require "rps_game_davidxin/version" module RpsGameDavidxin class RockPaperScissors def initialize puts "Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors game" @player_1 ="Player 1") if one_player? @player_2 = else @player_2 ="Player 2") end keep_playing = true while keep_playing take_turn keep_playing = play_again? end puts "Play again later! Bye." end def take_turn move_1 = @player_1.turn move_2 = @player_2.turn puts "Player 1 chose #{move_1} and player 2 chose #{move_2}" compare_move(move_1, move_2) end def one_player? print "Would you like to play (1) against the AI, or (2) multiplayer? " is_valid = false until is_valid input = gets.chomp is_valid = is_1_or_2?(input) print "Please enter 1 for solo and 2 for multiplayer: " unless is_valid end input == "1" end def is_1_or_2?(input) ["1","2"].include?(input) end def play_again? is_valid = false until is_valid print "Do you want to play again? (Y/N): " input = gets.chomp.downcase is_valid = is_true_or_false?(input) puts "Try 'y' or 'n'" unless is_valid end return input == "y" end def is_true_or_false?(input) ["y", "n"].include?(input) end def compare_move(move1, move2) if move1 == move2 puts "You tied against player 2!" elsif player1_win?(move1, move2) puts "Player 1 wins!" else puts "Player 2 wins!" end end def player1_win?(move1, move2) (move1 == "r" && move2 == "s") || (move1 == "p" && move2 == "r") || (move1 == "s" && move2 == "p") end end class Player def initialize(name) @name = name end def turn is_valid = false until is_valid print "#{@name} - Enter your move ([R]ock, [P]aper, or [S]cissors): " input = gets.chomp.downcase is_valid = is_input_valid?(input) puts "Please enter 'r' 'p' or 's' to play" unless is_valid end return input end def is_input_valid?(input) ["r", "p", "s"].include?(input) end end class AIGameplay def turn ["r", "p", "s"].sample end end end