module Resources class Card < Base def self.create(options = {}, status_property = nil) options.merge!({status_property.to_sym => "New"}) if status_property card = if card.reload puts "Card #{card.number} created" else warn "Unable to create card" end end def self.move(card_number, options = {}, config = {}) if card_to_move = find(card_number) transition_options = { :card => card_number } transition_options.merge!({ :comment => options[:comment]}) if options[:comment] current_status = card_to_move.send(config[:status_property]) if config[:status_property] next_transition = nil card_type = card_to_move.card_type_name.downcase case card_type when /defect/ status_states = do |key, value| key.to_s =~ /^defect/ end when /task/ status_states = do |key, value| key.to_s =~ /^task_state_/ end when /story/ status_states = do |key, value| key.to_s =~ /^story_state/ end else puts "No transitions defined for card of type #{card_to_move.card_type_name}" end status_states = status_states.collect {|state| state.last }.collect {|state| state.split(">").collect { |value| value.strip } } next_transition = {|state| state.first.downcase == current_status.downcase }.first.last transition_options.merge!({ :transition => next_transition }) if response = TransitionExecution.create(transition_options) if response.attributes["status"] == "completed" puts "Moved card from #{current_status} to #{next_transition}" end end else warn "No card #{card_number} found to move" end end def self.print_all(options = [], status_property = nil) attributes = [:number, :card_type_name, status_property, :name].compact cards = Resources::Card.find(:all) cards.send(:extend, Minglr::Extensions::Array) cards = cards.filter(attributes, options) if cards.any? print_collection(cards, attributes) else warn "No cards found" end end def self.print_card(card_number, status_property = nil) attributes = [:number, :card_type_name, status_property, :name, :description].compact if card = find(card_number) puts card.to_s(status_property) else warn "No card ##{card_number} found" end end def self.update(card_number, options = {}) if card_to_update = find(card_number) options.each do |attribute, value| card_to_update.send("#{attribute.to_s}=".to_sym, value) end puts "Card #{card_to_update.number} updated\n\n" puts card.to_s else warn "Unable to update card #{card_number}" end end def to_s(status_property = nil) attachments = Resources::Attachment.find(:all, :params => { :card_number => number }) attachments = attachments.collect do |attachment| "* #{attachment.file_name}: #{ + attachment.url}" end output = <<-EOS Number: #{number} Name: #{name} Type: #{card_type_name} Status: #{send(status_property) if status_property} Description: #{description} Attachments: #{attachments.join("\n")} EOS output end end end