require 'highline' require 'thor' require 'awskeyring' require 'awskeyring/awsapi' require 'awskeyring/validate' require 'awskeyring/version' # AWSkeyring command line interface. class AwskeyringCommand < Thor # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength map %w[--version -v] => :__version map ['init'] => :initialise map ['con'] => :console map ['ls'] => :list map ['lsr'] => :list_role map ['rm'] => :remove map ['rmr'] => :remove_role map ['rmt'] => :remove_token map ['rot'] => :rotate desc '--version, -v', 'Prints the version' # print the version number def __version puts Awskeyring::VERSION end desc 'initialise', 'Initialises a new KEYCHAIN' method_option :keychain, type: :string, aliases: '-n', desc: 'Name of KEYCHAIN to initialise.' # initialise the keychain def initialise unless Awskeyring.prefs.empty? puts "#{Awskeyring::PREFS_FILE} exists. no need to initialise." exit 1 end keychain = ask_missing(existing: options[:keychain], message: "Name for new keychain (default: 'awskeyring')") keychain = 'awskeyring' if keychain.empty? puts 'Creating a new Keychain, you will be prompted for a password for it.' Awskeyring.init_keychain(awskeyring: keychain) exec_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) puts 'Your keychain has been initialised. It will auto-lock after 5 minutes' puts 'and when sleeping. Use Keychain Access to adjust.' puts puts "Add accounts to your #{keychain} keychain with:" puts " #{exec_name} add" end desc 'list', 'Prints a list of accounts in the keyring' # list the accounts def list puts Awskeyring.list_account_names.join("\n") end map 'list-role' => :list_role desc 'list-role', 'Prints a list of roles in the keyring' # List roles def list_role puts Awskeyring.list_role_names.join("\n") end desc 'env ACCOUNT', 'Outputs bourne shell environment exports for an ACCOUNT' # Print Env vars def env(account = nil) account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) cred = Awskeyring.get_valid_creds(account: account) put_env_string( account: cred[:account], key: cred[:key], secret: cred[:secret], token: cred[:token] ) end desc 'json ACCOUNT', 'Outputs AWS CLI compatible JSON for an ACCOUNT' # Print JSON for use with credential_process def json(account = nil) account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) cred = Awskeyring.get_valid_creds(account: account) expiry =[:expiry]) unless cred[:expiry].nil? puts Awskeyring::Awsapi.get_cred_json( key: cred[:key], secret: cred[:secret], token: cred[:token], expiry: expiry || + 3600 ) end desc 'exec ACCOUNT command...', 'Execute a COMMAND with the environment set for an ACCOUNT' # execute an external command with env set def exec(account, *command) cred = Awskeyring.get_valid_creds(account: account) env_vars = env_vars( account: cred[:account], key: cred[:key], secret: cred[:secret], token: cred[:token] ) pid = Process.spawn(env_vars, command.join(' ')) Process.wait pid end desc 'add ACCOUNT', 'Adds an ACCOUNT to the keyring' method_option :key, type: :string, aliases: '-k', desc: 'AWS account key id.' method_option :secret, type: :string, aliases: '-s', desc: 'AWS account secret.' method_option :mfa, type: :string, aliases: '-m', desc: 'AWS virtual mfa arn.' method_option :local, type: :boolean, aliases: '-l', desc: 'Only validate locally.', default: false method_option :update, type: :boolean, aliases: '-u', desc: 'Update existing.', default: false # Add an Account def add(account = nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) key = ask_check( existing: options[:key], message: 'access key id', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:access_key) ) secret = ask_check( existing: options[:secret], message: 'secret access key', secure: true, validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:secret_access_key) ) if options[:update] Awskeyring::Awsapi.verify_cred(key: key, secret: secret) unless options[:local] Awskeyring.update_account( account: account, key: key, secret: secret ) puts "# Updated account #{account}" else mfa = ask_check( existing: options[:mfa], message: 'mfa arn', optional: true, validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:mfa_arn) ) Awskeyring::Awsapi.verify_cred(key: key, secret: secret) unless options[:local] Awskeyring.add_account( account: account, key: key, secret: secret, mfa: mfa ) puts "# Added account #{account}" end end map 'add-role' => :add_role desc 'add-role ROLE', 'Adds a ROLE to the keyring' method_option :arn, type: :string, aliases: '-a', desc: 'AWS role arn.' # Add a role def add_role(role = nil) role = ask_check(existing: role, message: 'role name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:role_name)) arn = ask_check(existing: options[:arn], message: 'role arn', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:role_arn)) account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account', optional: true, validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) Awskeyring.add_role( role: role, arn: arn, account: account ) puts "# Added role #{role}" end desc 'remove ACCOUNT', 'Removes an ACCOUNT from the keyring' # Remove an account def remove(account = nil) account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) Awskeyring.delete_account(account: account, message: "# Removing account #{account}") end desc 'remove-token ACCOUNT', 'Removes a token for ACCOUNT from the keyring' # remove a session token def remove_token(account = nil) account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) Awskeyring.delete_token(account: account, message: "# Removing token for account #{account}") end map 'remove-role' => :remove_role desc 'remove-role ROLE', 'Removes a ROLE from the keyring' # remove a role def remove_role(role = nil) role = ask_check(existing: role, message: 'role name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:role_name)) Awskeyring.delete_role(role_name: role, message: "# Removing role #{role}") end desc 'rotate ACCOUNT', 'Rotate access keys for an ACCOUNT' # rotate Account keys def rotate(account = nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) item_hash = Awskeyring.get_account_hash(account: account) begin new_key = Awskeyring::Awsapi.rotate( account: item_hash[:account], key: item_hash[:key], secret: item_hash[:secret] ) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => err warn err.to_s exit 1 end Awskeyring.update_account( account: account, key: new_key[:key], secret: new_key[:secret] ) puts "# Updated account #{account}" end desc 'token ACCOUNT [ROLE] [MFA]', 'Create an STS Token from a ROLE or an MFA code' method_option :role, type: :string, aliases: '-r', desc: 'The ROLE to assume.' method_option :code, type: :string, aliases: '-c', desc: 'Virtual mfa CODE.' method_option :duration, type: :string, aliases: '-d', desc: 'Session DURATION in seconds.' # generate a sessiopn token def token(account = nil, role = nil, code = nil) # rubocop:disable all account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) role ||= options[:role] if role role = ask_check( existing: role, message: 'role name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:role_name) ) end code ||= options[:code] if code code = ask_check( existing: code, message: 'current mfa code', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:mfa_code) ) end duration = options[:duration] duration ||= Awskeyring::Awsapi::ONE_HOUR.to_s if role duration ||= Awskeyring::Awsapi::TWELVE_HOUR.to_s if code duration ||= Awskeyring::Awsapi::ONE_HOUR.to_s item_hash = Awskeyring.get_account_hash(account: account) role_arn = Awskeyring.get_role_arn(role_name: role) if role begin new_creds = Awskeyring::Awsapi.get_token( code: code, role_arn: role_arn, duration: duration, mfa: item_hash[:mfa], key: item_hash[:key], secret: item_hash[:secret], user: ENV['USER'] ) Awskeyring.delete_token(account: account, message: '# Removing STS credentials') rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => err warn err.to_s exit 1 end Awskeyring.add_token( account: account, key: new_creds[:key], secret: new_creds[:secret], token: new_creds[:token], expiry: new_creds[:expiry].to_i.to_s, role: role ) puts "# Token saved for account #{account}" puts "# Authentication valid until #{[:expiry].to_i)}" end desc 'console ACCOUNT', 'Open the AWS Console for the ACCOUNT' method_option :path, type: :string, aliases: '-p', desc: 'The service PATH to open.' # Open the AWS Console def console(account = nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength account = ask_check( existing: account, message: 'account name', validator: Awskeyring::Validate.method(:account_name) ) cred = Awskeyring.get_valid_creds(account: account) path = options[:path] || 'console' begin login_url = Awskeyring::Awsapi.get_login_url( key: cred[:key], secret: cred[:secret], token: cred[:token], path: path, user: ENV['USER'] ) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => err warn err.to_s exit 1 end pid = Process.spawn("open \"#{login_url}\"") Process.wait pid end desc 'awskeyring CURR PREV', 'Autocompletion for bourne shells', hide: true # autocomplete def awskeyring(curr, prev) comp_line = ENV['COMP_LINE'] unless comp_line exec_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) warn "enable autocomplete with 'complete -C #{$PROGRAM_NAME} #{exec_name}'" exit 1 end comp_len = comp_line.split.index(prev) case prev when 'help' comp_len = 0 when 'remove-role', '-r', 'rmr' comp_len = 2 end print_auto_resp(curr, comp_len) end private def print_auto_resp(curr, len) case len when 0 puts { |elem| elem.start_with?(curr) }.join("\n") when 1 puts { |elem| elem.start_with?(curr) }.join("\n") when 2 puts { |elem| elem.start_with?(curr) }.join("\n") else exit 1 end end def list_commands { |elem|'_', '-') } end def env_vars(account:, key:, secret:, token:) env_var = {} env_var['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'us-east-1' unless ENV['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] env_var['AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME'] = account env_var['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = key env_var['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] = key env_var['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = secret env_var['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] = secret if token env_var['AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN'] = token env_var['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'] = token end env_var end def put_env_string(account:, key:, secret:, token:) env_var = env_vars(account: account, key: key, secret: secret, token: token) env_var.each { |var, value| puts "export #{var}=\"#{value}\"" } puts 'unset AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN' unless token puts 'unset AWS_SESSION_TOKEN' unless token end def ask_check(existing:, message:, secure: false, optional: false, validator: nil) retries ||= 3 begin value = ask_missing(existing: existing, message: message, secure: secure, optional: optional) value = unless value.empty? && optional rescue RuntimeError => err warn err.message existing = nil retry unless (retries -= 1).zero? exit 1 end value end def ask_missing(existing:, message:, secure: false, optional: false) existing || ask(message: message, secure: secure, optional: optional) end def ask(message:, secure: false, optional: false) if secure + ': ') { |q| q.echo = '*' } elsif optional + ' (optional)').rjust(20) + ': ') else + ': ') end end end