module Tenon module PieceHelper def piece_image_tag(piece, options = {}) responsive_image_tag(piece, options, Tenon.config.breakpoints.front_end) end def backend_piece_image_tag(piece, options = {}) responsive_image_tag(piece, options, Tenon.config.breakpoints.back_end) end private # Returns the actual image_tag def responsive_image_tag(piece, options = {}, breakpoints) srcset = generate_srcset(piece) sizes = generate_sizes(piece, breakpoints) # Let's just use an plain image_tag if responsive styles haven't been # generated. We'll test for :x2000 to determine if that's the case if piece.image.attachment.exists?(computed_style(piece, 'x2000')) image_tag(piece.image.url(default_style(piece, breakpoints)), options.merge(srcset: srcset, sizes: sizes)) else image_tag(piece.image.url(:_medium), options) end end # Figure out the default style based on the largest size at the largest # breakpoint for browsers that don't support srcset. This is at least # better than always serving the largest style (:x2000). def default_style(piece, breakpoints) sizes = breakpoints[:full] # calculate the image size at :full breakpoint based on the piece width image_size = (piece.size.to_f / 12.0 * content_size(sizes, piece)).to_i # round up to nearest 200 image_size = image_size.round(-2) image_size += 100 if (image_size / 100).odd? default_style = "x#{image_size}" piece.image.attachment.exists?(computed_style(piece, default_style.to_sym)) ? default_style : :_medium end # Iterate through the defined breakpoints and lookup the tenon_content # sizes for the piece's row's item type. Use sizes[:default] width if # item_type-specific tenon_content width not defined. def generate_sizes(piece, breakpoints) do |name, sizes| "(min-width: #{sizes[:browser]}px) #{(piece.size.to_f / 12.0 * 100 * content_size(sizes, piece) / sizes[:browser]).to_i}vw" end.join(', ') end # Build the srcset values from the list of piece styles (2000px-200px) def generate_srcset(piece) do |name, width| if piece.image.attachment.exists?(computed_style(piece, name).to_sym) "#{piece.image.attachment.url(computed_style(piece, name).to_sym)} #{width}w" else "#{piece.image.attachment.url(:original)} #{width}w" end end.join(', ') end def computed_style(piece, style) computed_style = "#{piece.image.style_prefix}_#{style}" end # Return the width of tenon_content for this piece, or the :default size def content_size(sizes, piece) sizes[piece.row.item_type.demodulize.downcase.to_sym] || sizes[:default] end end end