# DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean provides simple cloud hosting. Create and delete
SSD-based virtual machines within seconds for a very affordable price.
Go to https://www.digitalocean.com/ for more information.
This gem is a simple ruby wrapper for the [HTTP API of DigitalOcean](https://api.digitalocean.com/) using
the great [Faraday](https://github.com/lostisland/faraday) library.
__*If you use [Opscode Chef](http://www.opscode.com/) for DevOps, make sure to checkout my knife plugin [knife-digital_ocean](https://github.com/rmoriz/knife-digital_ocean)*__
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'digital_ocean'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install digital_ocean
## Prerequisite: Create an account and API credentials
## Usage
### Examples
require 'digital_ocean'
# 1. create a client instance
dc = DigitalOcean::API.new :client_id => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
:api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# 2. get all regions (server locations)
res = dc.regions.list
res.regions.size # => 2
res.regions.first.name # => "New York 1"
# 3. get all available machine types (sizes)
res = dc.sizes.list
# => [#,
# #,
# #,
# #,
# #,
# #,
# #,
# #,
# #,
# #]
# 4. get all available images (e.g. OS-Images, snapshots, backups)
res = dc.images.list
# => [#,
# #,
# ...
# #,
# ...
# #,
# ...]
# 5. start a new instance (called droplet)
res = dc.droplets.create :name => 'new_hostname',
:size_id => 64,
:image_id => 2676,
:region_id => 1
# 6. query droplet status (e.g. to get the IP of a droplet)
res = dc.droplets.list
# => [#]
see ```spec/api_spec.rb``` for more details and all implemented
## Features
### DigitalOcean::API
- .new
- should return an instance when called with the essential parameters
- \#droplets
- \#list
- should be successful
- should return a list of all droplets
- \#show
- should be successful
- \#create
- should be successful
- should return a droplet.id
- \#reboot
- should be successful
- \#power\_cycle
- should be successful
- \#shutdown
- should be successful
- \#power\_on
- should be successful
- \#power\_off
- should be successful
- \#password\_reset
- should be successful
- \#resize
- should be successful
- \#snapshot
- should be successful
- \#restore
- should be successful
- \#rebuild
- should be successful
- \#enable\_backups
- should be successful
- \#disable\_backups
- should be successful
- \#delete
- should be successful
- \#sizes
- \#list
- should be successful
- should return a list of all droplet sizes
- should return the correct ID for the 96GB size
- \#regions
- \#list
- should be successful
- should return a list of all regions
- \#ssh\_keys
- \#list
- should be successful
- should return a list of all SSH keys
- \#show
- valid
- should be successful
- should return the public keykey
- invalid
- should not be successful
- \#add
- should be successful
- \#edit
- should be successful
- \#delete
- should be successful
- \#images
- \#list
- without filter
- should be successful
- should return a list of all images
- with filter: global
- should be successful
- should return global images
- with filter: my\_images
- should be successful
- should return my\_images
- \#show
- valid
- should be successful
- should return the image
- invalid
- should not be successful
- \#delete
- valid
- should be successful (PENDING: does not work, ask digitalocean to fix)
- invalid
- should not be successful
### DigitalOcean
- should have a version number
## ChangeLog / History / Releases
see the [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md) file.
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
### Contributors
* [joshfng](https://github.com/joshfng)
* [willglynn](https://github.com/willglynn)
For more information and a complete list see [the contributor page on GitHub](https://github.com/rmoriz/digital_ocean/contributors).
## License
## Commercial Support
Commercial support is available. Please contact [https://roland.io/](https://roland.io/) or [http://moriz.com/](http://moriz.com/)
## Copyright
Copyright © 2013 [Roland Moriz](https://roland.io), [Moriz GmbH](https://moriz.de/)