_and_report_duration do @hosts.each_with_index do |h, i| wait_for_dns_resolution(h, try, attempts) end end @logger.notify "Spent %.2f seconds waiting for DNS resolution" % duration rescue => e @vsphere_helper.close report_and_raise(@logger, e, "Vcloud.provision") end end def cleanup @logger.notify "Destroying vCloud boxes" connect_to_vsphere vm_names = {|h| h['vmhostname'] }.compact if @hosts.length != vm_names.length @logger.warn "Some hosts did not have vmhostname set correctly! This likely means VM provisioning was not successful" end vms = @vsphere_helper.find_vms vm_names begin vm_names.each do |name| unless vm = vms[name] @logger.warn "Unable to cleanup #{name}, couldn't find VM #{name} in vSphere!" next end if vm.runtime.powerState == 'poweredOn' @logger.notify "Shutting down #{}" duration = run_and_report_duration do vm.PowerOffVM_Task.wait_for_completion end @logger.notify "Spent %.2f seconds halting #{}" % duration end duration = run_and_report_duration do vm.Destroy_Task end @logger.notify "Spent %.2f seconds destroying #{}" % duration end rescue RbVmomi::Fault => ex if ex.fault.is_a?(RbVmomi::VIM::ManagedObjectNotFound) #it's already gone, don't bother trying to delete it name = vms.key(ex.fault.obj) vms.delete(name) vm_names.delete(name) @logger.warn "Unable to destroy #{name}, it was not found in vSphere" retry end end @vsphere_helper.close end end end