h1. Request log analyzer This is a simple command line tool to analyze request log files of both Rails and Merb. Its purpose is to find what actions are best candidates for optimization. * Analyzes Rails log files (all versions) * Can combine multiple files (handy if you are using logrotate) * Uses several metrics, including cumulative request time, average request time, process blockers, database and rendering time, HTTP methods and states, Rails action cache statistics, etc.) ("Sample output":http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/sample-output) * Low memory footprint (server-safe) * MIT licensed * Fast h2. Additional information * "Project wiki at GitHub":http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer * "wvanbergen's blog posts":http://techblog.floorplanner.com/tag/request-log-analyzer/ h2. Installation @sudo gem install wvanbergen-request-log-analyzer --source http://gems.github.com@ h2. Usage
  Usage: request-log-analyzer [LOGFILES*] 

  Input options:
    --format , -f:     Uses the specified log file format. Defaults to rails.
    --after              Only consider requests from  or later.
    --before             Only consider requests before .
    --select     Only consider requests where  matches .
    --reject     Only consider requests where  does not match .

  Output options:
    --boring, -b               Output reports without ASCII colors.
    --database , -d: Creates an SQLite3 database of all the parsed request information.
    --debug                    Print debug information while parsing.
    --file           Output to file.

    request-log-analyzer development.log
    request-log-analyzer mongrel.0.log mongrel.1.log mongrel.2.log 
    request-log-analyzer --format merb -d requests.db production.log

  To install rake tasks in your Rails application, 
  run the following command in your application's root directory:

    request-log-analyzer install rails